Tag Archives: real estate & broker

Contracting Parties

METHOD DR. BARZEL real estate online evaluate In 2009 the body size of a German was at 178 cm (men) and 165 cm (female). This is interesting and maybe even not known to everyone. However, for those interested in joining what can be? Not much, when it comes to make a decision for each individual case. Similarly the real estate value, when there is talk of an average price House, apartment or plot.

Also, if the statement refers to a specific region, size, or age of a property, an average value will issue no more than a quick response to a rather dare be. Transactions at the latest then need individual values, when a real estate transaction is to take place, providers or buyers will want to know the individual value of an object. Finally would like nobody in the predicament to have get paid too much or too little purchase price received. The inter food match, than the actual market value of the result is one Real estate to be informed. Be disadvantaged if buyer and seller reside in the classic conflict of interest, they do not want. Plenty of eliminated looking for a suitable solution for determining the value of real estate, leaving numerous opportunities to compare such as prices of similar objects or to use the cost of the owner a reasonable margin, plus as a guide. Even less about a single rating is possible, how much funds are available the buyer for the purchase of available. Neutrality want the future Contracting Parties to a mutually acceptable solution enter, offer neutral tools to the pricing of real estate.

Therefore opportunities that are professional and independent alike are particularly suitable. For example the individual real estate valuation over the Internet to satisfy these requirements. You is based on current and relevant indicators and is quick and easy to create by anyone. Whether Owner or prospective buyer, the questions to be answered for the review, is completed within a few minutes and leads through combination with current database values of service, immediately to the evaluation results. Orientation guidance designated in the online real estate valuation is suitable for guidance, which also counterparty can communicate. Finally the real estate valuation maps calculative steps, which lead to the benchmark results, comprehensible. Who is looking for a brand review by House, apartment or land a proven method and security, will for example here:. The method Dr. Barzel real estate valuation determines the site accurate and current benchmark for 39 euros.

Management AG Estate

Real estate investments are criticized when compared to other asset classes in part, mainly by institutional investors, and it wrongly. Magdeburg, 26.08.2013. Allianz SE is the world’s largest insurance company and one of the largest financial services companies by revenue and market capitalization. If so one of the most knowledgeable real estate investors in Germany explains on the real estate market there has been most recently some price exaggerations, that unsettled. Therefore feel you comfortable with the real estate rate, which had increased from three to 3.5 percent and wool currently not exacerbate them.

The argument that real estate may be too expensive”become hear it again and again and it is quite serious. But as with all things in life, the differentiation is needed in this case. Reports on individual price excesses for apartment buildings in Munich, which were sold to the over 30fachen, reflect not the reality of the market as a whole. Although can be observed in all types of use, that the multipliers are increased. But This is only partially a result of very high system pressure.

The fact is that the rents have risen in the last few years – there is another Mietsteigerung potential not only in residential real estate. In addition, interest rates are as low as ever. American Tower Corporation can provide more clarity in the matter. The difference between the Nettomietuberschuss and the interest is crucial for investors, and this difference is clearly increased in recent years, and failed. He has the attractiveness of Germany as compared to almost every other country-increased what you see not only on the real estate market, but also on the stock market. To the extent, how other countries lose attractiveness Spain, Italy or even France, Germany WINS. The MCM investor Management AG is also convinced that the German real estate market is successful and has a promising future. Precisely for this reason, the Magdeburg company offered profit participation rights, which a broad mass enables access to the coveted German real estate market. Specializing in the German real estate market and Berlin Guide they the investor throughout the entire process of real estate investment. The experience of investors are positive, because the enjoyment right investments are profitable and the management can have a long-term performance. Who cares about this, can visit a variety of objects, speak with the buyers or tenants and get so your own impression.

Germany Income

Real estate prices Dusseldorf State real estate brokerage house condo buy apartment Dusseldorf consultant cheap construction financing, when should you buy clear positive only for property owners. Source: f + b residential index Germany by the 02.05.2011 during an inspection appointment complained a customer, that the prices for apartments in Dusseldorf is so clearly risen. That’s right. The interesting question is, again waiting until prices fall, which can only be the case in years or decades, or buy now before the prices go up? With children who are looking for self use residential property in Dusseldorf and surroundings I recommend families now to buy, although the prices have risen, because I reckon firmly that the prices will rise even more starkly. Germany’s economy is running as good as in any other country in Europe.

