Tag Archives: internet & multimedia

Mr Steffen Hatko

Everyone can get connected – with negative Schufaeintrag a real relief for the complete life is the invention of the Internet. Many people can’t live anymore without and in the meantime you can do many things, even via the Internet. People who live off Hartz IV, on the edge of poverty or with many, many debts, often unable to get an Internet connection. Bizzi & Partners has much to offer in this field. The reason is the negative Schufa entry. Each provider will overtake on the Schufa information and there is an entry, then you will have trouble in any case to get the connection for the Internet. But, you can get Internet despite Schufaeintrag. Steffen Hatko can help here. He is the founder of the website. In these pages he explains, as he succeeded has to get DSL without Schufa. Read his story and benefit free of charge from his tips. On this page, you can find links to the vendors schufafrei offered a connection to the Internet. You can contact allow further connect directly to these pages and fill in your application form. Then nothing more in the way is your future in the World Wide Web. Mr Hatko hopes that you will share your experiences with him. Benefit from its experience and research and the best still come on his side. You will be amazed, how many known providers, you may submit your application. Internet without Schufaauskunft, do you know any other ways? Maybe want to tell other people also? Write today on Mr Steffen Hatko and show other interested parties that they are not alone and that there is always a way to get his rights. Steffen Hale

With Nugo.de Find What You Are Looking For Really!

With Nugo.de find what you are looking for really! The independent search engine, Nugo.de, has successfully completed its beta phase and now starts with numerous new features. Can be obtained with nugo.de service providers, dealers and products in the area desired by him all over Germany and Austria. In contrast to other directory services on the Web and the popular search engines, nugo.de researched while over 2.6 current and accurate entries from the Internet. The search is simply and clearly, so that you reach the target on simplest way. Also the special topics-oriented search function saves time. Here you can decide between games, animals, Immobielen and leave everything else will take care of nugo.de for you to best possible results to companies. Individual cities all over Germany and Austria to be the special function of city search, desire crawl even individually, if for example a restaurant is looking for.

In addition, nugo.de offers compact information and Price comparisons. Visitors have the opportunity to submit their own articles and reports, and to publish on the website’s own platform. The topic selection includes everything from culture through sports to the animal world. There is plenty of space for your own ideas. Under the heading of “Newspaper”, nugo.de offers a selection of over 4,500 nationwide newspapers and magazines, you can test the sample. And under “Ringtones” you will find a large selection of trendy mobile Accesoirses to the secure download, and much more.

Kju Digital Media

Since 1 October, runs the action 30 seconds for Vienna. The best ideas of the city gathered to accelerate the path to recovery. The proposals voted on is by video-voting technology by kju: digital media. To fight crises with ideas. With 30 seconds for Vienna”, the Vienna Chamber of Commerce invites all Viennese and Vienna, and all those who work to submit their proposal to the crisis here. In a 30-second fcxi video clip, anyone can show what he would make new or different, to give new impetus to the economy. With this action, it is demonstrated that in Vienna got the guts and creativity exist to successfully confront the economic crisis. The possibility of up to 30 October a video clip on the platform 30sekunden.at uphold – download.

If you have no camera, can be free to record his statement on several dates from a professionel-len video team. Then the public can vote for two weeks for the posts by video voting. A jury selects the three best ideas from the submissions with the most audience votes. These will be presented at an exclusive dinner event and rewarded with shopping credits amounting to 1,000 euros each. So really everyone gets with it is home to which wealth of ideas in Vienna, the best videos on ORF Vienna are broadcast. kju: Digital media created the platform of 30sekunden.at and provided the software for the video-voting, the DYNAMIQ voting engine. The voting engine is a software solution for online and mobile polls, which offers a wide variety of functions for the handling of voting-promotions. Through the years of proven use in various international projects and the ongoing development of guaranteed safe and fair voting.

