Tag Archives: construction and repair

Properties Of Concrete In Low Temperatures

The problem of durability of concrete in the construction of structures used in harsh climatic conditions, is one of the leaders in scientific research both in Russia and abroad (USA, Japan, Canada, uk and etc.). Lower negative temperatures (down to -60 C), the long winter, sudden changes in temperature within a short time, the presence of permafrost leads to premature failure of concrete in various facilities. Studies have been conducted to enable a deeper understanding of the destructive processes that take place at cooling the concrete down to -60 C. Determined that when the temperature chilled to low temperatures and water-saturated concrete by one degree, in its structure having tensile stress of about 0,1-0,2 MPa. Rapid heating frozen concrete due to changes in air temperature at 15-20 C leads to the formation tensile stresses, comparable with the strength of concrete in tension. Analysis of changes in daily ambient temperature for five months with the lowest monthly average temperature has allowed to calculate more than 50 temperature changes with a difference of 15 C for three hours and more than 15 oscillations – with a difference of 25 C for 24 hours. The effect of cyclic temperatures in the range of negative influences on the gradual decrease in the elastic and mechanical characteristics of concrete and reduce its durability. To quantify this strength reduction was carried out laboratory tests on the cubes with an edge of 10 cm cubes made from concrete of different compositions, different consumption of cement, water / cement ratio and, consequently, the strength of concrete (see Table).

In the manufacture of cement grade M500 (Belgorod Plant), crushed granite fractions 5-10 and 10-20 mm in the ratio 1: 1, sand and fineness modulus of 2. Obratsemenztsy concrete, as shown in table formulations were tested for frost resistance on the basic method. Frost resistance of the samples with an open porosity of 4.1% of 300 cycles of 2 (Po = 5.6%) – 200 of 3 (= 7,5%) – 50. The samples were within 7 days in normal temperature and humidity conditions. Later they were saturated with water until a constant weight and placed in freezers, providing vibration the temperature range from -50 to -20 C and then subjected to cubic compression. A thin layer of ice on the surface of the blocks prevented the evaporation of moisture.

The test results accurately indicate a strong decrease in strength of concrete initial cycles of the alternating effects of subzero temperatures, resulting in migration of unfrozen water from the pores of the gel to the ice crystals in micro-and makrokapillyarah and as a result, the increase in these crystals. Hear other arguments on the topic with Rusty Holzer. Decrease strength of concrete is largely dependent on the water / cement ratio (W / C). Very weighty drop in strength (30%) occurs in kubikovsostava 3 with the highest water-cement ratio (0,7). Accordingly, the trial confirmed that, in the northern climates concrete exposed to specific environmental effects that lead to a loosening of the material, which seriously reduces the durability of concrete and

Variety Of Balconies

Russians like apartments with balconies. The real estate market apartment without a balcony are cheaper compared to the same shelter, but with a balcony. And these days people love him glazing. Gazebo to some extent extends the living area of apartments, offsetting its lack. Balcony is emerging from the plane of the wall facade of the house enclosed area which serves to relax in the summer. Please visit Professor Rita McGrath if you seek more information. A loggia is a built-in or built-on, open the outer space, usually fenced on three sides by walls (with two – with the angular location of) the placement. And balconies and loggias can be glazed. What are the possible options for glazing balconies and loggia? Standard glazing is a wooden frame with a conventional glass.

Nowadays it is used less and less. If sheathe the inside walls or hardboard paneling, it will increase the temperature of the air on the balcony at the 2-3 degrees and slightly reduce street noise. But we should not forget that the frame should not only properly install, but also handle the seams and joints with silicone sealant, foam, strengthen the sill and visor. The cost of such glass depends on the materials used. Balcony design with a conventional wooden window frames and single glazing can only protect against wind, rain and snow. ‘Cold’ aluminum.

