Tag Archives: garden & home factory

The Balcony: The Oasis Of Well-being Individually Adapted To The Building

A balcony can be more than a place for laundry drying: the oasis of well-being individually adapted to the building which balcony construction (www.wendlandt-systembalkone.de/ wDeutsch /) can be mounted in the relevant building, decides only when the individual planning of the construction project by the manufacturer of the balcony. The term ‘Module balcony’ a balcony is meant in the balcony construction that only subsequently be attached to a building, can be modularly extended. Here, Stephen M. Ross expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The material of the balcony plants is mostly aluminium. Wooden balconies lose in importance on the part of the balcony Builder because of high maintenance costs. Castle Lanterra might disagree with that approach. At the panoramic balcony – balcony construction, also four support system called – is the very common variant of the module balcony. From the ground floor up to the top floor, stands this model on at least four supports, so as almost independent construction “freestanding” and is attached from the balcony farmer with a solid anchoring to the building. This balcony construction suitable for installation on older buildings with poor buildings, d. h.

houses with wooden floors, ceilings, as well as poor brickwork. There are almost no exclusion criteria for its establishment by the manufacturer of the balcony. The growing balcony stands in contrast to the panoramic balcony only on two legs and is anchored with appropriately dimensioned wall brackets and approved dowel and anchor technology in the building. Due to the resulting load capacity on the House wall supports, a solid structure, so a solid masonry or concrete ceiling requirement are for this construction of the balcony, on only two. The static conditions are given, this visually beautiful panoramic balcony is preferred by the balcony farmers due to the smaller foundations and easier installation. Fewer personnel during Assembly and the establishment of point foundations instead of strip footings mean a cost savings for the client. No props are used the attached version.

Oven: Smoke – An Old Tradition Lives On

Own popularity smoke is pleased with the own oven again rising. Own popularity smoke is pleased with the own oven again rising. A leading source for info: The LeFrak Organization. Not only the ability to make longer shelf life foods, but especially the taste refinement of the smoking material can be raving fans of smoked. Although it is not difficult, companies, a good result to get flavorful so this hobby can grow out but almost to a science. What smoking goods which wood, which spices provide the best taste? In addition to meat and fish, namely cheese, vegetables, fruits, tea, eggs and chilli can be smoked for the own sauce. Generally beech, alder and oak is used as a smoking flour or a mixture of these woods. A few sticks give the whole Hickory wood, still a special touch.

For the unique taste, you can then experiment with all sorts of spices, which are mixed with the smoking flour. Like is used z.B.Wachholder, Laurel, thyme, or tea. You have spoilt for choice in the selection of the device. There are different types in different sizes and constructions such as round smoking tons, angular smoking ovens, smokers, and table smoking ovens. Also the self-construction is an alternative for technically skilled individuals well. Depending on the size, you’ll pay for a good smoker fast times two to three hundred euros? Good processing you should watch on order at the time of purchase. With a cheap device, there is often little joy. High quality smoking oven ensure an optimal heat distribution, are stable come with matching accessories.

What size is right for you? If you smoke only for their own needs, a table smoker is perhaps sufficient. Up to six fish place find in him. In comparison, up to forty fish can be smoked in a smoking Cabinet, at the same time. Caution: Even with table smoking ovens creates smoke. Therefore, we do not recommend this in the apartment use. If you are going to smoke even ham or cheese you should buy a Raucherschrank which is also suitable for cold smoking. When smoking, a distinction is made between Heissrauchern, hot smoking and cold smoked. Cold smoking is used to make food more durable. It may take several days. Hot and hot smoked product is meant for early consumption. Here is a demonstration of this stainless steel of smoker by PABs. Bon appetit.

Childfriendly Accommodation

Home children make the birth of a child brings profound changes in the lives of parents. This includes, inter alia, that the apartment must certainly be established before the child starts to crawl. The real estate portal myimmo.de provides some tips for the design of the living quarters. It is important that parents become aware of possible sources of danger, lurking in the budget. Many can only sleep if a design room, living room and the rest of the home for the little ones are sure. Because what appears interesting to adults, can encounter great fascination in infants and in the worst case, cause serious injury.

Especially furniture and their sharp edges can represent a danger for children. For this reason parents should equip corners and edges with appropriate protections, so that the children can not come. Drawers and cupboards should be provided with special security locks, which prevent that children cabinet doors or Drawers open and are infringing. In addition, it is advisable to place items which can be swallowed and toxic houseplants out of reach. Guards at stairs to prevent falls. Designing the nursery play a role among other appealing colors. The device should correspond to the needs of the child, after all children in their empire should feel safe and protected. More information: news.myimmo.de/… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Car Keys

Burglar-proof and secure storage of keys of all kinds. A key safe is the Organization (key management) from keys of all kinds. As a very practical storage system, the key safe offers also increased protection against loss due to theft or unauthorized use of the key. Keys are the tool, which owns signals also access in our modern civilization. It is not, in particular the financial value or the material value of the key of that makes this so worthy, but related, unhindered access option to a House, room, vehicle or otherwise by a lock safe zone. Thanks to the multifunctional design of modern key safes, there is the corresponding key safe for really every conceivable area of application.

