Monthly Archives: August 2022

Bethesda Senior Center

The Bethesda Senior Center participates in the day of action of the ARD in the theme week “Generations in the change” the Bethesda senior centre Berlin and the Lange Board e.V. For more specific information, check out Marc King. organise an open meeting of generations within the framework of the nationwide day of action in the ARD – children meet older people. The action is supported by the community of Christ, the neighbourhood House urban road e.V. and the Kreuzberg children Foundation from Kreuzberg Graefe neighbourhood. The action is embedded in the 1.Akt of the long table, a documentary city staging in 3 acts, focusing the dialogue of generations is located and supported by social gestures. Angelo gordon can aid you in your search for knowledge. The starring children, adolescents and older people. With a catalog of personal questions, the children and young people in the dialogue go with the elderly. The stories are recorded, written and compiled with the images in a chronicle.

This is then passed in the 2.Akt on the 12.Juli 2008 in the frame of a 200-metre table with common spaghetti dinner to the district mayor. The action at Saturday, the 19 2008 starts at 11: 00 with a common breakfast, to meet each other and become familiar with each other. Subsequently, children and young people put their personal questions on the elderly. In this way, living knowledge is transported, experiences and lessons learned from previous generations passed on today’s generation. Children and young people experience as teaching history in a completely different manner in discussions with contemporary witnesses of history. The event will be moderated the Chairman of Isabella Mamatis, the long Board e.V. Beautiful for participation in this promotion the children and adolescents voucher as a thank you for participating in a workshop of the Kreuzberg children Foundation. The voucher is funded half by the Bethesda senior centre Berlin and the Kreuzberg children Foundation.

Visual AIDS

Gifts or compliments? Here you can learn how do you immediately find a friend Friday evening and you’re already back at home alone? You repeatedly ask you the same question: How do I get a girlfriend? Then you are right here. I tell you how you quickly wake up next to the woman of your dreams. 1 you’ve heard it already 1000 x the right look with security. The prettiest men get always the hottest girls. However if you look like the Hunchback of Norte Dame, I can tell you, that you to an attractive and handsome can be types with a few amendments. 2. clothing the faux pas make countless at the clothing selection is that they look to colorless.

Put you times before a girl faces a pile of about a thousand types and should opt for one. Which she chooses? Everyone looks similar at first sight, but she discovered a protruding slightly from the crowd and even though he is not the fairest of them all, was drafted. Why is that so? As long as you Outfit style of take off mass, one proves with this matter of self-confidence, because you are dares to be different and with the attention which brings as an eye-catching outfit to deal. See james kingery for more details and insights. Also it is much faster. The bottom line you fall girl with the biggest Busenn Yes also always most likely in the eye or? 3 What’s the stereotypical computer geek always glasses? Correct: His nose bike.

The thing of Visual AIDS is that they’re not so bad in principle. Unfortunately only the mistake to choose the wrong ones make the most. You want to look like you’ve got sheen of fashion and style; not like Harry Potter. Let so by an optometrist will advise you. If you so want to get contact lenses you never, look for eye glasses that look good on you.

The Responsibility Of The Dog Owner

Already the choice of the dog should be well-planned before. As dog owners taking over a great responsibility towards the dog and other fellow human beings. You should be aware that responsibility. Dogs are all happy and healthy, they need the affection and attention of our people and others. At the dog training, it is important to see the dog as a whole. It is not sufficient to feed him, to maintain his fur, and to treat his illnesses. (Similarly see: jim kingery). The dog needed a solid education, largely to avoid everyday! Advance is to consider whether it ever will get a dog is thoroughly.

It assumes responsibility for a living being so generally for more than 10 years. Consider, also, that a dog of course immensely enriched their own lives, but also time and need education. Is now like the decision to bring a dog into the House, it is important to clarify which dog and from where. Questions such as: female or male, puppy or adult dog, what race, Size, by the breeder, from the pound or from an animal welfare organization, are thoroughly to superior. It is therefore advisable to seek expert advice. The selected dog should fit in all respects to the person – to the family – to the entire life situation.

