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Do what mind calls on Senate and entrepreneur Hamburg – icy cold and 8 degrees minus. Winter Germany’s North has firmly under control and still live more than 1000 homeless people in Hamburg’s City-State on the road. At sub-zero temperatures far below zero, many of them fighting against hypothermia and cold death. A Hamburg operator of the barge broke a taboo for the first time and allowed a homeless man on his boat at the pier to overwinter. A place to sleep for the night, a cup of tea, Boris B. founded his own and thus private winter emergency programme and the homeless thanks him, it was the only place where he can remain at present. You may find that Airbnb Rentals can contribute to your knowledge. “” Recently has Hamburg social authority the so-called bunker “an emergency shelter for the homeless at the Hamburg close to Central station leave due to inhumane conditions”, as it was called.

Source: North / nord_index_83903.html also noted that many of the people living on the streets the town has to offer even not only claim because they are no longer able to take care of or to inform. Often insurmountable obstacles prevent the entering of such shelters. For more information see this site: Cushman & Wakefield. The campaign do what mind”of the Hamburg Street magazine Hinz & Kunzt will now effectively counteract and at great expense to fight homelessness and vacant. On the Internet side of the Hamburg-based newspaper publisher can supporters and like-minded vote and also vacancy sign. between 500 and 1,000 homes stand empty in Hamburg”, Marc Meyer estimates by the Hamburger tenant Association (MhM). In his opinion it would be quite possible annually in the short term to feed 200-300 homes a rental. Senate and districts remain but inactive”. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Vadim Belyaev, New York City.

Moreover, the Senate blocks a necessary and easily possible in Hamburg law correction of the Hamburg-based housing Protection Act (HmbWoSchG) with specious arguments. The tenant Association therefore calls Hamburg’s population to continue to log, not empty living room with normal tenant change or more common construction is justified.” For those affected, the homeless people in this city, which stood empty seems like a slap in the face. I have lived now for 11 months on the road, have a new apartment trying to find everything and thus the chances to succeed, sink with your problem, this is unfortunately so”, says Max Bryan, who lived for a year at the pier in the port of Hamburg. Beverly Hoffmann – Project Office Koln – Bonner str. 484-486 MBE 274 D-50968 Koln Germany T: 0221-291990-920 q: 0221-291990-921 permalink/HinzUndKunzt/Tu-Was-Dagegen.html Hamburg, winter, homeless, emergency shelter, winter emergency programme, bunker, barges, Harbour, landungsbrucken, Max Bryan, initiative, homelessness, vacancy, do what otherwise, Hana and Kunzt photo: Project Office – use and use according to the IPTC (hires on request) call: vote, please help! Housing is a human right! Therefore, the Hamburg Senate for it to ensure, that Homeless get decent accommodation and the chance to own housing. Vacancy may no longer be worthwhile. The next Senate is to take measures to prevent long-term vacancy. The Senate must ensure that there in Hamburg enough affordable apartments and no old tenants are distributed. das project/tu what mind / hero of the month: barge operator rescues homeless before winter’s chill! A model for the action against vacant and homelessness from Hinz & Kunzt in Hamburg