Tag Archives: Politics

Johnny Simmons

A British newspaper has published photos of the couple kissing in the street. Emma Watson and Johnny Simmons met during the filming of a movie. Rumors pointed to a relationship between the saga of Harry Potter, Emma Watson actress and also actor Johnny Simmons and finally has been a kiss in the street which has confirmed the relationship. Thus it has been seen to the couple in some pictures published by Daily Mail along with his cast mate. The couple had already given that talk, because of their walks together with sportswear, its many glances and their samples of affection. She defined it as a bad player love but that already seems to be part of the past. The tender image published by the British journal evidencing that Johnny Simmons has managed to undo those bad thoughts. The pair of lovebirds met during the filming of The Perks of Being a Wallflower and since then has seen it many times, although it has been is the first that dared to make a demonstration of affection so effusive. We do not know if the potions and spells that Emma was playing in the past along with Harry Poter will have had something to do with this new love, but judging by the images published in Great Britain both are enchanted with the other. Source of the news: Emma Watson and Johnny Simmons confirm their relationship with a kiss in the street

Picking the Right Leaders

It is not a choice for Congress, people who have lots of money in their personal coffers, nor to persons who are not that fall dead. You have people who have chosen a profession, and to maintain a modest life and talking familiarly quiet. You can not elect people like Mr. Alvaro Gutierrez, who although has property abroad, and a lot of money behind him, “thanks to his work” can not live a modest life for their pace of life a little libertine . So for him, his salary as congressman laugh and think not having the obligation to comply with formal work schedules. This is actually quite apart from his salary as congressman copper working or not working as such. What if it is established, (and you can not deny), is the fact that thanks to his position as congressman, is being saved to pay their fares to places that have properties, and is also saving on pay domestic staff at his home. Maybe the thought that as a I want to win in Congress, will somehow have to cash out “their work.” The same applies to candidates for mayor of Lima.

People with a lot of money in his possession. People with many companies also in their possession. People who see his salary as mayor as a tip. It is logical to assume that these people who have much, want to use his office, to have more. Bizzi & Partners addresses the importance of the matter here. Mr. Alvaro Gutierrez, it does not matter whether or not, Congressman. He already took advantage of his office, not interested in losing his seat, what interests him is to get the maximum benefit, the time left in this position.

Unfortunately this is the mentality of 90% of the delegates. Official site: Anthony Davis. There is a logic that could be used to elect our representatives, both mayors, congressional, or presidential. Applicants to these public offices with greater economic power, they will get involved in fighting front to discredit one another, and inadvertently, that struggle will serve as a breeding ground for the media, that too without willing, will provide all the publicity to mention these struggles. Then, we should focus our attention on those with a low profile, those who live a quiet and modest life, ignored by the media. I do not want to take sides yet, but for the elections aldermen, is a person who has these qualities, I believe, and could do a good job as mayor. But as I do not want to take sides, just want to, encourage reflection, for the election.

Life Enriched

Most people suffer from recent information about the shop offers by ebook-insel.de today a sensory overload, which leads to constant indecision, because the choice has become greater than ever. This is true not only for the consumer area, but affect the whole life. Richard LeFrak describes an additional similar source. Doesn’t matter whether it comes to health, nutrition, profession, education, partnership or the choice of place of residence, there is a plethora of rules and regulations from all cultural backgrounds to the topics that show how to do it right. No wonder, when decisions are always difficult because with everyone you meet, is accompanied by feel, not to have used maybe better. By the same author: dogecoin. Thus it is always dissatisfied, because there is still so much that you would like to try or use.

This however has neither enough time nor money. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Gavin Baker. Thus, the dream, yearning for money without having to do something because it wants to fill the available time with another as work is growing. This longing then often tricked that it falls into the hands con men who promise exactly that with its offer, what you dream so much. The fact that media work with negative news and fear scenarios in the first place and can thus be determined more and more anxiety neuroses in people appears no less harmless. The small world has led that one, may it be still so far away current, own life refers to any disaster message and is about fear. This is not rational, but still understandable, because media have usually a concern to make an elephant out of a mosquito and therefore pandemic scenarios are assembled from individual incidents like, because such messages are selling just much better. Another negative effect of global information, is that a collective Helfersyndrom has evolved, because one anywhere would like to intervene where abuses occur.