This design represents aluminum frame with single glazed with a minimum thickness of 5 mm. Sliding sash do. Aluminum loggia or balcony looks elegant, but has a low thermal insulation. The difference in temperature on the street and in the glass loggia – 5-7 degrees. This is one of the most common in our time means glazing. Cold glazing a balcony or loggia allows to save space, because windows are sliding. Except that design can make up to 30 cm in front and sides, thus increasing the terrace area. Aluminum structures for glazing of loggias and balconies are relatively light, which allows you to install them on all types of balconies and loggias. With a warm glazed room balcony or loggia will be well protected from frost, excessive heat and noise. For a warm glass can be used pvc profiles, or ‘warm’ aluminum. Profile pvc with Fiberglass – almost perfect protection against cold and noise. Please Note: The interior walls glazed ‘in plastic’ balcony or loggia must necessarily be insulated with plastic panels. Otherwise, the walls will fall moisture, and subsequently will certainly mold. ‘Warm’ aluminum. In the aluminum profile and add a thermometer insert through this glazing excellent protection from the cold. Such glazing goes even more expensive than pvc, so aluminum structures are appropriate when your balcony or loggia have an unusual configuration.

Federal Service Tariff

Due to the circulation pump coolant is evenly distributed throughout the central heating system, in which case the temperature of the top and bottom of the radiator will be about the same. Also, the fact that the system is under pressure to reduce the number and frequency of occurrence of air pockets. When choosing pump to it to meet the following requirements: simplicity and reliability, automation, cost-effectiveness. It is also important in the quiet, long life, low operating costs, no need for complex maintenance. Today, these requirements are consistent with the company’s products grundfos – a world leader in pump engineering. For example, pumps have Alpha2 record-low power consumption – from 5 watts. Thanks to its versatility, they are widely used in heating systems of various types: one-or two-pipe radiator system, the system “warm floor”.

Please Tell us how to grow heat tariffs in the near future? The need for equipment with low energy consumption dictates the constant growth rates. In September it was announced that the Federal Service Tariff was decided to establish the maximum amount of growth of tariffs for thermal energy in the Sverdlovsk region in 2009 – at 121% 1. It is important to note that in July this year the Russian government issued a decree providing the ability to set tariffs dvustavochnye. As is known, while most heating is paid according to the standards: the tariff for heat depends on the area flats. With the new payment system will be introduced some fixed part (the so-called “pay for safety”), which will be distributed evenly throughout the year, while the bulk of payments will depend directly on the human consumption of heat. Thus, A new system promotes the widespread introduction of heat meters. Want to install a heat meter on the house.

Tell me what needs to be done to all residents? Taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian heating system door-to-door registration in the vast majority of residential buildings as long as possible. However, we can arrange for heat throughout the house. However, because of the passivity of the inhabitants themselves, until now, these devices do not occur often. Housing Code requires that such work was endorsed by the general meeting of owners, and must be approved by property owners, owning more than 2 / 3 of housing in the house. Such a decision – in the interests of all inhabitants of the house: after all, The experience of many cities, often counters recouped within one heating season. In addition, without having to install meters can not carry out repairs of engineering equipment in the house for money, “Fund of assistance Housing Reform. ” So without the initiative of the residents themselves to resolve this issue will not succeed.

Citys Architecture

Fences, paving slabs, paving and curb the elements of harmony in the world. Some audacious name in the text, right? But you wait, it may very well be that the name has every right to exist. Yet surprisingly easy We are getting used to a useful and solid things – about whatever was discussed, from food and clothing to radios, and housing. Experts confirm that in all that relates to convenience and comfort in the home life of our fellow citizens for Several years have gone, which in other stretches for generations. More recently, we heartily cheered when given, say, an opportunity to build his house. And relegated darling during the construction of one hundred percent. and monuments of this latitude of the soul are all over the country huge frightening cottages of red brick – representing a clear example of violation of all possible architectural styles.

Or rather – the absolute lack of knowledge about the styles and their compatibility in general. In addition to the red brick of the most advanced customer chooses foam blocks – as the highest level of building courage. But, as already mentioned, we are taught very quickly, and for good in our getting used to life more quickly. Pensioners on the bench at the entrance until recently enjoyed the new asphalt on the sidewalk – grandson a bicycle no longer fly in the permanent pits and potholes. And today they have the sense and plainly argue that the asphalt is certainly good, but the general view of the courtyard is not very harmonious. Ought to be, say, something interesting.

