Tag Archives: children


An eight-Muscovite, to the door of his apartment, he noticed that she was ajar, without hesitation, he boldly walks inside. He regained consciousness only in hospital, having received a severe blow to the head. It turned out in the apartment were thieves. When the baby safely crossed the threshold, they are frightened, stunned child metal pipe that was lying in the hallway. Less than six months, when again the boy came home and opened the door and saw gathered in knots things. He shouted from the doorway: 'Who's there? " and enters the room, where he received a heavy blow to the stomach. He came to the aid of a neighbor, toward which included two young men who had just run out of the apartment, where he was boy.

As seen from the examples, the child first ignored their own safety and found myself in the hospital, and it would seem, it was supposed to teach the first experiences with criminals. But no, the boy again bravely enters the apartment, where obviously may be outsiders, as evidenced by collected and left in the hallway thing. Therefore, your child should know that if he came home, and the door was open or are collected on the verge things, he shall in no case be included in the apartment. And do not assume that if an outsider would need to get into your home, it will necessarily break down the door, he did not need, especially since you yourself are helping them in this. For example, you are afraid that the child will lose the keys to the school, rather than attach birochku stick with the name and address, naively believing that if a child loses the keys, then he will give them.

Winter Walking With Young Children

Every day, at any time of year and the snow and the heat in any area we can observe a lot of mothers walking with strollers. Among the mothers assumed that the more she walks with her child of the streets, the better. A Need Is crumbs such long hours marathons? In fact, such frequent trips and bring some discomfort. Simply a child can get used to sleeping on the street, asleep in the stroller and just under rocking. It's not quite right.

Of course, fresh air are enormous benefits. With their help the child adjust to temperature changes, to a volumetric space than flat, and just know a lot of new and informative. Favorably walk impact on health and the baby, enhance immunity, increase the number of red blood cells, increase hemoglobin levels, improve sleep and appetite. But still need to know when to stop. And since the birth walks should be gradual and cautious.

According to the recommendations of pediatricians, the first two weeks is better in general refuse to walk, and some do recommend to wait 1 month, especially if the birth occurred in the winter. For first outing temperature should not exceed -5 * C, and a walk for 5-10 minutes. With each passing day increase the time for another 5-10 minutes until you reach one hour, maximum two. This time, you can split into two stages, ie You can walk in the morning and in the evening. Some mothers are afraid of evening walks in the winter, do not even useful babies who sleep poorly at night. As for the time walking, then it depends on the individual schedule of each child. Better go after feeding, as after a meal in a child increases heat transfer and therefore it will take more cold. With regard to clothing, many mothers are in constant fear that their crumb freeze and as a consequence of its overly Kut. Often this is a big mistake. Child in any case should not be too hot, the body gets overheated and crumbs without even any skvoznyachok lead to colds. The main principle: dressed like you and another layer. Top necessarily a blanket. Most importantly, no synthetics, just natural materials. Before putting the baby to dress himself and is fully ready to dress the child is not overheated in anticipation of your fees. and Of course do not forget about yourself, dress to the weather, not to supercooled and hence do not get sick, and to keep warm hands to use the clutch. The child does not bring either a benefit. Indication that the child frozen, can serve as a nose. If it is cool to go home. If a child has appeared a little cold, it's not a reason of refusal to walk. In fact, if the child has no temperature and dry weather in the street, then the fresh air will only benefit. The best place for walks of course, park or public garden, a better forest, in such places nice to walk and sit on a bench to rest. But if there's no such attractions, it is better restrict the nearby yards, but in no case, near the roadway, any benefit from it will not. And most importantly: get themselves the pleasure of walking! After all, they both raise the spirits! Enjoy your walks!


Special diet conducive to conceiving a child "needed" sex, should be observed for at least three weeks before planned conception. To "make" a girl, you need to eat and drink: Drinks – coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, calcium mineral water. The Related Companies usually is spot on. Meat and fish – to limit, especially smoked. Eggs – how much you want bread and pastries – without yeast and with a low salt content. Vegetables – eggplant, asparagus, beets, carrots, cucumbers, green beans, peas, pepper. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Gavin Baker by clicking through.

Vegetables – all except plums, bananas, apricots, cherries and oranges. Plenty of nuts (not salted!), Sugar, honey, spices, jams, chocolates. "Boys" Diet: Beverages – soda mineral water, tea, beer, wine, fruit juices. Meat, fish – all sorts, and more! Fruit – all, especially to lean on bananas and cherries. More information is housed here: The LeFrak Organization. Very effective fruits – prunes and dried apricots. It should be as much as possible to pickle foods, pastries and yeast abuse potatoes.

Bloody business update method of blood at first glance, perceived difficult, but it is actually quite simple. It is based on the theory that women's blood is updated every three years and for men – times four. We need to take apart the date of last blood loss (surgery), and if one was not, date of birth of mother and father planned child and consistently add to a woman and a man three years – four, until you find a date the alleged conception. Whose blood is "newer" – and he will give her half a baby. Difficult? On the example simpler.