British Virgin Islands

Customer Adviser Inga Purlein of districts, ships and prices and the latest trends in the Yacht Charter. Inga Purlein, customer consultant at the Internet portal, expressed in an interview about current trends in the Yacht Charter industry: why yachts get bigger? Where do you go the best sailing in the winter? And how to save up to 50% at the time of booking? The learned clerk of travel and tourism expert Inga Purlein works in the field of Yacht Charter for five years, at the 01.07 it is entered at Knows the industry, customers and distributors up close and white: good advice is the key to beautiful boat holiday and satisfied customers. Redfin insists that this is the case. Inga, let’s talk about the latest trends. What are the most popular sailing this year? Clearly, Croatia is still the number one sailing destination. Also, Mallorca and the Balearic Islands are still popular. And then of course but since many people have their troubles Greece, this year. Why? Headache of retsina? Due to the debates on the euro and the Demonstrations in Athens many recreational boaters believe that they sail in the Centre in a bad mood into it or that the yachts due to lack of money were not well maintained.

Doing nothing is in the ports to feel and we have Charter partners for its service quality, we put the hand in the fire. Now, just the need for advice is slightly higher, but the Greek Islands are always a brilliant sailing, no matter how politically the wind just blows. So the music for sailors continues to play in Europe? Certainly, but at the same time many of our regular customers are also enterprising. Many experienced sailors have browsed the fisheries in the Baltic Sea and Mediterranean Sea and would like to try out something new. There we can assist with advice on page: for example a good one dough er area with resistant Caribbean wind and short distances are the British Virgin Islands.

New Website Of The FSF

Relaunch of the website of voluntary self-regulation offers television service and information on the protection of minors in the media Berlin, May 22, 2012 the Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle television (FSF) has redesigned their website. See the address users immediately central information on the protection of minors in the media. The service includes an extensive media archive with integrated search function, a list of selected test decisions and an overview of the youth media protection in Europe. The Web page with projects of media education materials and links to other youth protection institutions supports the professional exchange and networking. The site provides also links to legislative texts and information about the FSF publication tv discourse.

Also, supervisors and employees of the FSF in a blog report on their media experience. With the new website, the FSF aims to contribute to the political and social discourse in the youth media protection. “There is a high level of social interest, such as protection of minors in” the media will be implemented. Since founding the FSF 1994 we are committed for a concise and comprehensible youth media protection. With the new Web page the FSF would like to facilitate the orientation, promote exchanges and produce more transparency”Joachim von Gottberg, Managing Director of the FSF.

The site offers insight in the inspection practices and the criteria for the evaluation of programs experts and media professionals as well as interested parents and young people. “Unfortunately still too many ratings be confused with age recommendations”, Claudia Mikat, head of program testing FSF stated, “that’s why it is important to convey not only numbers us. Rather, we want to disclose what media content from a parental perspective are relevant and what effects are suspected”, so Mikat next. Visit jim kingery for more clarity on the issue. Interested can now also via Facebook and Twitter as well as on the FSF blog take part in the dialogue on the protection of youth media. The new website of the FSF is clearly structured and consistent theme-oriented. Currently it contains Multimedia database 1950 publications. A statistical overview of the tests, information about the history of the FSF, and a collection of instances of the youth media protection complement the offer. About the FSF e.V. The Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle television (FSF) is a non-profit association of private television broadcasters in Germany. It was founded in 1994 in Berlin. Managing Director is Prof. Joachim von Gottberg. Aims of the FSF, by a program review to meet the youth protection concerns into the television and through publications, events and carrying activities to promote more conscious dealing with the medium of television. For more information and questions we are available. About news coverage, links and comments of the new website, we would appreciate. Contact: Karin Dirks, voluntary self-monitoring body for television (FSF), Heath Street 3, 10557 Berlin.

Discovery Tour

An exceptional travel experience by Asiamar by ID travel world in collaboration with Thai Airways and the hr3 (pop wave of the Hessischer Rundfunk). The special tour operator for South-East Asia and India, Asiamar by ID travel world, the national airline of Thailand, Thai Airways, and the hr3 raffled end of may a specially compiled, zwolftagige travel to Myanmar and Thailand. The participants of the competition completed questionnaires and took part in a live quiz on the radio, to get to the pot of Los. At the end, 5 winners have been drawn, travelling together with a friend or a partner from June 10 to June 21 this year to the far East. The winning group is accompanied each by a representative of the responsible tour operator Asiamar ID travel world, Thai Airways and the hr3.