Practical Tips for Home Security

According to statistics, home is more than four million of dangerous incidents. Most of these accidents, which can be prevented through the elementary rules of precaution in the repair of apartments and a special equipment, occur with young children and older lyudmi.Esli not observe basic safety precautions, the more often kids suffer, because in the apartment with them can happen to such distress, such as: fall (75% of accidents home), intoxication, burns, cuts and waterboarding in basseyne.Esli senior can not be so vigilant to avoid these risks, there are specialized tools to make basic security of each room in the house. Necessary equipment safety housing is to provide residential applications of certain technical devices: closures, which will not allow kids to go down to the basement, especially in the one where you store chemical cleaners or tools. Locking devices for doors and windows that prevent jamming of fingers. Plastic caps for furniture corners, which prevents injury. Plug on the socket. In addition to these precautionary measures recommended to equip a house fire safety sensors. How to prevent drop since a fall are on the 1 st place in home accidents, the essential to equip the stairs in the house and at the entrance railings.

It is important to get the model of a handrail, which will match the configuration and size of your stairs. In any case, the size of the gaps between the beams should not exceed eleven santimetrovChtoby prevent the possibility of slip, it is better to lay on the stairs carpet, and bathroom rugs. Drowning in a pool is most common among kids from 1 to 5 years. Small children can swim in a pool deeper than 20 cm is why it is important that swimming pools were equipped with safety devices and protective barriers. The golden rule of safety – never leave children Some in the pool. It is also important to take precautions in the kitchen: Do not leave the sight of children on dangerous items that can be hurt, or that you can eat.

Aluminum Doors

Thanks to the rigid structure of the aluminum doors may be installed in places of high permeability, which require high quality and functionality of persisting under heavy loads and intensive operation. To the relative disadvantages include aluminum doors unless a sufficiently high the cost, compared with other designs front door the same price range they have a lot of advantages. First, the possibility of manufacturing doors of all shapes and designs with different ways of opening. Secondly, high manufacturability. Thirdly, maintainability and high performance.

Fourth, contemporary design and gorgeous looks. Apart from the traditional rectangular shape made of aluminum profile, you can create designs of other forms, for example, round. Open these doors will be just as pvc doors, meaning they can be hinged (swing and tilt), sliding, lifting and sliding, parallel-sliding, folding and automatic. Swing can be either traditional, ie, opened as the outside, and inwards, and with optional tilting, similar windows for ventilation. Double doors can be both with its own track, and with the dependent (middle porch) – right and left.

Sliding Design is always combined with a hollow glass. You can still use the one-, two-, trehkoleynoe direction. In this case, two thirds of the doors open and pushes each other. Such mechanisms of sliding doors can be used in doors and in windows, but more on that below. Standard models of aluminum doors do not exist. All designs are made by special order. Aluminium windows and doors are easily combined and can easily combined, blend in the design of the house. Filling the doorways may be made of glass, insulated glass, using a blind panel, filled tverdopenistym filler (insulation material) or different profiles. Sills are made of special profiles. Paint the doors can be any color (on request) – gloss, satin, or anodized metal. System of aluminum profiles allows make a choice of two different colors for interior and exterior sides of aluminum structures, so that the doors fit perfectly with the color and interior along with exterior finishing of the building. In this case, all door accessories (Hinges, latches, handles) can be performed in the same color as the door. When you select a profile, you can make a mistake and get a profile for windows, not doors. Door profile is wider than the window, and if there are no specialists, it is better refer to directories. Paint on the surface of the profile shall be applied without any errors (roughness, blotches or streaks), and not flaky. Anodized profile must also have a uniform surface. Particular attention should be paid to build quality. Angles of the box and shutters should be connected without any gaps or protrusions. Mortgages angle brackets are more reliable when mounted on the molded pins, rather than screws. Corner joints in the warm door must always be missed sealant. Fillet should be indoors, regardless of where the door opens: outward or inward. The gap between the profiles of glazing beads are not exceed 0,25 mm, ie it should not be seen. Installed on the box rubber seals should not be interrupted or be glued into the corners. Fit condition to anyone filling should be smooth without waves. The corners are not should be no gaps. Parts of locks and door handles should not hang

