Tag Archives: philosophy

Pizza One

Success – it's pizza! Moreover, for each has its own pizza. For one – "Margarita", for another – "Neapolitan", and for someone to do the meat with olives, four kinds of cheese, cherry tomatoes and five species zeleni.Chislo ingredients and their proportions are known only to you. Can not copy someone else's success. Richard LeFrak is a great source of information. Can not take the same ingredients and cook them in the same sequence. Because you do not like no one other person in this mire.No but it is possible to confidently say that without certain ingredients you can not create a successful life, just as without water, flour and cheese, you can not cook pitstsu.Formula success is hidden in ourselves and not be imposed from outside, do not looking for ready-made formula for success! Look for the constituent parts, which will build your Uspeh.Bezopasnost – such as a comfortable home, comfort – for example, comfortable car, recognition – for example, others for their work, confidence – For example, in the future of their children, an abundance of – for example, travel to different parts of the world, and many other ingredients that combine in its pizza can you alone. Well, for someone to safety – it is an opportunity to live close to another, comfortable – the warm sea, recognition – thanks to the child confidence – the ability to have choices and abundance – a refrigerator, scored edoy.Podlinny success – is something that we can only define yourself. And only we can decide how successful we .U we can all dream about what people around us, but do not have a sense of achievement. We may not be that, from what others have fun, but it will be something that will make us uspeshnymi.Ne looking for ready-made solutions! Let's dear friends are not going to look around and take a look at yourself and understand their true needs.

Secrets of Success hidden within ourselves, only we can understand what is we want. Another question is how to get it all. In any case, do not try to copy the success of others, quite possibly, getting all the same, you will not feel uspeshnym.Dostignuv desired objective, we satisfy their need and, therefore, we take pleasure and a sense of happiness and success. But as time goes on, and the acquisition of machinery no longer provides us with a large .Uspeh – is a process rather than outcome. We are successful in development, movement. And if we stop, the feeling of success began to elude nas.Uspeh – is a process of work and development in areas that bring us pleasure and that are important to us.

Scrates Irony

For Kierkegaard the irony of Scrates constitutes an infinite and absolute negatividade. It is negatividade because she only denies, and denies all the Reality; has infinitude character because it does not deny this or that phenomenon, and is absolute, therefore that, and virtue gave that it denies, is one higher, that however is not 5. The great error of Kierkegaard when considering the irony in its Metaphysical aspect, reducing all the socrtico method to this conception, not obstante its unquestionable genius consists of wanting to fly, as well express Kant in its Critical of the Pure Reason 6 with the wings of metaphysics stops beyond the phenomenon, and stops beyond the capacity of the human agreement. Kierkegaard, when giving little meant what he himself flame of fenomnico or empirical aspect of the irony as element of the socrtico method, abstraction this already repleta of difficulties, believed to be able to go beyond the texts that engrave acting and the philosophy of Scrates, distrusting of the aristotelian and xenofontino certification, constructed certamentetodo a building, beauty and concatenated good, however, ilusrio. If the socrtica irony does not have to be identified with the proper method, as it tried to demonstrate Kierkegaard, does not have also to be confused with the hypocrisy, that can be defined as the constant effort to seem good, either even so bad, therefore it only looked for to seem different of what really he was, and such attitude is far from being a trick; nor with escrnioe the sarcasm if identifies with its irony, which can be defined as instruments of critical whose objective is to magoar and to wound, characteristics of a dogmtica vanity that it intends to possess a inabalvel certainty.

For the opposite, the socrtica irony is that element importantssimo of its method, which does not possess an end in itself exactly, therefore it is not more than an instrument used to reach the purpose of the induction – the universal one. The irony in the socrtica dialectic has essentially a purificador character, therefore it aims at, beyond subestimar themselves before its interlocutors, making the dissolvio of all knowing proclaimed irrefletidamente for them and to reduce the nothing simply all the positive pretensions, for this reason also the socrtica irony seem to be on indissociavelmente with the refutation. 1 Plato. The republic. The thinkers.