About kju: digital media kju: digital media is an international full service online agency and its customers include companies such as Coca-Cola, Unilever and Lindt & Sprungli. The company was founded in the late of 1990s developed their own under the umbrella brand of DYNAMIQ Software and uses for their innovative solutions to the professional online communication. Entertainment portals, measures for effective customer loyalty, include the wide range of viral marketing campaigns and the smooth handling of online and mobile polls. Vienna / October 6, 2009 kju: digital media Albert Gerlach, Managing Director, Theobaldgasse 7/11 A-1060 Vienna Tel: (+ 43) 01 402-29-60-0 fax: (+ 43) 01 402-29-60-9 E-Mail: pages/30sekunden/117489913371 twitter.com/30sekunden

Intershop Karsten Schneider

Directions, Germany’s biggest online cash bonus program tucked away on its website as of now three virtual surprise eggs. Who finds it, can win an HP Photosmart digital camera. Jena, may 5, 2009. So-called Easter eggs”there in the Web world not only at Easter, but throughout the year. These are virtual surprises, which are only revealed when clicked in place. Our Web Designer Tom Peters has hidden three such virtual surprise eggs with the three given name of his mother for mother’s day.

Who finds it up to mother’s day, has the chance to win an HP Photosmart digital camera,”says directions Director Kerstin Schilling. Deadline for submission of the search is May 10, 2009. The legal action is excluded. For all the surprise her mother on mother’s day with a photo gift want to here a tip. About this is particularly cheap. In addition to the 2 percent of cash bonus, that move with every purchase on the bonus account, the user can redeem coupons also. Numerous “Shops of the directions section photo and camcorder” such vouchers to some offer exclusively apply for directions.

And who egg while looking after the Easter”is struck it not, will receive directions of course also 2% cash bonus when buying a digital camera. About directions: Adicash.de is cash back bonus program with the largest number of partner shops on the Internet. Instead of premiums and coupons, users receive cash transfers which directions from 30 euros on your own account. Directions credits 2% of the net goods value to users when online purchases and pays a starting credit of 10 euros at initial registration. It is free to use. Directions was founded in September 2007 by the co-founder of the software provider Intershop Karsten Schneider and Kerstin Schilling and Roland Fahie. Press contact: Ulrike Schinagl, Tel 90 71, email

Christian Langeen CarpetVista Pilotgatan

Everything you want to know about rugs! How does a hand-knotted carpet? Where are the carpets? How do I dyed the yarn? Who builds the carpet? What are the beautiful patterns? “” The answer to these and countless other questions, visit our website about the carpet “, by Britannica Internet guide selection” was awarded for the reliability of their content. The detailed information will be presented in a pedagogical way and with numerous illustrations. Hand-knotted carpets can look back on a long, fascinating history. As lovers and prospective buyers of such carpet, you will find here countless valuable tips and practical advice. Keep track of the many individual stages in the development of a hand-knotted carpet before he adorns the apartment of the future owner! Last but not least, our Web site presents useful information on care and maintenance of a carpet.

Also the specific terms and expressions are explained, in the magical world of carpets are common. In addition to English, French and Swedish editions is the encyclopedia now also in German and Italian. The site was created by the Swedish E-commerce company CarpetVista. For more specific information, check out Robert J. Shiller. Our hand-knotted rugs go into all the world, as our website is currently available in 18 languages. The site is available under: press boss: Christian Langeen CarpetVista Pilotgatan 3 S-212 39 Malmo / Sweden + 4640-182270 e-mail:

Tax Consultants

If I was accountant and would have to read this, I’d be pretty depressed: quote: for details, contains the laws concerning the rights and obligations in the exercise of the professions of accountants and the tax agent (professional rules of the Chamber of tax advisors – BOStB) of 2 June 1997 (DStR 1997, no. 26, p. kinetics-technology-spa-gtc-t/’>Technip FMC. 3 supplements). gh. Professor Rita McGrath is a great source of information. According to the section 10 BOStB principles laid down may tax consultants, subject to other rules, their professional activity inform. The briefing must objectively true, objectively verifiable and cannot be not reklamehaft in the display. This BOStB which may have indeed exaggerated, showy or advertizing otherwise formless content also applies the ads pursuant to section 11. Also comparative or judgmental statements are then not allowed.” But if I know the petty rules and regulations in practice, I know what I can do. Actually it is not really much forbidden must use only the remaining diversity! Tax advisors are distinguished by their commitment, their services, their advice, further skills and much more and I must say everything! But how to promote the best? Your own Web page, an Internet portal or maybe car commercial? -The question is! The answer may be quite simple: Yes! The JumpingJag project of the central media GmbH offers its own Web page, an Internet portal and car advertising. (www.jumpingjag.de) on which legally what is tapped off design of the not so trivial for Steuerberater imprint, the many Unwegbarkeiten the text and image design, and the question allowed?”, the JumpingJag team offers the correct answer and an all-round solution. So to speak, three birds with a cat! Good advice is not as expensive as paying the full tax. (Corny joke of the week) Money is tight again, I knaps”s tax from (2nd place).