Program Certification

"We offer our processors get the status of Certified Partner propleks, confirming the high quality products and work with customers – says Rafik Alekperov. – Program Certification includes an audit of production and sales offices of the partner company for compliance with our requirements for production technology, training, customer service and working out the claims. Only certified partners can count on full support from our side. " Improving the quality of care and involves extension of the standard range of services, which greatly increases the attractiveness to the consumer. For example, the company "Simplex" moved its client department on the clock. Now, get advice or to place an order at any convenient time. The company's specialists believe that this is especially true for modern city dwellers, many of which are painted bright day just a minute, and therefore to address the resettlement of his house almost no time left. Installation on the energy efficiency of crisis makes okonschikov not only look for new ways to attract customers, but also improve the design window. According to Viktor (PROMA – Window Supermarket "), the main trend of the last time – expanding the range of low cost products. "Furthermore, – the specialist – in the long term window market translates global construction trends. The main sign of the times – the course on saving natural resources. For this reason, today the demand for profiles with high insulation, energy-saving glass and so on. " For example, in April this year in Moscow Hall was presented the program "Energy efficient housing construction for 2010-2014 and projected for 2020. According to the project, a major factor in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings should be to use new design solutions in the manufacture and installation of windows and balcony doors, in particular – window profile and the glass with improved thermal insulation. Such programs appear in other regions of the country. Reaction market participants do not make them wait. "Thanks to the development of new technologies in the manufacture of glass for plastic windows will use energy-saving glass, with a special coating, which transmits more than 75% visible light, reflecting the more than 90% of heat radiation back into space. Consequently, in the winter in flats will be much warmer, that will save energy expended for heating of living quarters "- said Sergei Malyshev, regional representative of agc, the world's largest glass-making concern. Do not lag behind glaziers and producers profile. "By creating energy-efficient design, we can not take into account the fact that the solvency of a significant part of consumers today are much lower than before the crisis – said Rafiq Alekperov (PROPLEKS). – That is why we specifically designed the 4-chamber 70-mm system PROPLEX-Comfort. The new profile provides better heat and sound insulation compared with the 3-chamber and a better price – compared with a 5-chamber. " Thus, the rules of the game on the window market has changed. However, this does not mean that the industry comes to decline. We can say that the financial crisis drew a line under natural formation of the market translucent structures. Obviously, the total number of companies working on it will be reduced. Nevertheless, as often happens, Economic hardships have become a stimulating factor for the development and introduction of new technologies. Well, those companies that want to maintain your position, you must think seriously about improving the quality of products and expanding the range of services. Press Service of the Group PROPLEKS

Suspended Ceilings

Which version you like, will complete repairs only when demanded by the work will be done with the ceiling surface. This does not prove to have any desired value, where you will carry out repairs in individual apartment or country cottage. With full liability may indicate that a large part of the amount of time and in addition to funds specifically want to spend it on the ceiling, and not due to the fact that he clearly has quite a decent area, but due to the fact that it has put forward specific conditions. Actually it is able to affect the ceiling on the interior, in principle, the entire room, and why he obviously must be Actually the best. As indicated by practice, lead to such a state ceiling not absolutely always be possible. Because, in particular in the flats are quite capable of attending such flaws in the ceiling, which requests a large amount of time and, in addition funds. In this case, today is a unique opportunity to change whatever the ceiling on top at the same time achieve maximum results.

This fact becomes real, in case the mount suspended ceilings. Of course, at the present time there is a solid number of different options for such ceiling here, but here is the real challenge is not to buy exclusively suitable for interior coined the suspended ceiling, but of course quality. This kind of difficulty stems from the fact that mainly specialized stores can not offer large range. Therefore, it is worth to go for the popular buying a specialized online store, directly where possible to easily select the ceilings, which will be treated to a greater extent. This e-shop may well offer suspended ceilings Lee in a wide range, with not just only of different price categories, but in general appearance. Of course, in any case should be considered elite stretch ceilings, as they can go to any conceived interior space, and of course have excellent quality. Among these ceilings have the opportunity to choose, say elite suspended ceilings, France, in general, which represent a decent combination of quality, cost, and at the same time have a number of additional features. Pick up the ceilings in this vebmagazine extremely pleased, because there is a possibility consider how they look in real life, and accordingly, you can easily compare, say elite suspended ceilings photo and very charming stretch ceiling marble.

