Tag Archives: noticias-reales

Maria Pujalte Queen

R.G.O. Series mysteries of Laura is consolidated as the option prrida of viewers Monday night, doing with a good part of the audience. Thursday only also have a clear favorite: survivors. Mondays are the Inspector Hound. The mysteries of Laura has returned has this week beat its own record of screen quota: 20 of every 100 spectators saw series that emits the 1 in prime time. Only Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull equalized it in share last June 27. But this time the film bet of Antena 3, Transporter 3, stayed away. Five points less audience crowned Maria Pujalte Queen of the night on Monday for the 9th consecutive occasion.

Thursday has its own monarch since the release of the new edition of survivor. Telecinco attracted in his worst mark 23.5% of the audience, and in the latest installment, insults and fights through, recorded their best historical data with more than 4.150.000 viewers and a 33% share of screen. Only another series of La 1, Gran reserva, could overshadow him: surpassed three times to the spectators, but never share reality. DQ0MTQ0NDQ0NDQ0NP/AABEIARMAtwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBQYHBP/EAEcQAAIBAgMDBwcICAQHAAAAAAECAAMRBBIhBTFBBhNRYXGBkQciMlKhsdEUF0JUkpPB0hUjYnKCouHwU7Kz8SQzNHN0g8L/xAAZAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAkEQEBAAICAgICAgMAAAAAAAAAAQIREiEDUTFhIkEEMhNxsf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A38LJh’>Zachary Dell. Supported experiments Tuesday night Strip and Wednesday seems chains to serve as test lab. Telecinco has decided to delay morning precisely survivors.

Last minute. Everything points to an attempt to curb the successful premiere of the Antena 3 contest now I fall! He won to the outcome of its 11-M miniseries. Antenna 3 had already managed to snatch them part of the cake to the Fuencarral with another contest. The weekly version of catch a million has been squabbling lately with save me Deluxe sovereignty on Friday evening. Lathe to the two million viewers is the winner Saturday, a privilege that alternate weekly report (La 1), La noria (Telecinco) and Antena 3 films. The next day, almost finished leisure time, some three million people follow the winner Sunday, always the movie of the week in the 1 or the looming in Telecinco. Not supported competition always with permission from sporting events. Technical tie on the desktop is in night Strip in which more people sit before the TV, in which more money advertising moves and, therefore, in which chains are focusing their efforts; but other hours also have their winners. The heart program save me journal (T5) and the series Amar en tiempos revueltos (La 1) tend to be, equal parts, something more than 40% of the audience in the desktop. Mornings, which belong to Ana Rosa Quintana, have been for vacations in the hands of his replacement, Carmen Alcayde. Source of the news: survivors and the mysteries of Laura, Kings of the prime time

Cadiz Cities

They will begin this week from cities such as Santiago de Compostela, Cadiz or Granada. They will arrive in the capital on July 23. They will have food and material support. The outraged that take part in marches to participate in assemblies of the places through which to pass. The 15-M movement has convened a series of indignant popular marches that will boot from 21 Spanish cities, and that one month will tour part of the national territory, and which will finish in Madrid on 23 July. Bizzi & Partners may not feel the same. The announcement of these marches general de la Puerta del Sol on Sunday, has taken place in the Assembly after the marches that June 19 have gathered thousands of people in all Spain, with the goal of protesting against the Pact of the Euro and the economic crisis in the same. So far, the confirmed are Santiago de Compostela, Cadiz, Murcia, Valencia, Barcelona, Logrono, Malaga or Granada, among others, although it is expected that other cities will join the initiative.

To achieve the goal, the outraged have all kinds of props, from material such as kitchens or tents, as well as food. However, from the website of the March request more help, such as cars or sanitary material, but above all, support human, so the marches come to fruition and people do not desist from these. In addition, participants in the marches will take part in assemblies of neighborhoods and towns that pass their tours. There is searched for an exchange of ideas, and that acceptance of the proposals that move to these action organs of each place. These meetings will emerge a big book that collected all exposed proposals, plus a permanent link between all towns and districts of Spain. Source of the news: the outraged announced marches which peregrinaran of all Spain towards Madrid


85% Of these homes focuses mainly on the Mediterranean coast, Madrid, Castilla y Leon, and some areas of the North. Barcelona is the province that fewer new homes to sell accumulates. The report estimated that the stock will be 186,000 houses in 2015. The surplus of new unsold in Spain is 800,000 units, according to a report on the real estate sector of CatalunyCaixa at end of 2010. This is equivalent to 3.2% of the total Park, and which means that the surplus is kept constant over the same period of 2009, due to both supply and demand. The report highlights revealed that 85% of new housing pending sales in Spain is concentrated mainly in the area of the Mediterranean coast, as well as Madrid, Castilla y Leon, and some areas in the North of Spain.

Professor of applied economics at the UAB and director of the report, Josep Oliver, attributed it to the great weight of second homes and apartments on the coast, especially in Castellon, where the year past increased the Park’s new building at 12,000 units (+ 12.6%), since promotions launched in 2007 and 2008 are being finalized. Toledo, Alicante, Seville, Almeria and Murcia also rank among the provinces with the highest number of new housing by selling, while Barcelona is that fewer pending sales new Park accumulates. That is why Oliver concludes that price adjustment should be radically different to that in the Catalan capital, where missing the offer to existing demand, which on the Mediterranean coast. 138,000 housing units per year in the whole of Spain, the volume of works initiated in 2009 and 2010 conditions an entry in the stock of some 150,000 homes in 2011 and some 125,000 in 2012, figures that are slightly below the forecast of new homes in the medium term, estimated at about 138,000 per year until 2015. Thus, a surplus of 695,000 housing main at the end of 2010 it would be a stock of 186,000 in 2015, and the difference between new homes and surplus absorbed, 198,000 housing between 2011 and 2015, it would be unsatisfied demand, determined by the stock differences between territories. Oliver predicts that from this year removed the stock in most provinces, generating new production needs in a large number of territories, especially in Madrid and Andalusia, and significant imbalances will persist in other areas such as towns of the Mediterranean coast, with a heavy weight of second residence, in Tarragona, Murcia, Castellon and Alicante.