Training Of Intercultural Trainers At IKUD Seminars Booked

New appointment from November! Gottingen, 07.09.2009: Certified training to the intercultural trainer (m/w) in 5 modules with start date September 25, 2009 is once again fully booked. IKUD seminars, the training company for trainers in the intercultural field, confronts the great demand for this certificate training with two further starts in November 2009 and January 2010. Only a place on the waiting list can get, who is now interested in training from the end of September for the training of intercultural trainers at IKUD. los has much experience in this field. The more than 130 trained trainers are that all graduates had best reference for the quality of the training of the quality and assured interactivity of training. Due to the high demand and the high demand for the profession of intercultural trainer”on the labour market IKUD offers seminars 2009/2010 two starting dates of proven training fall/winter: on November 20, as well as at January 29, 2010. Those who register now, get on the January date is still the popular early booking discount. With the approach, the concrete application in practice to use scientific knowledge, both theory and practical training covers all relevant aspects. In many cases graduates could after training find new jobs or take up a successful independence or intensify. For further information and material interested to the team by IKUD seminars contact: IKUD seminars gloomy str. 21 37073 Gottingen Tel.: 0551 381127-8 Fax: 0551 381127-9 E-Mail: Internet: