To achieve the maximum level of heat-shielding properties of walls with ventilated facades can only use the protective layers of special construction fabrics TEND. Different brands of tissues can reduce heat loss through wall due to: limit air permeability of the longitudinal walls exclusion of air filtration in a layer of insulation protect insulation from moisture Reduced risk of damaging the layer insulation Reduction breathable walls. Located on the outer surface of the insulation, TEND prevents the penetration of cold air in the room – infiltration. There should be established risks associated with wetting layer insulation with vapor diffusion from inside the premises. Exclusive feature of the TEND is a combination of low air permeability with a high vapor permeability. Depending on the brand TEND minimal resistance air permeability fabric with a thickness of 0.15 mm is 250 m2 * h * Pa / kg. Brickwork 250 mm thick resists air permeability not exceeding 18 m2 * h * Pa / kg, and mineral wool insulation with a density of 200 kg/m3 and a thickness of 50 mm of 2 m2 * h * Pa / kg.
Setting the fabric prevents the loss of heat due to air permeability not only insulation thicknesses and densities, but also the carrier of the wall. TEND is not a noticeable obstacle to the release of vapors in a ventilated gap. Minimal resistance to water vapor tissue 0.02 m2 * h * Pa / mg does not exceed the resistance of an ordinary cardboard 1.5 mm thick. Such a high moisture vapor transmission eliminates the insulation. Application TEND for buildings high-rise buildings to prevent heat loss up to 50%. Reduced air permeability of the layer of insulation. At the corners of buildings and window piers with pressure drops in the wind there is an increase loss of heat due to air movement in a layer of insulation – a longitudinal filtration.