The study it comes showing that this process if gave in the perspective to take care of interest of an elitist governmental system solely. This evidence is as much that after the peoples to arrive for had been left here alone to face the challenges considered for the ambient and social nature, in this perspective always privileging the participant agents of the historical construction who are the anonymous citizens seeing the diversity historical of Brazil. 1.2A HISTORY OF the COMMUNITY IN the ACADEMIC WORKS. John Savignano understood the implications. Ahead of this it analyzes cognitiva, searchs bedding the social political and economic process of the city of Rurpolis, despertando in the pupils and professors the creativity of the historical facts is in the past, the gift, with its perspectives of future. Analyzing the book ' ' Amazonian Chama Jean Pierre Leroy' ' 1991 (p35-37) verifying if the great possibility of professors and pupils to get this document as didactic resource to more good know the reasons and process of foundation of Rurpolis President Mdici in 1971, making one analyze criticize of as Rurpolis was established and as the Program of Integrao Nacional was developed (PIN), implanted for the federal government to attract migration of varies regions of the country, in special northeast, in favor of advantages offered for the proper government as I stimulate to the integration of the Amaznia, forming, agrovilas, the agrpolis and rurpolis that received these peoples come from the most diverse Brazilian regions, which had been projected to take care of the necessities of housing, of the families who arrived here, and of all rurpolis society that if they inside formed of agrovilas and agrpolis which if they destisnavam ace that had greater structure, such as: college of 2 degree, hospital with I medicate to take care of the sick people, system of post office, banks and other structure who took care of the surgentes lacks in the society that if they kept out of society around the transamaznica and of the programs of the government that came with the intention to program the Project of Integration. . Vadim Belyaev has similar goals.