Children's toys – a variety vyborChto is the most memorable of our childhood? Of course toys. For baby toys is a separate world. Games help children to develop its intellectual and creative abilities, as well as knowledge of the world. A favorite toy is the most true friend and companion. Playing with favorite toys, the child tries to imitate adults, thus knowing and understanding the world around us. It is therefore very important that your child is not only surrounded by beautiful and colorful toys, but also useful. In this article we will discuss various types of toys – soft toys, electronic designer, a talking book, etc. Soft toys for your rebenkSleduet noted that soft toys have always been and will remain in vogue, no matter what.

Each child has a favorite soft toy, with whom he falls asleep and wakes up. To broaden your perception, visit angelo gordon. It is very important to remember that kid's soft toys are not just toys. First of all, soft toys – the very first and true friends, who even have their names. And the children over the years have kept their soft toys and friendship with them. Typically, soft toys associated with a teddy bear Teddy. But we live in Russia and we have our own national character, which is also reflected in the soft toys. We all remember the cartoon about a fictional beast and his friend Crocodile Gena, filmed on the work of children's writer Eduard Uspensky. Soft Toys and Crocodile Gena use among children is not less popular than he is Teddy Bear.

Feng Shui Terms Depletion

LAND> Fire> Wood> Water> Metal Element Earth – our material world, drains the element of fire – the world's highest spheres. New Providence: the source for more info. The authors of many books on self-development urge people (land), strive to develop God (fire), to the highest, ie stop draining the upper world (fire), cease to be mundane, but to begin to develop a fire in themselves to bring our world to the worlds of light. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Atlanta Apartments. Our planet earth is fueled by energy from its fiery core. Each organ the human body belongs to one of the five elements, and therefore interact with each other, such as the spleen (earth) depletes the heart (fire). And to ease the pressure (fire) we can pass on consumption Food related to the earth element. Energy always tend towards equilibrium and, therefore, if one is a lot of energy, it will decrease. For example: if a man of the earth has a lot of energy or fire consumes a lot of feed its energy-fire, such as smoke or consume products pertains to a fire or a man fell into a period of fire, he will lose weight and suffer insomnia.

If on the contrary the energy feeding the little, the body will seek to "enlarge" the influx of energy. For example: if a person has the personality of the element earth, a little make-up of fire, it will be a complete or even a thick, it will be torturing hunger, he will not sleep on the sleep that much. In the case of if in the interior of an apartment fire a lot of energy and it must balance, you can use ground colors – from yellow to dark brown.

Windows in Apartments

This article invites you to a creative and professional approach to the design of the windows in your apartment. Our windows, as elements of apartments are not only a source of natural light and fresh air, but also as a place application of creative imagination. Below are the recommended techniques, advice, materials and ideas for your final solution for decorating windows. Immediately determine that design choice does not depend directly on whether the window (Wooden, plastic, eurowindows or local production) you have installed. If the correct approach to solving the window decoration, the result we get, perhaps, the most important decoration of the apartment interior. Here are a few councils to develop around the window space. * Window should start compiling unpretentious sketch, sketch. The main selection criteria: the number of windows in the room to room, the amount of luminous flux height windows, the distance from the window wall, what part of the light goes out the window, the area of the room, the colors and materials used for lining the interior walls.

One sketch in one room, the recording of all! the above parameters. * Getting to decide the choice style and fabric type for sets of curtains, curtains, drapes or swags multilayer. Trendy right now are natural and bright colors of cotton, linen, silk. Rather than use the net tulle and organza. Choose the material density should be compiled on the basis of your project. * Do not forget about the combination of selected fabrics, blinds or other solutions with existing or planned decor.

The choice is largely influenced purpose room. Should not be the same window decorations in the hallway, living room, bedroom (child, adult), office, game room and so on. * Special attention should be paid to the correct choice of curtains. Their Available in abundance. Of your choice should affect: the functionality of curtain, again aligning them with the interior comfort and safety, versatility. Their secure attachment to the wall is an indispensable condition. It is better to be safe than Nedo In conclusion, I will focus on the choice of fabric as the main component of the design of windows. Living room – large picture and the same beginning on both canvases. To the place to be draperies, Holders, pelmets, brush. Bedroom – the basis of dense tissue in the sun combined with transparent curtains. Children – no stamps, fabric washes easily with a clear picture happy. Kitchen – requires special selection of tissue due to the specific premises. It is better to issue window fabrics resistant to steam and easily washable. Cabinet – strict no distracting motives for curtains and transparent . The variant of vertical or horizontal blinds. Here is another aid you in a few tips: curtains that go beyond the window and transparent curtains, is best visually enhance it; blinds within the window to reduce, the same design of two different the width of the windows give them the same size, design of curtains in a fun style will brighten up a dull kind of wall of the neighboring houses; hang above the ruff means to increase the height of the window. Be bold and ye shall find.