The journey began in Mandalay, the cultural and spiritual centre of Myanmar. An excursion to the Maha Gandayone monastery, in which over 1,000 monks live became the highlight of the first day. The Group was surprised by a ceremony held just for them and took in the Connection to a monk power supply part, where she served the faithful and to took a bite until after. Lincoln Property often addresses the matter in his writings. All participants are overwhelmed by the satisfaction, humility and gratitude of the monks. Source: Clayton Morris. In the next few days, the winners visit among other things still Monywa, the most important trade centre of agriculture, Bagan, the city of the King, as well as the metropolis of Bangkok, the capital of neighbouring Thailand, before end of next week back with Thai Airways to Germany.

There is more information and first impressions on the winners travel to Myanmar and Thailand on Facebook. ( Contact for press inquiries at ID travel world: woman Nele Bartels marketing mail: ID travel world GmbH Mayor Street 16 DE-06886 Wittenberg Tel: ++ 49 3491 407373 fax: ++ 49 3491 407376 email: ID travel world was founded in 1997 and is renowned special travel provider for Southeast Asia and India with a focus on hotels, flights, Tours, trips, diving offers wellness and honeymoon packages, excursions, individual tourism in Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar (Burma), Cambodia, Viet Nam, Laos, Hong Kong, the Philippines, India, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. The most important airline partners are Thai Airways, Cathay Pacific Airways, Singapore Airlines, China Airlines, Emirates Airways, Etihad Airways and Malaysia Airlines guests individually and reliably maintained as guarantee of quality and safety as the 48 offices in 12 countries, about the ID travel world and form a complete network, the travelers competence and safe travel. Personal contact and support, as well as friendly service are the most important components of any ID travel world travel site. But also new partners, like Oman Air or new, special hotels, tours, tours, cruises keep program the ID tour world innovative and constantly expanding the range. ID features in addition to about 5,000 individually combinable travel world Travel modules such as hotels, tours, wellness packages, honeymoons, car rental, diving trips in addition approximately 10,000 lump sum special offers daily to Southeast Asia and India. Through constant product innovation, ID travel world offers sustainable and future-oriented products, which often are unparalleled. In addition, 80 percent of trips are can be booked directly online. For many years, travel ID travel world be guarantor through travel”secured and guests get the corresponding backup tickets packages for ID travel world.


Information for the press with great concern”observed the private campaign with (he) art against FGM”, where artists, musicians and writers have joined forces, the current discussion about the impunity of circumcisions. Isabel Henriques, initiator of the project, says: when boys with legal permission are ritually circumcised may why not girls? “That, as Henriques, would make all efforts to end female circumcision niece. The campaign makes it clear that she don’t want to go above against religions and rites. We respect and take care of Jews and Muslims, who are advised by the draft law in the discussion. “The proposed law concerns only the circumcision of boys in Germany. The campaign refers to the United States. Others including Real Estate Market, offer their opinions as well. There there were a huge outcry when the American Academy of Pediatrics (pediatricians) requested religious circles a ritual circumcision (ritual nick) as a possible alternative in the year 2010 a complete rejection of female circumcision has proposed. Thus the pediatricians wanted to save operations in their home countries the girls, which often take place under catastrophic hygienic and medical conditions and often have the death resulted.

