Costs must be paid, who changes his place of residence, must be his landlord who directly share with new address. Costs bills that do not reach their recipient because of this failing, do not expire. The real estate portal presents a current precedent. A landlord must not pay for incurred costs, if the settlement too late reached a former tenant. The District Court Kiel comes to this conclusion.
Although the tenants in this case had already communicated the move the janitor in May. This forwarded the new address but not on the Wohnungseigentumerin. This sent the service charge settlement in mid-December at the old address of the lessee. Three months passed until the post was unable to detect the new address of the lessee. At this time, the statutory period for the service charge settlement had expired. Clearly, the judges ruled in favor of the Wohnungseigentumerin. She was not obliged to make inquiries, whether their settlement would reach the tenants still at the old address.
Nor would need to ask for prior to dispatch in post or registration office. This would clearly overwhelm a landlord’s duty of care. No blame would share also the janitor. It does not belong to his duties without being asked the Wohnungseigentumerin to offer the new address of the lessee. The District Court of Berlin-Lichtenberg is reached a similar verdict. A tenant had not communicated his new address to the landlord and provided only a forwarding order at Deutsche Post. The landlord had sent the service charge settlement but with a private postal service providers. Anyway, it makes sense to inform the previous landlord, especially when repayments are expected from your service charge settlement.