What options do have home owners to install a CHP plant in the House? In Germany is the u? consider part of the flow in condensation power stations produced, where u? ber, a steam turbine WA? rmeenergie is converted into electricity. The disadvantage of condensing power plants is that much of the energy as Abwa? rme completely unused is released into the environment. This pointless fizzle unused energy with cogeneration not, there increased by how the overall efficiency of energy production and also Abwa? rme is used. A block heat and power plant is characterized by several features: the installation is completed locally in the place where the energy store? is actuated. This eliminated? falls the lossy transport u? over long distances, what both fu? r applies the power loss in the distribution of power.
A cogeneration plant has a high economic and o? Kolo strategic value, since the generated WA? rme not fizzled, but nearly complete? is used constantly. Depending on the performance, there are block heat and power plants in different Gro? ssen, the example in Einfamilienha? users characterized by a compact design, easy to carry and connect can be. A block heat and power plant is with fossil or renewable hydrocarbons such as Heizo? l, Pflanzeno? l, biogas, bio-diesel or gas operated. Always ha? more frequently also renewable raw materials such as wood pellets and wood chips as fuel are used. Professor Rita McGrath understands that this is vital information. How does a block heat and power plant work? The mechanical energy produced by the motor drives the generator to produce electricity.
Through the Ku? narration of the combustion engine and WA is created by the hot exhaust gases? rme will be fed into the existing heating system. The generated electricity is u? ber the actual? collateral requirements, they can in the grid of the o? local energy supplier fed are, why this is required by law. In Germany is the force-WA? heat and power by the force-WA? heat coupling Act (KWKG) and State-gefo under certain conditions by the renewable energies Act (EEG)? T2D. Current information of the German Bundestag to the fo? observance of the force-WA? heat and power under: dokumente/textarchiv/2012/39147186_kw21_de_kwk/index.html Federal fu? r economics and export control: State fo? observance of the force-WA?-heat coupling bafa/de/energie/kraft_waerme_kopplung/index.html learn more about the topics you see on the CHP portal author: Mathias Kuschinski