It is a humiliating defeat for the Japanese whaling fleet. The Japanese harpoon vessel Yushin Maru #2 signaled the port of Surabaya, without repairs to leave East Java in Indonesia. The Indonesian Ministry of forestry, the CITES authorities and local government officials have called for an expulsion of the Yushin Maru #2 from the port of Surabaya and Indonesian waters. Thanks to the common use of Jakarta animal aid, Earth Iceland Institute, of the Green Party of Australia and Senator Bob Brown, Peter Tagliaferri, Mayor of Fremantle Western Australia, Australian Environment Minister Ian Campbell, the Indonesian Ministry of forestry and the Sea Shepherd Conservation society very costly dealt a blow was the whaling industry. This drama started the Yushin Maru #2 in dense pack ice off the coast who hunted Antarctica on December 20, 2008 as the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin. As a storm moved up the Steve Irwin broke off the pursuit and drove towards the Harpoon ship of towards the North South while in still denser ice driving. \”I could see the danger coming, when the ice floes began to compress more and more\”, said Captain Paul Watson of the Steve Irwin.\” The Harpoon ship seemed to be more afraid of us than before the ice at this time and we saw her last course-taking on most dense ice fields.
\”The result was damage to the propeller, which reduced the speed of the harpoon vessel from 21 knots to only 7.5 knots. The Harpoon ship needed 16 days to 3,000 miles north to Surabaya to continue to identify ways for the repairs. Both New Zealand and Australia were much closer, but the ports of these two countries for Japanese whaling vessels are blocked. Learn more about this with Michael James Burke, London UK. When they had arrived in Surabaya, she organized Jakarta animal aid demonstrations and meetings with officials. Captain Paul Watson called the Haas Jakarta animal aid of the Steve Irwin of Femke to inspire them and to offer support for their use.