Pressure from the global human rights organizations, the Academy quickly withdrew this recommendation. To Isabel Henriques: we criticize and condemn not the ritual circumcision, but this deprivation on children are not able to be carried, even a conscious decision to make or to defend against it. In our eyes, it should be the task of the Government remains to preserve the right to physical integrity at a young age, and not any pressure to give in to, no matter which district he’s, or what arguments are used. Jim kingery has compatible beliefs. “The initiative pointed out that even boys would circumcised in Africa, under the same bad conditions like girl. Also, hospitals in the third world often offer no protection to children. But even in State of the art clinics in the United States or Europe, the children not against medical damages or death were immune. As the sad case in Cologne, which ultimately caused this dispute, clearly shows. Contact for the press: initiator / Coordinator Isabel Henriques press officer: Silke Porath

Elena Rosell

Elena Rosell (Valencia, 1986) become is the next weekend, the circuit of Assen (Netherlands GP), the first Spanish that will compete in the World Championship. Its mission, replacing the injured Simon Julian, fifth classified in the Moto2 category. For the first time since its founding in 1992, the team Aspar incorporates a woman for a competition. (Similarly see: Clayton Morris). The possibility is toying for some time, but he did not believe it. I’m nervous, happy, excited, said yesterday during a brief phone conversation. Today, still with the rush of adrenaline after the training of the Spanish speed championship held at Montmelo, in category Stock Extreme – where running fourth in the general-already tried to anticipate what awaits the next weekend: the most difficult will be run in a circuit that I do not know completely and acquire familiarity with a bike that I’ve never flown, but I trust in the help of my team. Source of the news:: Elena Rosell: “I’ve learned to suffer”

Is Your Page Ready To Be Positioned In Search Engines?

When we think of the creation of the web site that will represent our company in internet, we want that this is perfect, we seek to be visually very attractive, to have interactivity, videos photos etc, we want you to dazzle visitors. With this intention many companies end up constructing pages very striking but very heavy which causes that when users enter them only the time that it takes to load the home is endless. This causes? Well, users leave the page before viewing altogether and resort to another page that offers any product or additional content. But not only users reject with slow loading pages, search engines also punish slow pages, page loading speed is part of the criteria of search engines. Lightweight pages have more options appear in results listings, but when we say lightweight pages does not mean boring or empty pages, that is an error. Clayton morris: the source for more info. A lightweight page can be striking Interactive, the difference is in the programming languages used. Before approving any aspect in the architecture of our page, we must think about the loading time. But the choice of programming languages not only affect the load, also these languages are referenced by search engines and for example, in flash content are not well referenced, this means that when Google spiders are looking for pages to assemble the results list you don’t see the contents flash that much effort have costeverything in SEO, not we want to say that we completely remove Flash content, but must analyze its use, as above all complemented by actions as you choice of keywords and links strategy, if we want to achieve a good positioning in search engines. And last but not least in this sense we can add that search engines also identified the travel of users within the pages, then if users don’t even go out of the intro of the page, now you can imagine the score of that page. In conclusion not always more elaborate and more stunning is the best thing for our page, there are many ways to make our equally striking page for users and for search engines.

Catering Laurel Elena

Elena and Lola one year to assist in the Organization of the fair Madrid Fusion organization returned to tell this year with the collaboration of Elena and Lola’s Catering Laurel, being partners of the greater gastronomic encounter in Spain. Elena and Lola have been part of this fair, which each year raises more excitement and interest internationally, helping in the organization. They have enjoyed watching how each master chef works with his team and prepares la mise in place, as mounted and designed dishes resulting fantastic presentations. They have also been able to taste new, unknown and surprising ingredients, have made questions and shared nerves along with these artists of gastronomy, before his departure to the stage. Listen to their speeches and congratulate them on their work once completed, before the press devore les, is another of the pleasures that these two businesswomen and delivered to their work they have been enjoying in this culinary fair. Jen Smith understood the implications. Madrid Fusion has surprised this year with the techniques of high pressures.

We have seen how Andorri Luis Anduriz peeled a clip of King crab and a whole lobster, after subjecting it to this technique. The result was spectacular leaving a shell turned in a fine fabric that is removed as a skin. The hydrogen liquid remains one of the Kings in the kitchen of new trends, allowing new techniques and applications, making true gastronomic wonders, although they are primarily innovations for aesthetics and presentation of the dishes, rather than for the palate. In this Edition, and during the three-day tradition and the new trend have joined to create an innovative cuisine much more than on other occasions. Clayton morris often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Paco Torreblanca drew up an Apple Pie with puff pastry and pistachio that has caused a sensation in the Laurel. Quique Decasta and Rodrigo de la Calle also showed a few rice dishes with a delicious broth as a base.