Throughout the history of mankind, there have been large character which have been characterized by its remarkable success in life and many others who have gone without penalty or glory. Much of our lives we spend looking for the way to achieve success. Sometimes we succeed and other failed. Desirable would keep us as much as possible in the moments of success. Before I continue, let me define the word success, since you can apply differently for many people. According to the Larousse dictionary the word success must be understood in four different ways: 1. result, especially happy, a company or action taken, or an event 2.
Anything that involves a success or outcome 3. Acceptance of a person or thing by lot of people 4. Circumstance of getting what you want in professional, social or economic. Being this last concept which is most used. Continuing with the topic in question the question that we are asking now is: does influence my environment may have to determine my success or? failure in life? Factors such as where were you born? Where do you live? With whom do you live? Where did you study? What is your socioeconomic status? What is your language? Yet what physicist? These and many other factors may be aspects that determine the path to follow, but not the result you want to obtain, in this case the success. What I mean with this? Whatever your environment, you have the possibility to make a difference and leave a mark. I do not know your current situation, constraints that you may have, or obstacles, that according to you, you are preventing success.
The only thing that I can assure you, is that all have difficulties but few know how to resolve them or at least deal with them. The truth is that your success is based on your skills to solve the problems, the desire you have to achieve your goals and the decisions you make to achieve it. Jim kingery wanted to know more. The environment in which you find yourself today, by more poor or rich manner, presents opportunities, some more than others. You just have to be attentive to know to take advantage of them. Then, what is the right environment for success? And the answer is this: the one you have now, you only have to be thoroughly awake to catch a glimpse of the range of good possibilities that life presents you every day and put them into practice. It takes into account the life you’re wearing today, is all that you have and not you can enjoy yourself it’s lamentation in lamentation and looking forward to what you do not have. Better take action and begins to chase your dreams, with what you have.