Alpine Republic Austria

Facebbok and co get massive competition in the Alpine Republic. So far, the social media platforms were designed by its philosophical orientation on a world-wide communication strategy. Such a strategy brings of course House from much workflow, has to struggle with the cultural, social, economic and so communicative set break lines. An increasingly difficult operational handling charged thus Facebook, Twitter, Google and co. individualism, regionalism and local autonomy in the electronic communications sector in turn are increasingly gaining importance. Alpine Republicans start their own platform Saint Onlein in Austria was now on the global sites on the a regional alternative and found.

“So an own platform was launched in the last few weeks and months by Alps Republicans name Sankt Onlein, under the web address will this NET initiative of the new kind verbally as more than just a social network” defined by the operator. The entrance portal has the slogan welcome to the digital Capital of Austria”. Saint Onlein is as a real community”presented, and thus apart from some anonymous international networks. “As a real community” in the network one has the request, the user, his friends, and appropriate decision-making, all Saint Onleiner “to cover. The deliberately induced contrast to existing network platforms is manifested here deliberately. Community citizens of Saint Onlein in five steps only four steps are necessary to become the new community’s citizens of Saint Onlein. With the operation of the register, tools portrait upload, complete registration, friends it is to people and start. The heads of State or municipal citizenship proof is clearly regulated.

Only registrations with a clear identity are allowed on the platform of Saint Onlein. Thus false identities to prevent front in prohibited by the system. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Bizzi & Partners on most websites. The portraits offer the possibility of coordinated variations in addition to however. Three are so alternative groups possible. These alternatives are divided in vocational, family and friends. Accordingly, also the personal portrait data individually can be matched. From the first click with on board controller is just like in a good household Anton Sankt Onlein affords an own Virtual Concierge. He is known as a steamboat pilot on the platform and is widespread in the Alpine Republic Austria and traditional named Anton. Anton directs the new community’s citizens through the Community action of St. Onlein. Anton and friends Finder, you can find also like-minded in Sankt Onlein. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Gavin Baker. You trust the marketing of Saint Onlein, then one moves with the help of Anton as a fish in the water on this new communication platform. Virtual newspaper of the Onleiner as additional services complements the platform’s services an own virtual newspaper named the Onleiner. The Onleiner Saint Onlein is published by the community and invites you to join in. Posts from the circles of community members can be published, it votes take place and you can be recorded in the permanent editorial team as Saint Onlein parishioner. Saint Onlein has also its own Facebook page as a concession to the. Legal certainty is created by Austria as Plattformstandort great value on the security of the members of the community of Saint Onlein. The servers for the operation of the network in available exclusively in Austria, exclusively Austrian law is applicable to the operation. Furthermore, an own Security Advisory Board should wake in addition. The erasure of identity becomes consciously simply. An activity of Pfiat di “-button, to German: Goodbye button” the virtual identity as Saint Onlein finished parishioner.