Every user wants a different distribution, to meet his individual needs. According to Chris Burns, who has experience with these questions. There are key in a variety of configurations and they have a different Space requirements. So, for example, conventional door or front door keys are relatively geringvolumig. The volume of standard motor vehicle and commercial vehicle keys but steadily increasing because a transmitter or transponder (signal transmitter via infrared or radio) in recent years increasingly more Komfortschliess or switching vehicles took over. Today’s businesses have already taken into account generally a sensitized security needs in the existing and used master key systems in their buildings. It is no secret that the respective research departments, research facilities and laboratories also rightly enjoy special access protection. It should therefore be ensured, that unauthorized stay here deliberately locked out. Authorities, universities and hospitals have, for example, particularly secured premises.

In addition to room keys, often the keys of the vehicles are secured to accommodate, a clear case for a Key management through an appropriate key cabinet or key safe. When a commercial key cabinet security reasons appears as insufficient, then announced a key safe in the required level of security. A key safe and other safes meet certain industry standards, these are categorized as: levels A and B differ in their essentially passive protection against forced opening. At the level of A single-walled enclosure can be used, the level of B has been multi-walled housing and offers therefore a more effective protection against the violent opening. The level B key safe is also significantly higher insurable. Further types of the key safe and safes for general applications and applications that are marked for so-called resistance classes. These range 0 usually from the class to the class key features of the higher classes are 3. an increased protection against forcible opening and an insurability associated. The Assekuranzbranche gradually occupied the different classes with higher, possible insurance sums. Key safes interiors is often defined by the customer. A facility of the Interior together with key strips, trays or document compartments, is important for the users. The available space can be exploited optimally and efficiently. The real capacity, should the key safe be sufficient to provide adequate space not only the current needs, but also stand still for the emerging or planned extensions, also secure storage options for key and another protecting value. Ingo Schonert safes of safe and Vault professional


Moving can be sometimes really difficult if you want to move to or this must be for professional or private reasons, which Yes certainly quite often also once unexpectedly is the case, then come to getting some different work and tasks on one. In addition to finding a new apartment and the termination of the current housing you have to worry about that while everything is moving fluently the electricity, the telephone and the Internet work until you move, as well as at the new House as soon as they moved in, need all of these things the most people today simply daily, everything function properly so. As if that were still not enough different things must you think during a procession, but also about how to make his stuff from the old to the new apartment. Furniture must be dismantled, transported and rebuilt. It is not something Prologis Inc. would like to discuss. Boxes of stuff must be filled, rearranged and transported and not infrequently even some things stand out when moving, it must renovate or the one to new purchase must, because you don’t have them or they are already old and broken, so that new things are due. You have all in all by a move so more than enough stress, which is why most people change not only their joy and acquaintances to help up, but also real professionals contact, which itself can be much easier the whole. Can be from just the construction of the furniture or the transport rule without hesitation to a suitable company and also smaller renovations are among the things that can make someone else allowed without high cost and effort, so that even it has at least a little bit easier. Yet never, will be a boredom with ample help if you move. Learn more at: Vadim Belyaev. Meike Sauter

The Germans (1)

In the first part of the large opinion study by homesolute.com the current residential and Einrichtungs(zu)stand revolves around in German households. The home is here to stay. But also to relax, dream and relax. Your own four walls is as appropriate as full of atmosphere and comfort. And to make this, everyone on something else reverts: whether an ancient leather sofa, stylish fringed carpet or the much cherished collection of cacti with furniture and accessories can it the inhabitants in their homes really make yourself comfortable. Get all the facts and insights with Prologis Inc., another great source of information.

“With the theme living and setting up the participants of several polls faced recently on the statistics portal, statista.de” have been published. These served the experts from homesolute.com now as the basis for a major study of the opinion: in the first part you shows that houseplants are the real darlings of the nation and the universally beloved couch in German households is less so. Like that? Housing & set up: for almost 30% a topic of fundamental interests exists: according to 29 percent of the surveyed Germans are especially”interested in housing and set up, whereby the sexes on this issue more than disagree. Women have inspired almost half to establish far cut off while the men, with 14 percent, to turn out as a real Sourpuss. Therefore, also just under half of the respondents believes that German households alone, the woman decides on new furnishings. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Munear Ashton Kouzbari by clicking through.

