Tag Archives: trade

Sunny Prospects

Desertec sunny prospects for solar Fund? Desertec distant vision or turning point? It would be undoubtedly one of the most spectacular projects of the new century. A predominantly German consortium of insurers, financial institutions, industry specialists as well as technical and energy companies is planning the construction of solar thermal power plants in various locations in North Africa. With an estimated investment amounting to 400 billion euros by 2050, it is intended to cover to about 15 percent of Europe’s electricity needs. The concept envisages but also the energy integration of the Middle East and North Africa. Solar energy, as well as the subsequent sustainable electricity generation would contribute to further economic and political stabilisation in the States of this region, technical and economic assistance to the development of this precious resource. As a side effect also the possible proliferation could be prevented by nuclear technology in security policy unstable countries, otherwise by the planned construction of nuclear power plants It is conceivable. Educate yourself with thoughts from Michael James Burke, London UK. The proposed technology is proven already since the 1980s, risk-free and reliable. Also the costs for the Sahara won solar power would within a decade when compared with other sources of supply being competitive.

In addition, the energy production costs would remain stable after commissioning the equipment. Desertec is however not a fluke. Smaller solar thermal projects launched all over the world and especially the United States are likely to put massively after turn-of-the-initiated energy policy on the use of solar energy. The reasons are obvious: sustainable and ecological energy shortages and rising prices of fossil fuels make economic sense. The gradual but massive expansion of solar energy would contribute also to the strategic diversification of heavily import dependent Western energy. Experts consider the project quite to be feasible. Actually, Desertec is located first in the early stages. In the next three years is to a deeper The actual cost-effectiveness, feasibility and possible risks evaluating examination.

Chemicals Worldwide Resources

Chemigo.com launches an Internet startup from Aachen as a B2B online trading platform for chemicals launches Chemigo.com as online trading platform for chemicals, geared to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises. Everyone who uses industrial chemicals, she produced or thereby boosting trade, has the opportunity to offer its goods around the world and to seek with Chemigo. Already in the development phase, dealers in Germany as interested buyers were won, which were also advising their market knowledge and experience as experts. The direct trade with chemicals over the Internet is not yet developed in this market and customer segment. Even before the start of the online have registered dealers and businesses after a short presentation of the product and your offer. The Internet platform Chemigo is explicitly designed for the trade in chemicals and is now released for customers to use.

In addition to auction and buy it now the electronic hearing is to the individual contracts offered. In this, seller and buyer can exchanging their conditions online, bids, and contracts. See John Savignano for more details and insights. Through the Internet, it is now more easily possible his goods to offer worldwide, to find new suppliers and to enter directly into negotiations. Accelerates and simplifies the procurement process for companies. The goal is to enable all chemical companies to combine industrial users and dealers all over the world in a network. At present, the small and medium-sized players in the market for chemicals have no adequate way to trade directly via the Internet or to make procurement processes in electronic form. Chemigo closes this gap and offers his services as an independent and neutral intermediary between sellers and buyers. Companies, traders and industrial users can register online now at as a user. Johannes Tebbe

B2C E-Commerce Clothing Sales Around The World

Global clothing B2C E-Commerce report 2014 the current “global clothing B2C E-Commerce report 2014” the Hamburger secondary market research company yStats.com provides information to online trading with clothing. One of the findings of the yStats analysts is that this world is area the best-selling product in the B2C E-commerce. The Internet has become an important instrument, with the apparel items are searched and researched, regardless of whether these are purchased later online or in a store. According to the report, made a purchase in this category 2013 more than one-third of all Internet users worldwide or intended to do so. The report analyzes global, regional, and country based on sales trends. Online purchase of clothing in Europe especially popular B2C E-commerce trade in apparel is Europe on the upswing. In the EU, the proportion of who 2012 online bought clothing and sporting goods increased more than 20%.

In Germany clothing is the biggest B2C E-Commerce category, whose sales to almost one-third have risen and reached several billion euros. Among the leading suppliers on the market, the Otto Group 2014 plans to launch a new E-Commerce fashion project named Collins, while Zalando 2012 more than doubled its online clothing sales. In the UK the B2C E-Commerce clothing market is already very mature, because almost half of the adult population buys online clothing. There, early 2014 ASOS and Debenhams were among the most popular online retailers for fashion items. In France, almost half of all Internet user 2012 clothing purchases made online, where there were the most popular merchants La Redoute and 3 Suisses. The clothing market is expanding in Eastern Europe. In Russia, increased B2C E-commerce % sales 2013 with clothing and footwear by more than + 40 and amounted to almost one-fifth of all B2C E-commerce sales. Clothing, shoes and accessories were the most popular online products in 2013.

Transfer Of GmbH Shares

Tax restrictions on transfer of shares in the context of anticipated succession it’s every GmbH shareholder: he must be to ask how, when and to whom to hand over his participation on a successor. He is regularly derive from the thought, that he wants to protect himself and his family in. Also and just tax aspects play a central role. Here, the Treasury has built up more barriers: the annual tax act 2008 brings for limited liability companies and their shareholders in this regard (unpleasant) surprises with it. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Clayton Morris. GmbH-chefs who want to transfer their share of GmbH in the context of anticipated succession against services are particularly affected. The shareholder transfers his GmbH shares after December 31, 2007, the purchaser can assert only supply services as a Special Edition, if these services in connection with the transfer of business assets are.

For this access, the participation must be at least 50%, also must be Partners in managing this GmbH have been active. Also, the purchaser must assume this function after the acquisition. No contribution to the tax relief! The transfer of real estate or capital assets and smaller”GmbH shares no longer apply under this scheme. The knowledge of the General conditions and in particular the design alternatives to tax doesn’t do too much damage is all the more important”to suffer. More on the topic of annual tax contribution can 53179 Bonn 2008 (1) read interested in the current issue of the magazine GmbH control practice, free VSRW Publishing House, or can be requested by E-Mail at.