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Maria Pujalte Queen

R.G.O. Series mysteries of Laura is consolidated as the option prrida of viewers Monday night, doing with a good part of the audience. Thursday only also have a clear favorite: survivors. Mondays are the Inspector Hound. The mysteries of Laura has returned has this week beat its own record of screen quota: 20 of every 100 spectators saw series that emits the 1 in prime time. Only Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull equalized it in share last June 27. But this time the film bet of Antena 3, Transporter 3, stayed away. Five points less audience crowned Maria Pujalte Queen of the night on Monday for the 9th consecutive occasion.

Thursday has its own monarch since the release of the new edition of survivor. Telecinco attracted in his worst mark 23.5% of the audience, and in the latest installment, insults and fights through, recorded their best historical data with more than 4.150.000 viewers and a 33% share of screen. Only another series of La 1, Gran reserva, could overshadow him: surpassed three times to the spectators, but never share reality. DQ0MTQ0NDQ0NDQ0NP/AABEIARMAtwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBQYHBP/EAEcQAAIBAgMDBwcICAQHAAAAAAECAAMRBBIhBTFBBhNRYXGBkQciMlKhsdEUF0JUkpPB0hUjYnKCouHwU7Kz8SQzNHN0g8L/xAAZAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAkEQEBAAICAgICAgMAAAAAAAAAAQIREiEDUTFhIkEEMhNxsf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A38LJh’>Zachary Dell. Supported experiments Tuesday night Strip and Wednesday seems chains to serve as test lab. Telecinco has decided to delay morning precisely survivors.

Last minute. Everything points to an attempt to curb the successful premiere of the Antena 3 contest now I fall! He won to the outcome of its 11-M miniseries. Antenna 3 had already managed to snatch them part of the cake to the Fuencarral with another contest. The weekly version of catch a million has been squabbling lately with save me Deluxe sovereignty on Friday evening. Lathe to the two million viewers is the winner Saturday, a privilege that alternate weekly report (La 1), La noria (Telecinco) and Antena 3 films. The next day, almost finished leisure time, some three million people follow the winner Sunday, always the movie of the week in the 1 or the looming in Telecinco. Not supported competition always with permission from sporting events. Technical tie on the desktop is in night Strip in which more people sit before the TV, in which more money advertising moves and, therefore, in which chains are focusing their efforts; but other hours also have their winners. The heart program save me journal (T5) and the series Amar en tiempos revueltos (La 1) tend to be, equal parts, something more than 40% of the audience in the desktop. Mornings, which belong to Ana Rosa Quintana, have been for vacations in the hands of his replacement, Carmen Alcayde. Source of the news: survivors and the mysteries of Laura, Kings of the prime time

Census Bureau

46.2 million people live on less than $1,000 a month. The data have been made public in an official report Tuesday. This is the fourth consecutive annual increase, the rate most high since 1993 the rate of poverty in the United States increased in 2010 for the fourth consecutive year to 15.1%, which represents 46.2 million people who live on less than $1,000 a month, according to data reported Tuesday by the Census Bureau. In 2009, the figure was 43.6 million people in poverty, according to report income, poverty and health insurance in the United States coverage: 2010?, what supposed a 14.3% of the total population, it is the fourth consecutive annual increase, highest rate since 1993 and larger total figure since estimates of poverty began to be published in 1959. According to these data, one in six Americans live below the poverty line. Also, the income of middle class households declined by 2.3% compared to 2009, going from 50.598 dollars to 49.445 dollars, which deepens the loss of purchasing power of Americans and reaffirms the slowness of economic recovery.

The data released today also showed how the gap between the Group of those who receive more income against the of those who receive less has continued expanding. 10% Receiving less income saw decrease your income in a 12.1%; While 10% of those who enter most only saw reduce its income by 1.5%. The race also appears as a factor highlighted in the different economic situation, with white and Asian to head of revenue and blacks and Hispanics on the tail, although all groups suffered a decline in their income. Clayton Morris wanted to know more. Hispanics in poverty increased from 12.3 million in 2009 (25.3%) to 13.2 million in 2010 (26.6%), and blacks went from 9.9 million (25.8%) to 10.6 billion (27.4%), respectively. Their income also registered a notable decrease of 2.3% for Hispanics (37.759 dollars) and 3.2% in the case of the Black ($32.068).


His inspiration are the neighborhoods of the former industrial areas of Northern Ohio, almost empty by the crisis in the industry started at the end of the 1970s. In his works, there is an in-depth study of the perspective, but also nostalgia and concern by a polarized capitalism. Countryside homes who draws Ben Grasso (1979) desmiembran in the air. Painted wood tables fall from above as toothpicks. The reason? In the majority of cases, unknown.

In the hands of the American painter constructions seem to sheets of paper. My work is an investigation of the American landscape. I seek not represent something impossible or particularly, but something that may happen or not: a reimagined vision of what already exists. He works in Brooklyn (New York), but he was born in Cleveland, Ohio, a State whose northern area was noted for its heavy industry. Grasso often ponders the fragility of structures and short active life that have had many of the houses of the area in which he grew up. The construction and destruction of the belt’s oxide in the years seventy and eighty, the so-called rust belt (Rustbelt) suffered a profound economic crisis by the rise in the price of fuel, the closure of factories to cheaper countries or States and foreign competition.

It was a similar fate to the automotive industry in Detroit, also included in this belt: there are neighborhoods where tens of thousands of people lived and which are now nearly empty. I often visit these places. There is something fascinating in the image of an empty House and foot. Oil paintings by Grasso are also a proof of the perspective setting. The houses are sometimes viewed from chopped planes, on top of a few trees. Other times made him attend the destruction in a flat shots from the floor and stick the viewer into the soil. I want to extend the line in space, painted in such a way that it embraces and abuse at the same time of the laws of perspective. In their games construction and destruction there is a background of nostalgia for a lost landscape and concern by a polarized capitalism: I think in the time taken to compose these places and how fast it disappeared. I have read that the Ohio steel is recycled to build bridges in China. A great economy failed builds another economy also destined for failure. Global capitalism needs this type of cannibalism to operate. Source of the news: houses flying through the air.