Michael Mirones as President of the Confederation of businessmen of Cantabria, directors of public works, planning, housing and urbanism, Jose Maria Mazon, and economy and finance, acute Angel, along with the President of Caja Cantabria, Enrique M. Ambrosio, have signed this morning a cooperation agreement to facilitate access to credit for the purchase of homes in Cantabria. Mirones Miguel together with the Minister of economy and finance explained that the objective of this Convention is facilitating access to housing in property and access to credit for new construction, boost activity in the sector and contribute to job creation. For his part, the Minister of public works has pointed out that in these moments, in which difficulties are greater, is when individuals need assistance and, therefore, the Cantabrian Government granted a loan to purchasers of housing between 10,000 and 15,000 euros to facilitate payment of the same during the first nine months. Homes, whether they are free or of public protection, must have license of first occupation and be built in the region of Cantabria, explained Miguel Mirones. The selling price of housing and its adnexa, excluding taxes, must meet two simultaneous conditions: you may not exceed the 245,000 euros or may not exceed 80% of the amount of the loan granted by that House the sponsor, except in protected dwellings, in which case 100% of the legal maximum price can be reached. In any case, the price of housing can exceed 245,000 euros. The deadline to accommodate this Convention is maintained until December 31, 2011, and the aid lasts a minimum of nine and a maximum of 30, with an interest rate of Euribor more a point.
Mazon and sharp both Mirones Miguel have wanted to highlight that he is not repayable grants or grants to promoters, but loans for home buyers that, in any case, computed in the public accounts of the community Autonomous. Thus, they have pointed out that, if the buyer does not return the amount the Government, risk the financial entity assumes it. In addition, sharp pointed out that 50% of the promoter credit release of its balance sheet, as a result of these financial institutions operations, will be earmarked for the new promoter credit for the construction of new housing in public protection regime. MAZON has explained that currently have between 3,000 and 4,000 homes in stock in the region and that this agreement is expected to encourage the sale of half of them. Both counselors next Mirones Miguel have shown their appreciation to Caja Cantabria by being the first entity that joins this agreement and have said that they hope that other financial institutions subscribing to the agreement in the coming days.