In short, the project of the PQU was bold excessively for the reality of the economy, the stock market, and the capitalizaton of the then private sector. To the measure that the problems of box of the enterprises if occurred, Petrobra’s was assuming the control of the capital of both the enterprises, and participating, also, actively, of the projects of second generation of the PQU. Later, no longer Geisel Government, over all aiming at the definition of the projects of second generation of the second petrochemical central office, the Copene, in the Bahia, was established the call informally model tripartite, through which, the central offices, controlled or not for Petrobra’s, supplied basic raw materials a set of companies of second generation, with majority of the private capital (in general a supplying multinational of technology and a block of national shareholders, with two teros of the capital voter, being the Petroquisa, minority, detainer of remain tera part of the capital). The idea, thus, was that the companies had majority of national capital (Petroquisa + investing national) and private (investing national + foreign partner). This model presided over the implantation of second and the third petrochemical central offices, in Camaari, Bahia, and Triumph, Rio Grande Do Sul. The privatization: maken a mistake Brazil never an ideal platform for the petrochemical production was considered, therefore, in contrast of the siderurgical sector, it presented a mediocre picture of availability and costs of raw materials, nafta and natural gas. One ' ' modelagem' ' adjusted as preliminary step for the privatization it was, therefore, extremely important in the petrochemical one (more than what in siderurgy), that she was never particularly competitive internationally. The resultant inefficient picture of the model tripartite consisted of three producing raw material central offices, two of which controlled for the Petroquisa, that they supplied basic raw materials a confusion of companies of second generation, private control, but with excellent participation of the Petroquisa.