New cultural, 1997, p.18. 2 Plato. Defense of Scrates. The Thinkers. Cultural April. So Paulo: 1972. P.32. 3 Hades. In mythology Greek, oHades is the god of submundo and the wealth of deceased. Used the Hadesera name frequently to assign in such a way to the god how much the kingdom that governs, in the underground of the Land. 4 Kierkegaad, s.a. The concept of Irony constantly related the Scrates. University publishing company San Francisco. So Paulo Bragana, 2006, p.221. 5 Ibid, P. 226. 6 Ver the Preface to the Second Edition, and Of principle of the Distinction enters of all objects in general in phenomena and numenos, in the workmanship of Kant, Critical of the Pure Reason.

The Infinite

When we work with such absolutizao we have a confrontation of what it is to the reality of a logic of the possible one – as well as the ideal – surpassing the possibility extends a extrapolante goal to it, that is, metaphysics. The infinite would be what it exceeds the end, it is beyond the limit, or makes to inexist in-itself the limited one, ilimita. We must abiding in them by an interesting factor regarding the infinite, therefore when determining it as being what it is, we will be limiting it inside of a conceivable logic, therefore it starts to integrate a caught, sensible sphere the perception, then, no-extrapolante. The infinite is the finitude of what if it estimates inconceivable, conceiving in a linguistic goal and derivative of a racionalizante reality, authorizing to the man the possibility, or the attempt, of understanding semiotics of what it apprehends as sensorial simulation of its reality, or derivative of the influence of what it is on that while being, runs away from the extra-direction, the anti-goal, or metaphysics, that would be one antithesis of the reality. Without hesitation Downtown Philadelphia Condos explained all about the problem. Caught ' ' in-finito' ' , we make possible to perscrutar the evidence of this determination while conceivable goal, distinguishing the imagtico field which the man if inserts in leases, that is, articulating a reality under the geographic perspective of a racionalizante language. The proper man, while concept, as he demonstrated Michel Foucault in &#039 well; ' The Words and the Coisas' ' , it does not pass of an idea that if it inside formatted of a neurolingustica limitation, authorizing to the individual its destruction, in view of that when determining what it is, we condition being a concretude of itself, aniquiliando what it surpasses such idea of being. In the same way the infinite finda in the proper idea of infinitude, leading the death of metaphysics, or better explicitando, the realism of the same one that contradiction becomes, for excluding ab aeterno and regimentar one intra walls linguistic. .

Implantation Of Companies

The exchange generated certain controversy on the part of popular the saudosistas ones than if they identified with that way of transport. But this was not the biggest dissatisfaction of the population and yes the abusive increase of the bus tickets, that for signal had a very inefficacious service. The passage of the bus lines did not take care of to all, therefore some quarters were privileged only. Another sufficiently common problem was the lack of adequate maintenance of the buses that circulated more than with three years without it had the exchange of the fleet.

The lack of a vehicle already total changed the routine of the fortalezense citizen points to cause sufficient upheavals to the workers, who had a schedule to fulfill. Many manifestations occurred on the part of the students of the 2 secondary school who went to demand breaking the buses when the increase of the tickets was announced, without it had an improvement in the service given for the transport companies. In the reality the wage level of the diverse types of jobs in $fortaleza was not compatible with the abusive increases of the transport service. Another sufficiently common problem at the time was the lighting system of the city that did not take care of the necessity of the population. The contracted company Cear Gas Company Limited did not obtain to follow the growth of the city. Some quarters were benefited with the service and others were the dark one.

On account of this to one manifestation of the Brazilian Communist Party? PCB, through the periodical the Democrat making a protest to the given service of illumination that was harming the plants that functioned only for a turn of the day, that for consequence finished half paying minimum wage to its employees. The potable water supply also was sufficiently precarious, the water was vendida in wagons or barrels wooden. The installation of domiciliary wells was sufficiently common and in some poor quarters the installation of chafarizes to take care of the necessity of the community. We can conclude that some ideologies are constructed of sufficiently taxing form and overwhelming on the part of who it withholds the power, to the point to exclude to who if it opposes sufficiently common becoming the use of the media, specifically the periodical as instrument of manipulation in mass on the part of the elite not only the person from the state of Cear, but in the whole world.