Of course, the biggest challenge will process selection as to decide for themselves what ceilings will be better, for example, suspended ceilings chameleon or suspended ceilings fantasy, of course not easy. To assist the venture in this complicated case, in principle, specialized information located on the website of this store. In turn, it is possible that the final selection will be implemented, specifying options for assembling such ceilings. Choosing Shop suspended ceilings shine, or stretch suede ceilings, anyway you can count on the necessary assistance to highly qualified shop about transportation and in addition to mounting ceilings.

Good Heating System

So whether you need to really want what the average person strive for the best? The answer, of course, must be positive and unequivocal, because only purely because of this everyone will real opportunity to live a bright and normal life. In addition to this with an absolutely total conviction should be stated that the definition of 'better', for example, in a variant, if it goes on personal housing, will include what own home should definitely be elegant, comfortable and in addition, and comfortable. Mentioned 3 of the definition must cover all that in general, obviously, can be attributed to the residential home. Itself is necessarily must be a full repair, in general, which at his level has the ability to provide not only a stylish look, but with the comfort and decent environment. In addition, a huge difference in life clearly will also have all the necessary furniture and natural technique, which should be high-tech, practical and reliable.

However, the presence of absolutely everything described above will not actually testify that the housing reality is the limit of perfection, because that is not the last important condition will be that which engineering and communication systems held in the house, especially the heating system. In general, such engineering system will have a significant place is actually how much more comfortable and certainly will be a cozy room in the house during the cold months of the year. Naturally, this heating system should meet strict conditions to be better. Always it should ideally fit into the interior of the housing, to support fully the desired temperature in all areas of housing, and in turn is a reliable and have long-term operation.

Country House – From Site Selection To Designing

About the house outside the city, where the fresh air and beautiful nature, the dream of many city dwellers. But here's the budget is formed, and it is time to implement long-held dream. Where to start? In the first place to select a site. Even if the realtor promise the moon and ensures an excellent location of the earth, to visit the area to check this statement will be required! We must see whether the land is situated in ecologically clean area, on the whether really convenient to drive up to it. It is also important, as far as infrastructure is developed, and whether engineering services. Precautions must be treated to a "beneficial" proposals. Economically viable area may be only because what's on the swampy place.

After graduating from design a suitable site can begin to design. The family council should decide what will be the dream house or cottage – a stone or a log house, brick or carcass. Every detail is important – a balcony, a cellar, even the location of the fireplace. Architect who drafts of individual houses will need to know how many people will live in the home, whether there are children. On as a big family, depends, among other things storey buildings. It is important to decide whether the future will require building a swimming pool, sauna, gym.

Architectural design of houses depends on the style at home. Country cottage can be built in a classical style or the style of an alpine chalet. Perhaps the owners decide that the most appropriate option would be half-timbered house. Each style contains its own characteristics. But besides its own preferences should be taken into account, and what homes are built around. The general style of the village should not get out. Before you begin architectural design houses, a specialist architect must make a departure on suburban area. First, the need to design a house around the world, and secondly, we must clarify the issues with the type of soil, with the surrounding landscape. You must first undertake an analysis of soil, which has its features. Groundwater can occur close enough to the surface, which directly affect the project – to build a basement will not be possible. These studies are important in order to decide how it will foundation. With modern design features developed by the projects of individual houses can be seen in 3D form. Will immediately see all the nuances. At the same time will have the opportunity to plan and interior. Ready The project consists of the bulk of engineering parts, designed by architectural and construction solutions, the combined plan for sewerage, water and electricity section. Quality, expertly compiled plan will ensure reliability and durability of the house, which will be a dream come true!