"We offer our processors get the status of Certified Partner propleks, confirming the high quality products and work with customers – says Rafik Alekperov. – Program Certification includes an audit of production and sales offices of the partner company for compliance with our requirements for production technology, training, customer service and working out the claims. Only certified partners can count on full support from our side. " Improving the quality of care and involves extension of the standard range of services, which greatly increases the attractiveness to the consumer. For example, the company "Simplex" moved its client department on the clock. Now, get advice or to place an order at any convenient time. The company's specialists believe that this is especially true for modern city dwellers, many of which are painted bright day just a minute, and therefore to address the resettlement of his house almost no time left. Installation on the energy efficiency of crisis makes okonschikov not only look for new ways to attract customers, but also improve the design window. According to Viktor (PROMA – Window Supermarket "), the main trend of the last time – expanding the range of low cost products. "Furthermore, – the specialist – in the long term window market translates global construction trends. The main sign of the times – the course on saving natural resources. For this reason, today the demand for profiles with high insulation, energy-saving glass and so on. " For example, in April this year in Moscow Hall was presented the program "Energy efficient housing construction for 2010-2014 and projected for 2020. According to the project, a major factor in improving energy efficiency of residential buildings should be to use new design solutions in the manufacture and installation of windows and balcony doors, in particular – window profile and the glass with improved thermal insulation. Such programs appear in other regions of the country. Reaction market participants do not make them wait. "Thanks to the development of new technologies in the manufacture of glass for plastic windows will use energy-saving glass, with a special coating, which transmits more than 75% visible light, reflecting the more than 90% of heat radiation back into space. Consequently, in the winter in flats will be much warmer, that will save energy expended for heating of living quarters "- said Sergei Malyshev, regional representative of agc, the world's largest glass-making concern. Do not lag behind glaziers and producers profile. "By creating energy-efficient design, we can not take into account the fact that the solvency of a significant part of consumers today are much lower than before the crisis – said Rafiq Alekperov (PROPLEKS). – That is why we specifically designed the 4-chamber 70-mm system PROPLEX-Comfort. The new profile provides better heat and sound insulation compared with the 3-chamber and a better price – compared with a 5-chamber. " Thus, the rules of the game on the window market has changed. However, this does not mean that the industry comes to decline. We can say that the financial crisis drew a line under natural formation of the market translucent structures. Obviously, the total number of companies working on it will be reduced. Nevertheless, as often happens, Economic hardships have become a stimulating factor for the development and introduction of new technologies. Well, those companies that want to maintain your position, you must think seriously about improving the quality of products and expanding the range of services. Press Service of the Group PROPLEKS