To construct a referencial is substance of subjective value. The anthropology of the body on the other hand considers new questionings and in relation to the body, some as the control of the passed image, to understand the current cult to the body, identity-modesty, not exposition of the body, the new morality and the aesthetic moral. In the body if all character registers, moral the scientific one, of the society and the time the one that belongs, but cannot disrespect the aesthetic morality on the proper body. The body is seen as instrument and as value. Checking article sources yields Downtown Philadelphia Condos as a relevant resource throughout. In its workmanship the Sennett points the moment where Tucdides informs that the espartanos ' ' they had been the first ones to participate of naked games, if to undress acintosamente' ' , what it identifies as indicative of progress reached for the Greeks when of the ecloso of the war. Between barbaroi as the foreign Barbarians were called or, still it remained the custom to cover the genitlia in the public games. ' ' Civilized Greece made of its displayed body an object of admirao.' ' She is notable who stops the old inhabitant of Atenas, the act to show off itself confirmed its dignity of citizen.

The Athenian democracy gave to the thought freedom the same attributed emphasis to the nudez. In our said society modern where the custom and the laws are nortes of the social behavior this practical it is seen as one indecent assault and the values attributed to the body since the Athenian age it is placed in the vast memorial of the historical past and the relation of the man with the body passes for a rupture that matters in the desire to run away from ' ' natureza' ' of the body and to the necessity that we have to domesticate them. ' ' The collective denudation the one that if imposed? something that today we could call ' ' commitment msculo' ' it strengthened the citizenship bows.

Autumn Story

September evening broke into the open balcony door, and caressed with warm air, my hair, face, neck, raising the room casual, hasty leaves yellowing trees. I really like this time of night Beyond the window every day no evening It is not dark, but not the bright light of the sun, trying to once again hide behind the Ostankino television tower And there – on the streets – starting at dusk slowly – one at a time droves and "pulling" from the crowds, traffic jams and davok, begins to dissolve in the yards and porches small ant – the inhabitants of the stone nest – a large city. Interphone and sang nervously flapped front door. Windows of the houses came to life flashed lights as the Christmas tree In apartments began life This is different as their inhabitants to travel between the walls and partitions apartments voices sound drills, peppy text anchors, shouting "Goal! . Th! Rod! ", Crying children and parents notation Oh, damn! Yes, I not wanted to write about it Strongly shed autumnal obsession and again pause Again white blank sheets of notebook Again offended Hidden monitor an old company, and philosophical and bored keyboard How do they explain, to tell you to trust what bothered me. Worried for a whole day Keep in suspense And a little shudder. Why? Yes, perhaps, because for me the newspaper from inside the thick marker line headers, splashes somebody's horror, pain, hate

Success in Sales

The key to our success in sales and management of residential and commercial buildings, has been give peace of mind and confidence to owners since we investigated in a deep way the future prospect, (honourableness and solvency), and thus to be 100% secure, conduct our business for 50 years. Helenico Theatre, handed over the medals for outstanding values merit Mexican intellectuals that every year takes place. The 21 of September of 1993, Lupita Arizcorreta receives a medal for his outstanding work as an entrepreneur, from the hands of Dinna Shouner, President of the Association of women intellectuals and business. It would work it of Televisa Srita. Amalita Gomez Cepeda, who currently serves as President of coordination, congratulated Lupita Arizcorreta and terraces, who received the Medal of merit of the third age, the female youth association, by your Curriculum vitae so interesting that, in the Academy and in the world of real estate, it has deserved the first and foremost, and succeeded in its 35-year exchanges and international distinctions in their businesses of real estate, as professional advisor and administrator, journalist and editor.

He has founded several companies of real estate and all with success. In 1960 he founded the first stock exchange real estate. It has highlighted as a brilliant journalist and editor for 14 years, from their own magazines in English and Spanish, and international specialized in real estate, than by brokerage issues and property management stopped making this valuable publication.