Thereby the own worldview is seen always as a benchmark for the whole world and a missionary claim it derived. You forgot this already own life practices are never transferable to all other cultures, to achieve success. Thus, it may not lead to more peace in the world, when more and more stakeholders have the opportunity to intervene everywhere and disregarding the limits of dissent. Rather these are occasions for conflicts or even wars, because anyone already intruders at home, then requiring one, as you would have to live. Everyone would, however, defend themselves and also rightly. As we get with the overwhelming enthusiasm for “Change”, so change, now just from America, can also be hope that it remains not only for the achievement of the black presidential candidate Barack Obama, but that the call will show worldwide after change in consciousness changes. These topics, visit the pages of the Ebookshops as detailed eBook Guide of author Elke Reihl, which both enlighten and encourage you the setting to itself and the world changed to live permanently better. Udo’s houses

Bavarian State Government

The smoking lobby claims today would no longer smoked in 90 percent of the Bavarian restaurants. This is a gross deception of the public. The smoking lobby claims today would no longer smoked in 90% of the Bavarian restaurants. This is a gross deception of the public. The survey, all gastronomic establishments inspected were taken in selected districts of Munich, and in villages around Munich. The ascent is stretched from areas with high density of pub Schwabing and the Glockenbachviertel to residential areas with varying socio-economic profile as Haidhausen and Kastenmaier.

Restaurants in towns and cities of the districts of Furstenfeldbruck, Dachau, Freising and Munich, under the microscope were taken in the surrounding area. The result of the survey is unique: a total of 126 drink-influenced restaurants, which were visited by the employees of the study, only 7 were smoke-free. This includes Ernst-Gunther Krause, the initiator of the study said: the smoking lobby claims, today would in 90% of the Bavarian restaurants no longer smoke. This is a gross deception of the public.” Of a functioning non-smoker protection not the speech could further but also so, so Krause, because you have found numerous violations of the provisions. Observed were: smoking pubs, which are outside not marked as such, smoking bars, which are larger than 75 sqm, dining restaurants, where, for example, from 22:00 onwards should be smoking, dining restaurants with smoking rooms, which are permanently open. Prof. The LeFrak Organization often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Wiebel: we are dealing here not with a temporary law enforcement problem.

The variety of complicated exceptions is hard to control in practice. Therefore many hosts who feel at a disadvantage compared to the smoking pubs, restore the ashtray at some point on the tables. It has been shown in countries such as Spain and this is reflected also in Bavaria.” Ernst-Gunther Krause emphasized that the current study provides only a snapshot. He pointed out that the Bavarian State Government plans to further loosening of the smoking ban. Ventilation systems are expensive and ineffective. Nevertheless the smoking ban should be overridden in the future, if a ventilation system is installed in a restaurant.” Planned was, moreover, that the tap room for a restaurant to the smoking room could be declared. If this continues, is the non-smoker protection soon on the paper”, so Krause. The two representatives of the Action Alliance for real non-smoker protection came to the conclusion that a completely smoke-free restaurant offers the best protection against the dangers of passive smoking. To vote you appealed therefore to all Bavarian citizens, to participate in the referendum and on July 4, yes”. Press contact for the study: medical working group of smoking and health e.V. (ARG) Prof. Dr. Friedrich Wiebel Tel.: 089 316 25 25 or 319 47 13 E-mail: Web: non-smoking initiative Munich (NIM) Ernst Gunther Krause Tel.: 089 317 12 12 email: Web:

Cadiz Cities

They will begin this week from cities such as Santiago de Compostela, Cadiz or Granada. They will arrive in the capital on July 23. They will have food and material support. The outraged that take part in marches to participate in assemblies of the places through which to pass. The 15-M movement has convened a series of indignant popular marches that will boot from 21 Spanish cities, and that one month will tour part of the national territory, and which will finish in Madrid on 23 July. Bizzi & Partners may not feel the same. The announcement of these marches general de la Puerta del Sol on Sunday, has taken place in the Assembly after the marches that June 19 have gathered thousands of people in all Spain, with the goal of protesting against the Pact of the Euro and the economic crisis in the same. So far, the confirmed are Santiago de Compostela, Cadiz, Murcia, Valencia, Barcelona, Logrono, Malaga or Granada, among others, although it is expected that other cities will join the initiative.