Apartments in Dusseldorf, significantly more than cost in Athens (!), although the people here earn more. Overall, the share of the rent on the whole available is in Germany Income relatively low in comparison to Europe and the prices significantly lower, as for example in the Netherlands, Austria, even in Poland apartments partly more than in Germany. This may have no stock on time. Dusseldorf in particular is a debt-free town, currently well developed according to the local Chamber of Commerce. Crown land may also support this cause. The job situation is comparatively very good, you can work in Dusseldorf and earn good money. The housing situation is more modest, and more and more people come up with the idea, might buy the home ownership but not as wrong can be.

On the other hand the offer in Dusseldorf is extremely tenuous, especially if you want to have your own House. I think prices will rise. Clear 2 years ago in the banking crisis there was to get real bargains. But today? Do you ready to pay a fair price, and I think it will be much more in the near future. The customer from the said appointment decided to wait until the prices again Flats in good locations in Dusseldorf are decreased for solid, because she has 2 kids and her husband would like to have a work room, so appropriate needs many rooms which also costs of course in Dusseldorf. I’m afraid if prices in Dusseldorf are falling again, the children of the customer no longer employed his and her husband will likely be already out of the House. And where will you live? And how much will you have to pay then to rent? I think more as now the financing would cost, although the prices have increased slightly. It is before the real estate prices in Dusseldorf will double from the current level only a matter of time until, and I think it will take too long. Good for those who have already beforehand saved her own roof over their heads. The others have certainly a roof over one’s head, even if it is only one of many bridges across the Rhine in Dusseldorf. Sokol Mihajlovic, brokers for financing real estate and insurance in Dusseldorf finance better in Dusseldorf


Real estate financing, how high are the interest rates? Consumers have been hard in the financial world. The reason is the varied, the banks offer the customers, although they of course also something for it, and although the real estate financing to such collateral and at the opening of a current account a minimum income level, so that the consumers also the discount offers a free checking account. However, it is done in the real estate financing alone with the provision of certain securities. Once financing by the consumer must be found at the real estate a Bank, he also trusts and has the offer with regard to the interest that. Clear: Some consumers choose their bank to the real estate financing to ensure that they have committed so little collateral as possible.

But that they will pay higher interest rates, is usually not right also these consumers. For this reason, it is called eyes on and all factors when comparing the offers for real estate note financing. This is the case of course also on another financial product – a depository for securities or deposit to. Here it is called eyes on at the depot open. The costs, such as deposit and transaction costs are the decisive factors at the depot open. These are namely considered cost drivers and can diminish ultimately significantly the profits (or the return) that the consumers of a financial investment but now once expected. Open at the depot should be respected especially on additional offers are, because of the cost a free checking account given to can compensate again to somewhat higher deposit fees..

Advantages Of A Granny-flat

Two-in-one variant when building a House, there are different possibilities of financial support for the construction of a House. So KfW loans and other loan forms that ought to give financial relief to the future owners of the House are available. Another very lucrative alternative is also setting up a granny flat. The real estate portal myimmo.de informs, what advantages does this measure and what should be considered when building. Creating a granny flat should be good considering already before the start of the new building and planned. The formal requirements must be kept accurately.

The apartment (www.myimmo.de/ guides/Encyclopaedia/apartment) must have a private entrance and thus clearly be separated from the rest of the House. The ambiguity of the acquisition and production costs to the individual parts of the building is also required. Therefore, separate bank accounts are absolutely necessary. In addition to the fact that a granny flat allows the coexistence of individual family members, it offers also financially many advantages. So it allows eligibility for special tax breaks. Also interest payments and maintenance costs can be claimed.

In addition, the rental income in the financing phase are a welcome support for the new homeowner. The new building meets the KfW funding standards for energy-efficient construction, can be taken by up to 50,000 euro per residential unit in claim an interest discounted loan. However, the possibility of promotion is eliminated when a House with separate apartment after living Riester. This is applicable only to a completely own used real estate.

Professional Association

METHOD real estate online rate DR. BARZEL owner or purchaser dealing with selling or buying a property, realize that dreaming is an event without contributors rather. No later than at the tour of House, apartment or plot, some gasps and feels suddenly unliebsam arrived in the real world. What is offered as a dream home, is often completely different spot. Before visiting the dreams into only visiting so many prospective buyer finds out precisely that spot awaits him, what was offered full bodied as a dream home. A dream nothing more.

Consistency with reality, nothing was promised in the offer of the provider. Self blame, who enters in search of dreaming, before he has seen. By the Bank as a reverie dismissed but also for the seller gives it every now and again a rude awakening. If turns out potent buyers as a dreamer, whose funding request by the Bank as a pure Reverie is dismissed. Dream prices no longer finance banks. The real estate tourist dreams thus continue but without bank financing. Dreaming is an event without a competitor in this case.

