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Brazil People

However exactly with these incentives the decentralization, the economic power continues if keeping in the same place, the Southeast continues being the Brazilian industrial polar region. This concentration makes with that there many people search better quality of life, increasing the demographic density of the region thus bringing diverse social and ambient problems. The increasing urbanization demands more spaces to construct the housings, and when it does not have this space the people finish for opting to live in risk areas, as much for them how much for the nature. Bizzi & Partners Development is likely to increase your knowledge. It has a bigger necessity of ways of locomotion, a bigger production of good, the pollution of these urbanizadas areas tries to increase and other diverse problems that are derived from the urbanization uncontrolled in Brazil. The problems in the Brazilian field are several also, the people are leaving the agricultural areas to search a more comfortable life in the cities, having that this form to buy its foods and what they need, when before they could produce to survive.

Another question is the large states that have as base the plantation for exportation of products and still the extensive areas of cattle creation, that they explore the land to the maximum, leaving many infertile areas total. Remembering still the deforestation and forest fires, pollution of the natural elements with the chemical use of agronomic and too much elements. Quarrels still exist on the relation between the population growth and the exploration of the natural resources, but in the truth it is production system, that is, the economic system that demands the resources more than, since populous countries exist very and that others of the same population transport do not attack the environment in such a way when, but that it has a based economic system in the exploration of the natural goods.

The developed countries less take as development example the countries of first world, those where the people are total submissions to the market, the consumerism without limits is what it conducts the social relations, the exploration of the nature is the base for the economic growth. But we know that the resources will not survive to be continued in this rhythm, many natural elements already are scarce and having that to be substituted by others, many species had left to exist, many areas present high levels of pollution and ambient degradation. At last, we have in mind that this system is simply unsustainable. This makes in them to think that still it is time to revert this situation and that we must have in mind which are the limits for the exploration of the resources, leading in consideration the fact of that we are all above all part of this natural way, we will suffer with the consequences that our actions to cause.

In Brazil

Are noticed diverse ambient problems in the areas with raised population densities, in regions especially urbanizadas, where courses d? water is modified, receiving sewers domestic ' ' in natura' ' , beyond sediments and garbage. This situation harms fragilizadas populations still more already that not having option of a housing in more appropriate place, if they lodge in places that do not count on basic sanitation and finish for pouring its garbage all, sewer, etc, in the courses d' water next, beyond suffering with material that already comes in the course d' water due to the ousting of industrial sewer in regions to the sum. Consequently, the urban aquatic ecosystems come losing its natural characteristics and its biological diversity (Schepp & Cummins, 1997 apud). In Brazil it has a great problem of lack of basic sanitation, the great majority of the sewers is launched directly in bodies d? water without previous treatment. Beyond of this, the politics of ambient sanitation adopted by the majority of the cities is to canalize and/or to rectify the rivers and streams. This form of urbanization adopted throughout the Brazilian hidrogrficas basins comes causing many ambient problems. These problems also bring consequences to the man, as alterations in regimes hidrolgicos, increase of illnesses of hdrica propagation, chemical contamination, erosion and assoreamento hindering the navigation in bodies d? water, beyond effect of bioacumulao and biomagnificao of metals heavy (Pompeu et al., 2004). The hdricos resources are affected by the lack of control of the use and occupation of the ground of the micron-basin. According to Alexander Schiavetti and Antonio Camargo (2005), they affirm that ' ' the characteristics of body d? water reflects the characteristics of its basin of draining, that being of great importance, for the evaluation of you analyze ambient in the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems that if interact in one delicate equilbrio' '.

Joaquin Coimbra Blacksmith

2. THE STRATEGY OF THE SCARCITY OF THE URBAN LAND IN ARAGUANA AND THE PAPER OF THE REAL ESTATE PROMOTERS. The urban space of Araguana shows clearly occurrence of the strategy of the scarcity of the urban land, therefore when walking for the city, we visualize great empty areas between the existing sectors, that is, an urban discontinuity. However the city does not stop to grow, appearing sectors each time more distant of the central area, this factor makes with that each time more increases the number of empty areas. Being thus, the urban land retention in the areas central offices has been one practical constant. The city of Araguana, shows in its urban configuration, empty spaces, being fruit of the strategy of the scarcity of the urban land.

But for reason of being very exhausting to enumerate one for one and considering the reduced time to produce the work in screen, it was stipulated to choose an area where if it translates of more significant form this game. One perceives despite the objective of the involved actors: the real estate promoters and agrarian proprietor are exclusively the valuation of its areas, that with the time, is each located time most, due to infrastructure implantation in the circulatrias neighborhoods and ways. The agrarian proprietor located in the urban periphery wanting extracts profit of its country property, awakes interests for the process of expansion of the urban space in intention to become its agricultural land as the urban one, at the moment where if it inserts in the neighborhoods of the city. It also knows that the urban land super is valued, and can get greater income. This means that they are interested in ' ' value of troca' ' of the urban land. In this direction Mr. Joaquin Coimbra Blacksmith, owner of the property that if extends of the quarter Is Joo until the river Jacuba, longing for to extract greater possible income of its property creates a strategy of retention of the urban land.