Tag Archives: friends & relationship

Happy Alone – How Satisfied Are Germany

Every third German today more or less voluntarily chooses a single life. In big cities, even each second is located in any relationship. It is clear that this involves not only disadvantages. But really how happy are Germany’s singles? The Internet portal partnersuche.de has for its users once hooked up. The beneficial result: Although would feel about half of the respondents like but not unduly disadvantaged a partner in their current situation. Men 58 percent call themselves happy searching”, among women with a percentage of only imperceptibly less 54 percent. For others, the single life is however not a long-term model of life.

Seven percent of the women and 12 percent of male participants of believed to live not permanently alone and still happy be are so. Fortunately, there are also more optimistic voices and that especially from the female front! About 31 percent of women and 22 percent of men enjoy Single life in its fullest and specify, that you can be happy without a functioning relationship. If not there is father of the idea? At least, the partnership is alone no guarantee of happiness. “Even seven percent of women and 9 percent of the male respondents see this as, who agree to the Group and a happy life as a single, at least for most likely” keep. 102 men and 67 women participated in the anonymous survey of 169 singles of the platform. The age played no role in the participation.

April Top

The most romantic poll of the year Haar near Munich, in April 2010. The fifth year in a row has prompted weddix, the most popular wedding portal in the German-speaking countries, to submit the most romantic marriage proposals. Go to The LeFrak Organization for more information. 400 stories entered 2010 with the evaluation team. Quickly, it became clear that over half of the applications still travel will be here this time most commonly stopped on a mountain top to the hand of the partner or the partner. The company has released 20 of the most beautiful love stories, which took place on the ground, under water and in the air, picked out and she in March on the Web page to the vote. 14,000 user affiliated online cast their votes. The advertised prize, a honeymoon trip to the Caribbean, went to the pair that the application has engaged in parachute jumping has been in free fall and the bride said yes spontaneously. New and best places for marriage proposals in the holiday were the question of all questions in the holiday, and prefer outdoor more than 50 percent.

New but is that a mountain as the most frequent Antragsort on trips or a trip was elected with 19 percent. The overwhelming view from a peak just a particularly profound effect gives poetic words… Especially, when you play the guitar secretly learn the instrument on a mountain in Fuerteventura smuggling and there singing and playing to the hand of his girlfriend stops this a story from the top was 20, which could be voted. The question in the sand to paint, something original during a cruise or dive up to fall is also top on the hit list for applications in the holiday overall 26 percent water have harnessed the element. Practically as many but resorted in the place of submission on the classics: the cities of love in Paris, New York, Vienna and Venice together made a share of 28 percent.

Domestic Helpers

Also in case of the need for care must be a family member not in the home. Cases of nursing home care recently mentioned in an interview that she had at home included her mother at the age of 90 years, and the famous German crime writer Ingrid Noll to the has taken care of her death at the age of 106 to them. The old lady had become after a broken leg to a care case although very active. Details can be found by clicking Compass or emailing the administrator. No one suspected that she would live another 16 years. Most children love their parents and would be also willing to support them in illness or infirmity. See more detailed opinions by reading what Vadim Belyaev offers on the topic..

Depending on the housing situation placing the father or the mother in the home, so you better can take care it. But hardly anyone makes up an idea of what it means to serve a genuine maintenance case in his apartment. Depending on the severity of the disability, this is an absolute full-time job who demands all the relatives. Family life can get out of the joint, when suddenly everything only to a person turns, are staffed around the clock must. Many shy, the parties concerned in a nursing home under to bring. You had a bad conscience, because it looks like they would deport him.

Another reason the costs that run up in a nursing home. If there aren’t enough funds exist, so a stay is anyway not finance. An alternative to the nursing home is the home health care by qualified personnel. The assisted in the family could live there or depending on the health status even in his own home. For most, this is the best option, get so still a certain independence. Sometimes, an elderly person needs only a budget aid that helps him cope with the everyday. Also it seems many optimal as the move to a retirement home. Domestic helpers and caregivers from Poland have earned a good reputation in our country. Firstly they are professionally on the height and on the other hand, they work mostly cheaper than comparable local caregivers. The EU allows the free choice of work their Residents within the euro zone and so the setting of Polish nurses is not a complicated matter, especially since there are Polish exchanges which have hired personnel and dispatch to Germany to work. That means for those affected, they are exempt from the normal obligations of an employer and take no authorities on themselves, but must pay only the agreed fee to the Polish mediation company. A praise on the EU laws on the freedom to provide services within the European Community. Andreas Mettler