Buyers and sellers meet and ultimately the level of reality In general. On the levels of reality and, as the Professional Association of real estate agents and managers recently announced gave to 60 70% from private to private. If dreams are nearing their end, the time of the reality might be. Avoid subjective desires. Objective assessments are needed on both sides. The contestants on a new, possible neutral perspective get involved, yet reality can be from the real estate dream, if not necessarily at a price of dream. Determine the neutral position can be a simple and inexpensive way to promote the coming together, is determine for vendors and buyers in, the current value of a property of neutral point. You can do this Make even common cause contract counterparties. Making together an online real estate valuation, you can be sure to take into account the interests of the other. Facts rather than emotions, on facts instead of the real estate object, pricing based on emotions at the factual level easily leads to conformity formerly different points of view. A current and accurate location real estate valuation is created by the owner or the prospective buyers in a few minutes. After answering a questionnaire with information about the object, an individual online real estate valuation available is immediately users. In the beginning of the valuation the home path to factual information to the target. The neutral evaluation of the purchase object is at the beginning. Then demand and supply find each other more easily. Who want to know the current value of a property, you can get a competent information also via the Internet. The method of Dr. Barzel real estate valuation is complete for Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria and the Switzerland possible. Small fee, users immediately know how much house, apartment or land is worth. More information on the topic of real estate valuation, see also


What you should consider when purchasing a home in Selm who want to buy real estate in Selm which should worry first about, what he wants to buy for a home in Selm, or whether it should be even a condo. Best make a small checklist up, on the write up all important points, which must have the property for you. Here are a few clues: Would you like to live in a new building or an old wheel? One has the charm of the old building, the other is less prone to suddenly sulcata damages of any kind. Bruce Schanzer takes a slightly different approach. How many rooms you want to have the House? How many baths, showers, bath tubs? What is your minimum, what number will you move on immediately to the next House? You must set their limits before visiting homes, otherwise you are these people (know how to make you the land tasty!) or weaken the great environment or the Nice neighbor quickly due to the good sales strategy of the broker. You are but this weakness regret at the latest when three children and an employed parent morning have to share a bathroom, no matter the neighbors are very nice. In which district you want to do? Should it be a real estate in Selm, want you “in the village” in Bork or live Cappenberg? While you are in Selm in the middle of the action and close to the House, before the most public events are held, you were lifted, may be better at Cappenberg if rest and relaxation is what you are looking for. How big is your budget? This is the most important limit that you set.

Even though you should ignore everything else and opt for a dreizimmriges House of 95 sqm with a seven-member family then must you adhere to this limit! Nothing is currently more important than your financial security. Even if the House is still so beautiful: it is beyond your budget, then you should not buy it! Just figure out the total cost of your investment will be how big and decide then whether you the House have a realistic chance any time soon to pay off. I hope I could help a little with this article. Please make according to the article given a checklist suggestions before you search for real estate in Selm and simply peruse them for each House. It will save you a lot of nerve, and make sure that you are satisfied with the purchase of the House behind.

With Long-term Low Interest Rates

What must the real estate financing attention be Berlin, 07.04.2011 – the dream of the own dwelling is as old as humanity itself. Most of the builders or property buyers are dependent on real estate financing, since saved equity for the object of desire is often not sufficient. Typical binding times for then maturing short-term interest rates are between 5 and 25 years. The comparable competitive annuity loans are well planned because of the long-term interest rate and the lender grundpfandrechtlichen securing and represent a cornerstone in the acquisition or manufacture of the object. Attractive terms for such real estate financing with credit institutions can be negotiated in particular in low interest rate periods. The present situation of interest experts assume, that is the low interest rate environment in the recent past behind us and facing forward rather rising interest rates are to be expected.

A – just when long-term loans – moderate increase of in interest rates became so apparent in the first quarter 2011. So, for example, the interest rate on a sample model of real estate financing with a loan amounting to about 200,000 euro for 1% redemption and 60% increased collateral value in an average of nearly a half a percent compared to the last quarter of 2010. The interest rate forecast suggests in the near future to continue appealing interest rates. Nevertheless, the interest on a loan of this kind in comparison to other forms of loans are cheap. But builders or homebuyers who have already decided in principle, should be now as quickly as possible the necessary loan. Better times are not expected in the near future. Pay for undecided: Dear of next rent or finance now own real estate? For most people, the acquisition or the construction of an own property is a decision with incisive impact on his own life. In principle, therefore such decisions should be made not hectic, but in calm and well thought out.

Real Estate Learning Run

Cologne real estate company e-rent created spherical videos literally new ways can pursue prospects of Cologne-e-rent real estate Dr. Wirth KG at the virtual home tour. “First real estate company worldwide, the Broker uses spherical videos” a 360-degree videos or SpheriVid “called. The videos show flats, which has the company in the offer. Special feature: In the videos the viewer can freely in any direction gaze his mouse he changes the perspective and draws the view of where he wants to. So it acts as a walk, or rather you actually floating through the apartment.

Normal videos, where the cameraman pretends the viewing direction, and 360-degree photographs, in which the viewer only from certain points in all directions can look are common in the real estate market. This photographic technique is known to many from Google StreetView. When 360-degree videos on the other hand, a film expires. This means the viewer moves fluid on a the specified paths through the property, can look but all around in all directions. The spherical videos give a much better impression of the apartment when it previously with photos, photographic panoramas or conventional videos was possible “, explains Hans-Peter complementary rent Forkel.

Although he believes that there will be home visits in the future spot, but the spherical videos came very close the pressing of a real room inspection. Two years e-rent technicians have worked to make use of 360-degree video for the real estate market. So far only a few insiders know the technology, she occurred mainly in art, events, as well as in the entertainment sector. The cameras on cars were accordingly or attached under helicopters filmed events, mountain or road trains. They are designed for use outdoors. To film in apartments, the Cologne real estate specialists have designed a Rover system and constructed, at the camera through the apartment moves. A Cinematographer, located outside the apartment and never interferes in the picture, directs this construction with a remote control. The camera doesn’t have as usual only a video lens, but six, that filming at the same time in different directions and capture so the full range of possible views prospects. Special programs and high-performance computers are used for further processing. With the spherical videos, e-rent confirmed his reputation as a technical pioneer in the real estate industry. The company has used the Internet as one of the first brokerages at all. 1996 Was a trilingual Internet site on the net. Three years apartments with photos were published (at that time still a small revolution). in 2008 followed a coup, which caused a certain notoriety beyond the real estate scene: the first Videomaps of the world. For the maps, routes were almost completely filmed in videos from Cologne, Bonn and Dusseldorf. About the e-rent real estate Dr. Wirth KG: the company specializes in furnished rentals specialized and provides apartments in the metropolitan areas of Cologne, Bonn and Dusseldorf. e-rent real estate is one of the largest providers of accommodation in Germany. First and foremost the offer is aimed at companies who are looking for housing for their employees, but also individuals can rent the real estate.

German Real Estate

Free information event for private real estate seller Monchengladbach – many real estate owners, their house or their apartment – which reasons also always – want to sell or even need to try this once without brokers. Here often many things are overlooked, have a significant influence on a house sale, usually significantly more difficult, or even completely prevent. Partly cash is given away even when the House sale and often the purchase is delayed by months. “So that owners who want to sell their home privately, don’t make any mistakes, which are later expensive real estate Carstensen in Monchengladbach will now provide for more transparency in the private house sale: real estate consultants invite you to an information event around the subject of House privately sell” a. Free, no-obligation information evening, real estate consultants provide valuable information for owners who want to sell their house without a broker. A local notary public explains also in detail the legal Special features of the notarial purchase contract. The event for private sellers will take place September 24, 2013, at 19:00 in Monchengladbach, Germany. Because of the limited space quota the exact venue will be announced only with the confirmation of registration.

At the briefing for the private home sale or home sale should come under topics to the language: what is my home or my home worth? How do I apply my real estate offer? How do I perform with requests from prospective customers? What should I watch for visits? What documents do I need for sale? What special features does the notarial purchase contract? Owners who want to sell their house privately information about all relevant aspects of the private real estate sale the real estate consultants. The Agency, from Monchengladbach give tips for successful marketing without brokers. You explain how to avoid costly mistakes in the House sale, to ensure a smooth sale at the best price. “Real estate is in the Rule the biggest possession of the seller, is all the more important, the success factors to know, if you want to sell House privately!”white Arno Carstensen, real estate agents and Dipl. economist to report who approaches the private sale of its real estate blue-eyed, risking any sensitive financial losses!” All interested real estate sellers are to sell these two informative lectures without broker “invited, admission is free.” It is asked to sign, because the number of participants is limited. The exact location of the venue will be announced during the registration.