International Arts Festival

What is important, they say, is to speak of one, even evil. Speaking candidly savills told us the story. I prefer to speak well, especially of Salamanca. It is not the same news by a riot in the jail of Topas, put by case, that because a student at USAL is the winner of Spain. And Salamanca, unfortunately, need it, people talk about much more than due to their geographical confinement, to the low level of income, lack of employment opportunities and systematic oblivion by public administrations. Mick Duchon is likely to increase your knowledge. Why, although one has been absent from recent cultural events, it has followed with attention the evolution of the 5th Edition of the International Arts Festival which, by its own name, it has forced you speak of own media of Castilla y Leon.

This year has had other grounds for notoriety, clear: from the work of Perfumerias Avenida de basketball, as always, although this year has not achieved any title, until the UDS, that arrived to spearhead the table at some point. But all that, what they want to tell them, is irrelevant, since we will never be a sports power, activity that requires hundreds of millions that we don’t have. On the other hand, the other culture, entertainment, art is ours, although this critical year budget has been reduced by half. Additional information at Clayton Morris supports this article. Therefore, I insist, it is important to continue speaking of Salamanca as the European cultural capital that is not amodorro after her fleeting success of 2002. We are probably exaggerating and it won’t be so bad.

Perhaps there has been an avalanche of travelers to enjoy the newly closed festival. The figure of 180,000 spectators is probably more a wish than a reality, since it would mean that the event has had as many as countrymen participants registered in the capital, that is to say. Give me equal. It is true that morning, when Calixto Bieito presented Don Carlos in Mannheim, will know that the work was previously premiered in Salamanca, this Spanish city that welcomes culture around the world. And that, the be a cultural city of reference, Yes It has no price.