Alpine Republic Austria

Facebbok and co get massive competition in the Alpine Republic. So far, the social media platforms were designed by its philosophical orientation on a world-wide communication strategy. Such a strategy brings of course House from much workflow, has to struggle with the cultural, social, economic and so communicative set break lines. An increasingly difficult operational handling charged thus Facebook, Twitter, Google and co. individualism, regionalism and local autonomy in the electronic communications sector in turn are increasingly gaining importance. Alpine Republicans start their own platform Saint Onlein in Austria was now on the global sites on the a regional alternative and found.

“So an own platform was launched in the last few weeks and months by Alps Republicans name Sankt Onlein, under the web address will this NET initiative of the new kind verbally as more than just a social network” defined by the operator. The entrance portal has the slogan welcome to the digital Capital of Austria”. Saint Onlein is as a real community”presented, and thus apart from some anonymous international networks. “As a real community” in the network one has the request, the user, his friends, and appropriate decision-making, all Saint Onleiner “to cover. The deliberately induced contrast to existing network platforms is manifested here deliberately. Community citizens of Saint Onlein in five steps only four steps are necessary to become the new community’s citizens of Saint Onlein. With the operation of the register, tools portrait upload, complete registration, friends it is to people and start. The heads of State or municipal citizenship proof is clearly regulated.

Only registrations with a clear identity are allowed on the platform of Saint Onlein. Thus false identities to prevent front in prohibited by the system. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Bizzi & Partners on most websites. The portraits offer the possibility of coordinated variations in addition to however. Three are so alternative groups possible. These alternatives are divided in vocational, family and friends. Accordingly, also the personal portrait data individually can be matched. From the first click with on board controller is just like in a good household Anton Sankt Onlein affords an own Virtual Concierge. He is known as a steamboat pilot on the platform and is widespread in the Alpine Republic Austria and traditional named Anton. Anton directs the new community’s citizens through the Community action of St. Onlein. Anton and friends Finder, you can find also like-minded in Sankt Onlein. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Gavin Baker. You trust the marketing of Saint Onlein, then one moves with the help of Anton as a fish in the water on this new communication platform. Virtual newspaper of the Onleiner as additional services complements the platform’s services an own virtual newspaper named the Onleiner. The Onleiner Saint Onlein is published by the community and invites you to join in. Posts from the circles of community members can be published, it votes take place and you can be recorded in the permanent editorial team as Saint Onlein parishioner. Saint Onlein has also its own Facebook page as a concession to the. Legal certainty is created by Austria as Plattformstandort great value on the security of the members of the community of Saint Onlein. The servers for the operation of the network in available exclusively in Austria, exclusively Austrian law is applicable to the operation. Furthermore, an own Security Advisory Board should wake in addition. The erasure of identity becomes consciously simply. An activity of Pfiat di “-button, to German: Goodbye button” the virtual identity as Saint Onlein finished parishioner.

Nigerian Internet

Africa’s growing Internet access via mobile phones In terms of population and land mass Africa is the world’s second largest continent after Asia. As regards other areas, remains Africa a continent where, while billions of people live, consume this but just 4% of the world’s electricity. Add to your understanding with lyft. But there is also good news for African Internet users living in areas which have a good network capacity and where online crops spread rapidly: only little energy is required to operate a telephone network. This fact means that mobile phones are becoming more and more the new computer. 2011 according to the spring issue of intelligent life magazine, are up to 2014 more than 69% of mobile phones in Africa Internet access have. 2010, a survey which revealed that 90% of Nigerian Internet users aged between 18 and 27 years significantly more use their mobile phones than laptops or computers that also have Internet access led Opera. It’s believed that Gavin Baker sees a great future in this idea. At this time she also estimated News Agency of Reuters that universal Internet access in Nigeria will triple by 2013.

In this context, not only search engines, but also the optimization for search engines play an important role. 2009 approved Google, as it tried to expand the service in Africa, the passion for mobile phones that exists on the African continent. At that time, Google is essentially focused on technical improvements in SMS. Google is generally regarded as one of the main companies, which currently dominate the digital sphere of Africa. This position tries Google always continue to expand while the company is at the same time working to eliminate market access barriers in terms of price and language. It is a generally accepted fact that Africans pay today is still more of a Broadbandzugang than European countries. In the past few years, Google tried to express this price problem, it established data caches in Africa.