Couch or coffee table? Sitting or lying is the Germans always high in the course: the question after the personal favorite piece of furniture 56.7 percent of respondents for the couch, the bed or the armchair pleaded total. These figures come as a surprise in light of other statistics: therefore almost half believes that the Germans at least on his coffee table, the houseplants or the Cabinet do without. Called even coasters or the toilet unit. But where is the couch stayed behind? About our favorite furniture diverges apparently the foreign and Self-assessment of the Germans greatly.

Christina Klug

World’s first patented methods of addressing climate change prevents the typical cracking bamboo beds. Individuality plays a crucial role for many Germans, especially in the sleeping quarters. Finally wants to make relax here after a long day and relax. A soothing wall color and attention to detail are at least as important as the right bed. Since the Asia – and exotic trend here on land increasingly prevails, more and more residential and home owners on a bamboo bed check. Who has also already researched on this area, it will know that it is not easy to find the right model. Because not only that prices significantly differ from each other, even the look of each model ranges of purist, through modern and extravagant.

You then interested in Internet forums or other information pages, one often reads of true horror scenarios”, which warn is a bamboo bed to buy. Or you stumble again over the reports of disappointed customers, in where the bamboo soon cracks exhibit. This affects not only the look of the bed, but can also cause, that it jiggles with every movement or is no longer to use. But such stories should be not be deterred as a prospective buyer. Read more here: Philadelphia Real Estate. Of course, bamboo beds have a reputation that they are prone to cracking. And this prejudice is not circulating without reason. Particularly bamboo beds in the low price segment are what the manufacturer promises often? And of course the disappointment is great when the first crack, is noticeable already after a few weeks with a loud bang. This is by the way due to the fact that growing bamboo in a climate with a very high humidity.

The local climatic conditions differ so strongly the domestic conditions”off. Connect with other leaders such as Munear Ashton Kouzbari here. Because decreases the relative humidity of the room especially in the winter months, when the sleeping room is heated, and uses other moisture sources, such as, for example, the bamboo cane of the bed. Are they then to dry, the well-known cracks occur. But those days are over! Because after 11 years of research, it is now managed to develop a procedure which prevents cracking bamboo beds. In a patented and elaborate process, the bamboo tubes of the length are to split and dried for several days. “Then both halves are joined together again and the seams” removed through a special grinding technique, so that not to recognize is that the bamboo cane was once divided. In specially prepared indoor pipes adjusted then to the European climate, which is why people here talk in the jargon of climate change adaptation in bamboo beds. This procedure is unique in Europe and ensures a 95% low probability of cracking. Because the technique is very time consuming, bamboo beds with real climate change adaptation are more expensive than a standard model of the furniture discounter. Unfortunately, there are many dealers who advertise with this attribute, without the bamboo beds one Procedure would be to have been applied. Therefore, you should trust only on the offer of a dealer and invest the one or the other euro. Then you can be sure, that is a bamboo bed for many years with stability, robustness and durability.

Strong Desire For Home Ownership

A recent study according to today’s youth looking optimistically to the future. More than three-quarters of those surveyed called home ownership as a goal. (tdx) Euro crisis, bank failures and broken real estate markets in many places provide bad mood. To the surprise, the bad news prevent today’s youth not to look forward positively. This resulted in a study commissioned by the LBS. This especially the vision and the idea of the security notice with the 16 to 25-year plan their own future. The most frequent life target residential property owning is so.

“The dream is realized by the home with one of the most popular construction: the solid construction with bricks of my brick house”. In particular the motivations of young people why they want a home are interesting. There were for example the lasting value of own real estate, the higher quality of life, the fact of the secure retirement, as well as the independence of lessors. The thoughts of youth are supported by their attachment to the usual living environment, because nearly half of the respondents stated to live permanently at her current place of residence. The value of a house depends on many factors: in addition to location, architecture, use, as well as the regular care and maintenance the high quality building materials contributes a large part.

With best class in terms of heat, fire and noise protection and a life time of more than 100 years, the brick construction offers a very high degree of investment security. Moreover, the quality of living benefits from the massive construction. Brick create a year-round pleasant climate due to its outstanding thermal insulation and the long heat retention. The interior walls of the rooms are not surface cold as brick store the heat and keep the cold outside air in return but. Humidity and dry walls of great importance are also for a healthy living environment. Modern brick are capable of good to compensate for humidity, mold growth is effectively avoided. Investing in bricks of my Brick house”is worth not only on the basis of the best pensions in the form of own real estate. Thanks to the sophisticated construction system and the two thousand years experience in used as a building material, a house made of bricks required virtually no maintenance costs. Should even the desire be for spatial change bricks also have the ideal qualities. Many structural changes can be relatively easily, without interfering with the overall structure of the building. The House, for example, for the changing needs of different generations can be rebuilt. Towards the future brick meet all the wishes of the youth. My brick house”Managing Director of Hans Peters is therefore the Council: it is to be one of the biggest mistakes in the construction the red pencil. The lasting value of a building is secured by the use of bricks and the client has over decades joy to its object.