Today in Russia, the active transformation in hmc are a necessity. The rate of change in regulations is justified huge size of our country and other factors inherent characteristics development of our state. For example, the housing reform was launched back in 1997, but the necessary changes outlined in the planned period, were not implemented. Already by 2004, society has changed, appeared proprietary goals set by the legislation rules were at a crossroads: on the worldwide global parameters reform was late at least 10 years. Accordingly, the legal framework for housing reform has long lagged behind the consumer. Consider the market mechanisms for the implementation of legal ways to control houses. Usually, if a house has no owner, all emergencies will regulate local government. For the state or municipalities such way to control costs more than the rest. If the management company has a temporary home boss. As a result, over time, the manager will deal only with profit-making, usually with indifference treated the problem of finding funds for capital repairs, cosmetic repairs after a few years. For local officials such control method will be beneficial only as an opportunity to "pull" money, as housing oversight bodies and the heads of Governors housing organizations will be periodically swapped for mutual benefit. But in the end, the State will again decide the pending impossibly task – search owner of the house and help him a huge infusion of capital repairs. Such a method of management of apartment houses (the MCD) – this is just the transfer of minor difficulties in managing companies – so that through a few years back to delve into the already aggravated the problem.