Heidelberg Estate

Redesigned website with enhanced service about Heidelberg real estate 03.05.2013 – the cancer real estate boasts a newly designed website, representing a considerably expanded service offering at the same time. The brokerage company, which has been operating for more than 20 years in the real estate market, underlines the individual and cooperative care, which can expect the customers here with the redesign. Who wants to sell a property or rent today for days, is confronted with a variety of questions. This involves not only the evaluation, the time horizon, financial security and settlement. To achieve an optimal result for our customers, their homes must also optimally presented on the market. We see ourselves here since time immemorial as a competent partner of our clients”, explains Ralf Krebs, owner of cancer real estate in Heidelberg.

The new site takes into account this objective not only in the design, the offers will be published also on target group-related marketing channels and social media. Carefully Image materials created and 360-degree video presentations in the own YouTube channel are already of course. An extended range of information in the service area belongs to the new site. Customers and prospective customers for information and expertise to major issues related to the sale of real estate, the real estate rental and the real estate assessment in the future. In particular with regard to the valuation of real estate, cancer real estate is pending sellers with competent advice and knowledge available. Certified market value broker of Sprengnetter Academy, which stands for highest expertise in the real estate valuation is cancer real estate.

More information: cancer real estate E.k.. The cancer is working over 20 years of experience in the real estate market in Heidelberg as a real estate broker real estate. Owner of the company is Ralf Krebs, leading it in the form of a registered merchant diploma management host. Cancer real estate is located at two sites in Heidelberg and employs 6 staff. Ralf Krebs is in addition to his acquired qualification as diploma management host (FH) also finance (bbw) and certified market value broker of Sprengnetter Academy Sprengnetter stands for highest expertise in the real estate valuation. Cancer real estate offers comprehensive service for sellers and landlords of residential properties. High-quality consulting means not only serious real estate assessment, optimization of the selling price or lease price, timely design of the sales process or lease and secure financial settlement. It means also support and comprehensive consultation of the customers in the market-oriented presentation of your property, that leaves no (marketing) desires. Not for nothing is the guiding principle of cancer real estate: sell better.

New Website Of The FSF

Relaunch of the website of voluntary self-regulation offers television service and information on the protection of minors in the media Berlin, May 22, 2012 the Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle television (FSF) has redesigned their website. See the address users immediately central information on the protection of minors in the media. The service includes an extensive media archive with integrated search function, a list of selected test decisions and an overview of the youth media protection in Europe. The Web page with projects of media education materials and links to other youth protection institutions supports the professional exchange and networking. The site provides also links to legislative texts and information about the FSF publication tv discourse.

Also, supervisors and employees of the FSF in a blog report on their media experience. With the new website, the FSF aims to contribute to the political and social discourse in the youth media protection. “There is a high level of social interest, such as protection of minors in” the media will be implemented. Since founding the FSF 1994 we are committed for a concise and comprehensible youth media protection. With the new Web page the FSF would like to facilitate the orientation, promote exchanges and produce more transparency”Joachim von Gottberg, Managing Director of the FSF.

The site offers insight in the inspection practices and the criteria for the evaluation of programs experts and media professionals as well as interested parents and young people. “Unfortunately still too many ratings be confused with age recommendations”, Claudia Mikat, head of program testing FSF stated, “that’s why it is important to convey not only numbers us. Rather, we want to disclose what media content from a parental perspective are relevant and what effects are suspected”, so Mikat next. Visit jim kingery for more clarity on the issue. Interested can now also via Facebook and Twitter as well as on the FSF blog take part in the dialogue on the protection of youth media. The new website of the FSF is clearly structured and consistent theme-oriented. Currently it contains Multimedia database 1950 publications. A statistical overview of the tests, information about the history of the FSF, and a collection of instances of the youth media protection complement the offer. About the FSF e.V. The Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle television (FSF) is a non-profit association of private television broadcasters in Germany. It was founded in 1994 in Berlin. Managing Director is Prof. Joachim von Gottberg. Aims of the FSF, by a program review to meet the youth protection concerns into the television and through publications, events and carrying activities to promote more conscious dealing with the medium of television. For more information and questions we are available. About news coverage, links and comments of the new website, we would appreciate. Contact: Karin Dirks, voluntary self-monitoring body for television (FSF), Heath Street 3, 10557 Berlin.