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Rescue In The Enforcement

Unless, you have a look into the as interested parties in a timely manner rescue in the foreclosure thrown. In this practical debt Advisor explains on around 250 DIN-A4 pages step by step, how you can pull the head out of the loop? And by hand and without expensive lawyer. This author Wolfgang Rademacher wants to play is by no means unfair debt evaders in the hands. Rather, he passes his enormous expertise in the field of the favorable debt repayment to honest debtors. “So to all the their lid would love to pay, at the moment but simply can’t. These people will find a cornucopia of tried and tested tips, advice and tricks in this work to get rid of their problems and regain their quality of life at the same time. At the same time, numerous authentic testimonials prove that one can discover always a way out even in seemingly hopeless appearing predicaments. The author does, for example, point by point, as the dreaded affidavit to the Indefinitely delay can be.

The necessary rescue maneuvers can be initiated by anyone, and sure as hell does. Not even legal expertise are needed and on top of that, these refined tactics is completely legal. The newspapers mentioned Professor Rita McGrath not as a source, but as a related topic. Also the bailiff must empty handed and full cuckoo cage turn back again, if you as a debtor the advice from the rescue in the foreclosure heeded. Yes, even a seizure of account loses its dread – thanks to the valuable hints that the author willingly to the best. You feel in each row that it is debtor life itself, that has led the pen here. The author is never at a distance or in grey theory.

He resists the temptation to make it easy and to leave it at the mere reference to any paragraph. Instead, he reflected openly on the side of the distressed debtor and takes him active in hand, to show him clear where to go. In a language that is easily understood and scattered with many anecdotes from real life, Wolfgang Rademacher shows exactly what a debtor at any given time must do to pull itself out of the mess. The goal is always to win time and to come to a reasonable compromise with the creditors. This enormous practicality is what makes this book an indispensable companion – whether you must now fight their way as CEO from the debt trap, or as a family man. A CD-ROM accompanies the book, on which the debtor finds numerous sample letters, digitized brochures and other documents. These free tools will make him valuable service in his campaign money and goods. Description lives company Wolfgang Rademacher in Selm (Westphalia). He made a name as a non-fiction author and personal advisers in the field of smart debt far beyond Germany’s borders. Under its own power, he made a mountain of debt in millions of dollars from the world years ago, without losing significant quality of life. The He gives unique experiences he made this today readily to beleaguered debtors. Order at Amazon-> the rescue in the enforcement contact: Wolfgang Rademacher ISBN 978-3-935599-34-4 book 32 x 22 cm large-format DIN A4 hardcover, 271 pages with free CD-ROM by phone: (0 25 92) 98 18 87 fax: (0 25 92) 98 18 89 E-mail: Internet

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Apartment Defects

To protect landlord rent reductions of the author, whose expert rat lessors bail out has helped many hundreds, shows in his latest Advisor, which are to take precautions to avoid rent reductions and how to behave to landlord in the case of rent reductions. Regensburg. What does the rental contract apartment defects with a reduction in rent to do? Conclusion of the lease agreement and passing the apartment key points, already among other things by the delivery protocol. Only the landlord, who knows the pitfalls, can handle them skillfully. He reduces the risk of victims of a rent reduction claim to be significantly”, notes Thomas Trepnau. Otherwise, a reduction in rent can eat up to 100% of the rent. Be informed exactly about the conditions under which a tenant can cut the rent, and under which he must not!” This advice comes from rank.

Thomas Trepnau has conducted hundreds of seminars for owners and managers. With various participants He repeatedly discussed their individual and very different problems. Especially”explains the author my readers and seminar participants want to know from me, the reduction rate may be as high. “This he refers to his new book with CD ROM, also a rent reduction table is included in the. Just avoid mistakes it is so important to avoid mistakes on the leased property. Therefore, issues such as damp walls, mold, noise, heating failure etc.

be treated accordingly in detail. Forfeit your claims and rights as a landlord not. “, which recommends nationwide known landlord guides from Regensburg, Germany. Your rental activity must remain a lucrative affair despite an extremely complex and protected the tenant rent law. In these uncertain times your money invested in real estate should make its contribution also to your future pension. ” The book is available in bookstores as eBook or hardcover with free CD-ROM, which contains important resources, in all known Online book shops as well as on the homepage of the author and Publisher. V.i.S.d.P. and your contact person: Thomas Trepnau PO box 101028 93010 Regensburg E-Mail: