AP – WASHINGTON (AP ) – The mortgage financing company Fannie Mae is making great cuts that certainly generated effects throughout the real estate market on Friday after presenting a loss that turned out to be three times larger than what analysts were expecting Wall Street.
Monthly Archives: December 2013
Commercial Mortgages
By the word 'mortgage', we started to get used recently: it is a relatively new concept for the Russian practice. If your mortgage housing is becoming more common, the commercial real estate mortgage – has only a few precedents. Mortgage real estate or commercial mortgage (the mortgage business), is widespread throughout the world. Western experience shows that with proper operation of commercial real estate – rental premises for offices, shops, service businesses – its yield is comparable to any other small business and allows the use of mortgage loans. The essence and conditions of commercial mortgage mortgage loan issued for the purchase of non-residential buildings: a warehouse, office, etc. Meaning the mortgage is to purchase commercial real estate lending under her own pledge. Unlike residential lending, commercial mortgage is short term loan repayment, but the relatively high interest rates.
Typically, the annual rate credit mortgage commercial property ranging from 12 to 16%, mainly in foreign currency. The term of the mortgage property – a maximum of 12.10 years, and the most common term – 5 years. Borrower must make an initial contribution of 25-40% of property value. In this case, the client must be a profitable balance sheet and at least one year on the market. Legal nuances commercial mortgage commercial mortgage scheme similar to the non-residential mortgage housing: there is the same assessment procedures of the borrower and the object, the requirement for a down payment. But there is a fundamental difference – law does not allow companies to register a mortgage on real property until the conclusion of the sale.
Suspended Ceilings
Which version you like, will complete repairs only when demanded by the work will be done with the ceiling surface. This does not prove to have any desired value, where you will carry out repairs in individual apartment or country cottage. With full liability may indicate that a large part of the amount of time and in addition to funds specifically want to spend it on the ceiling, and not due to the fact that he clearly has quite a decent area, but due to the fact that it has put forward specific conditions. Actually it is able to affect the ceiling on the interior, in principle, the entire room, and why he obviously must be Actually the best. As indicated by practice, lead to such a state ceiling not absolutely always be possible. Because, in particular in the flats are quite capable of attending such flaws in the ceiling, which requests a large amount of time and, in addition funds. In this case, today is a unique opportunity to change whatever the ceiling on top at the same time achieve maximum results.
This fact becomes real, in case the mount suspended ceilings. Of course, at the present time there is a solid number of different options for such ceiling here, but here is the real challenge is not to buy exclusively suitable for interior coined the suspended ceiling, but of course quality. This kind of difficulty stems from the fact that mainly specialized stores can not offer large range. Therefore, it is worth to go for the popular buying a specialized online store, directly where possible to easily select the ceilings, which will be treated to a greater extent. This e-shop may well offer suspended ceilings Lee in a wide range, with not just only of different price categories, but in general appearance. Of course, in any case should be considered elite stretch ceilings, as they can go to any conceived interior space, and of course have excellent quality. Among these ceilings have the opportunity to choose, say elite suspended ceilings, France, in general, which represent a decent combination of quality, cost, and at the same time have a number of additional features. Pick up the ceilings in this vebmagazine extremely pleased, because there is a possibility consider how they look in real life, and accordingly, you can easily compare, say elite suspended ceilings photo and very charming stretch ceiling marble.
Of course, the biggest challenge will process selection as to decide for themselves what ceilings will be better, for example, suspended ceilings chameleon or suspended ceilings fantasy, of course not easy. To assist the venture in this complicated case, in principle, specialized information located on the website of this store. In turn, it is possible that the final selection will be implemented, specifying options for assembling such ceilings. Choosing Shop suspended ceilings shine, or stretch suede ceilings, anyway you can count on the necessary assistance to highly qualified shop about transportation and in addition to mounting ceilings.
Joaquin Coimbra Blacksmith
2. THE STRATEGY OF THE SCARCITY OF THE URBAN LAND IN ARAGUANA AND THE PAPER OF THE REAL ESTATE PROMOTERS. The urban space of Araguana shows clearly occurrence of the strategy of the scarcity of the urban land, therefore when walking for the city, we visualize great empty areas between the existing sectors, that is, an urban discontinuity. However the city does not stop to grow, appearing sectors each time more distant of the central area, this factor makes with that each time more increases the number of empty areas. Being thus, the urban land retention in the areas central offices has been one practical constant. The city of Araguana, shows in its urban configuration, empty spaces, being fruit of the strategy of the scarcity of the urban land.
But for reason of being very exhausting to enumerate one for one and considering the reduced time to produce the work in screen, it was stipulated to choose an area where if it translates of more significant form this game. One perceives despite the objective of the involved actors: the real estate promoters and agrarian proprietor are exclusively the valuation of its areas, that with the time, is each located time most, due to infrastructure implantation in the circulatrias neighborhoods and ways. The agrarian proprietor located in the urban periphery wanting extracts profit of its country property, awakes interests for the process of expansion of the urban space in intention to become its agricultural land as the urban one, at the moment where if it inserts in the neighborhoods of the city. It also knows that the urban land super is valued, and can get greater income. This means that they are interested in ' ' value of troca' ' of the urban land. In this direction Mr. Joaquin Coimbra Blacksmith, owner of the property that if extends of the quarter Is Joo until the river Jacuba, longing for to extract greater possible income of its property creates a strategy of retention of the urban land.
Jorge Saint Guerreiro
When I small age, was in the church of I am Jorge in the center of Rio De Janeiro and I came across myself with an immense image of almost 2 meters with a knight on of a white horse and had a natural astonishment, therefore the image seems real estate. Since then I had an absurd passion for this saint and started to study its origin, history, devotion to the Christianity, its love the God and the Jesus Christ. All the times that I catch myself in some situation of I bother, with some personal problem I go in this church and I pray sufficiently, looking at fixed in the eyes of the image and asking for advice, so that it opens to my illuminates me mind to make the correct thing to guide or me to find the solution certain of the problem. In house I have a small image of Are Jorge and I always pray its powerful conjunct and I always feel strong and happy more. To some years behind I had a serious problem and I asked for it who showed to way certain it to me showed to me, sailing for the Internet I verified that it did not have nothing regarding the warlike saint and created the first site in homage Are Jorge, as it was a gratuitous site, with the time company that housed removed it of air, more was satisfied for site to have had some repercussion, appeared in television and had substance in periodical Carioca, this not was more important, what more she matters is that now I could again to recolocar site in air and now of form definitive, with lodging proper, where I can express my love and gratitude to this saint that today became cult, pop, more than for me it is that saint that I knew when child and that she dedicated to its life the love of God and its son Jesus Christ and did not have fear of the death. In case that they want to know this humble site in homage Are Jorge is alone to enter in and know its history, all the known conjuncts and the origin of its flag and which countries where it is venerated. It saves Jorge!