The current European crisis shakes the confidence that has been manifesting itself in recent months despite the coup received by the crisis in the United States. That is why the real estate developers Association has detailed data about the commercial relationship between Mexico and the European Union, which is not as strong as the existing with the neighboring country to the North. Fortunately it is still not possible to have an estimate with regard to the economic impact that can be obtained from the current European crisis, specifically in the real estate market of Mexico; However, directors of the Association of real estate developers (ADI) anticipated press conference which is soon to be announced data or figures which speak of speculation for this period. The advantage of this crisis on the above is that a strong commercial relationship with Europe and United States, there is so probably there will be no such direct involvement. Even the relationship that once existed with Spain in the real estate industry It is not the same and even the market of real estate in Mexico City has coated us customers. The ADI is currently comprised by fifty-four companies, and seventy-five percent of the investors are foreigners. There are some Spanish Grupo Lar, Grupo Mall, OHL firms and Global Via, who today are part of the luxury residential real estate, but are still stable and solid in Mexican lands, so it is very precipitate talk of a ceasefire in their activities or even touch the issue of the withdrawal of these companies in the domestic market.Even the same companies have come to announce investment commitments in several construction projects that involve numbers, which more than two million dollars.However, it is important to remember that despite the crisis experienced in the previous years, activity in the housing market was favoured and growing, slowly but steadily, in Mexican lands, even in recent days had increased activity considerably, which is already an indicator that the current European crisis could affect the development of the real estate market minimally.