To achieve the goal, the outraged have all kinds of props, from material such as kitchens or tents, as well as food. However, from the website of the March request more help, such as cars or sanitary material, but above all, support human, so the marches come to fruition and people do not desist from these. In addition, participants in the marches will take part in assemblies of neighborhoods and towns that pass their tours. There is searched for an exchange of ideas, and that acceptance of the proposals that move to these action organs of each place. These meetings will emerge a big book that collected all exposed proposals, plus a permanent link between all towns and districts of Spain. Source of the news: the outraged announced marches which peregrinaran of all Spain towards Madrid


Information for the press with great concern”observed the private campaign with (he) art against FGM”, where artists, musicians and writers have joined forces, the current discussion about the impunity of circumcisions. Isabel Henriques, initiator of the project, says: when boys with legal permission are ritually circumcised may why not girls? “That, as Henriques, would make all efforts to end female circumcision niece. The campaign makes it clear that she don’t want to go above against religions and rites. We respect and take care of Jews and Muslims, who are advised by the draft law in the discussion. “The proposed law concerns only the circumcision of boys in Germany. The campaign refers to the United States. Others including Real Estate Market, offer their opinions as well. There there were a huge outcry when the American Academy of Pediatrics (pediatricians) requested religious circles a ritual circumcision (ritual nick) as a possible alternative in the year 2010 a complete rejection of female circumcision has proposed. Thus the pediatricians wanted to save operations in their home countries the girls, which often take place under catastrophic hygienic and medical conditions and often have the death resulted.

Pressure from the global human rights organizations, the Academy quickly withdrew this recommendation. To Isabel Henriques: we criticize and condemn not the ritual circumcision, but this deprivation on children are not able to be carried, even a conscious decision to make or to defend against it. In our eyes, it should be the task of the Government remains to preserve the right to physical integrity at a young age, and not any pressure to give in to, no matter which district he’s, or what arguments are used. Jim kingery has compatible beliefs. “The initiative pointed out that even boys would circumcised in Africa, under the same bad conditions like girl. Also, hospitals in the third world often offer no protection to children. But even in State of the art clinics in the United States or Europe, the children not against medical damages or death were immune. As the sad case in Cologne, which ultimately caused this dispute, clearly shows. Contact for the press: initiator / Coordinator Isabel Henriques press officer: Silke Porath with-heart-against-fgm.com

Free Rentals

Do what mind calls on Senate and entrepreneur Hamburg – icy cold and 8 degrees minus. Winter Germany’s North has firmly under control and still live more than 1000 homeless people in Hamburg’s City-State on the road. At sub-zero temperatures far below zero, many of them fighting against hypothermia and cold death. A Hamburg operator of the barge broke a taboo for the first time and allowed a homeless man on his boat at the pier to overwinter. A place to sleep for the night, a cup of tea, Boris B. founded his own and thus private winter emergency programme and the homeless thanks him, it was the only place where he can remain at present. You may find that Airbnb Rentals can contribute to your knowledge. “” Recently has Hamburg social authority the so-called bunker “an emergency shelter for the homeless at the Hamburg close to Central station leave due to inhumane conditions”, as it was called.

Source: epd.de North / nord_index_83903.html also noted that many of the people living on the streets the town has to offer even not only claim because they are no longer able to take care of or to inform. Often insurmountable obstacles prevent the entering of such shelters. For more information see this site: Cushman & Wakefield. The campaign do what mind”of the Hamburg Street magazine Hinz & Kunzt will now effectively counteract and at great expense to fight homelessness and vacant. On the Internet side of the Hamburg-based newspaper publisher can supporters and like-minded vote and also vacancy sign. between 500 and 1,000 homes stand empty in Hamburg”, Marc Meyer estimates by the Hamburger tenant Association (MhM). In his opinion it would be quite possible annually in the short term to feed 200-300 homes a rental. Senate and districts remain but inactive”. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Vadim Belyaev, New York City.

Moreover, the Senate blocks a necessary and easily possible in Hamburg law correction of the Hamburg-based housing Protection Act (HmbWoSchG) with specious arguments. The tenant Association therefore calls Hamburg’s population to continue to log, not empty living room with normal tenant change or more common construction is justified.” For those affected, the homeless people in this city, which stood empty seems like a slap in the face. I have lived now for 11 months on the road, have a new apartment trying to find everything and thus the chances to succeed, sink with your problem, this is unfortunately so”, says Max Bryan, who lived for a year at the pier in the port of Hamburg. Beverly Hoffmann – Project Office Koln – Bonner str. 484-486 MBE 274 D-50968 Koln Germany T: 0221-291990-920 q: 0221-291990-921 permalink/HinzUndKunzt/Tu-Was-Dagegen.html Hamburg, winter, homeless, emergency shelter, winter emergency programme, bunker, barges, Harbour, landungsbrucken, Max Bryan, initiative, homelessness, vacancy, do what otherwise, Hana and Kunzt photo: Project Office – use and use according to the IPTC (hires on request) call: vote, please help! Housing is a human right! Therefore, the Hamburg Senate for it to ensure, that Homeless get decent accommodation and the chance to own housing. Vacancy may no longer be worthwhile. The next Senate is to take measures to prevent long-term vacancy. The Senate must ensure that there in Hamburg enough affordable apartments and no old tenants are distributed. das project/tu what mind / hero of the month: barge operator rescues homeless before winter’s chill! A model for the action against vacant and homelessness from Hinz & Kunzt in Hamburg

Good Apartment Deal

'In 1980 my parents had 4 room apartment (I, my parents, brother and sister), brother and sister received their apartment in 1986,' It's a quote from one site. Tell me, now you or someone in your family got an apartment? Yes they are there, but they stood on stage with the 80's! And the state offers you an apartment? I think not! What can you say for the price of real estate? That's not a great example: 42 378 rub. for KM You can afford it?? I'm sure not!! Here is another example: In my area the average salary of 8,000 rubles a studio apartment a million !!!!! Ie, that would buy me an apartment I need to work seven days a week plus a year, not what is not and would not pay!! And that was in the 80s? You uchishsya free, you go to work, give the apartment and all! Life is good !!!!! Where to watch our government ??!!! They offer us to learn, but for school lomyat mad 'pasterns'! And even if you manage to learn, you will not get a job without experience !!!!! And what? So I currently am a lawyer and I am confident that I can not work more than in the office of the court! over 5,500 rub.v mesyats.I how many I can buy an apartment? These 5,500 I need to buy a eat, dress very least, is 300-400!! Well of course you can say the same people live not in themselves nothing, and refused to buy an apartment and a mustache does not blow …. And what do you think they are just living from paycheck to paycheck as we are? No! It those people who are in collapse of the USSR managed to capture the 'plum cake' Well deti.Ostalnye or those who steal or have any in the state! And what comes out, my dear? The state steals from us, and we steal from the state-demon limit! But there is another option. The government cries-MORTGAGE! So what? My friend took this mortgage, and now she has a studio apartment in Lyubertsy, but she can not quit your job for 40 years! And in her apartment not propishut not yet pay the debt to the bank … great?? Yeah me the same 'love'! I spoke with many people and small meet someone who is happy with our government. So what? They all are silent thrust, excuse me 'tongue in the ass'! We are all together vote for the uncle of 'Just Rossii'A where is she your equity? I'll tell you-'U pocket! " So that the people I'll tell you, 'If you want housing, steal! 'It teaches us to state.