
The Importance of the Communication in the Management of Diogo Projects Da Silva Dantas SUMMARY the communication in them serves as interchange of information between citizen or objects, making with that the information are passed of specific form so that is understood clearly. The elements are diverse that compose the communication, however also exist diverse factors that can influence intern external and the process of the communication and the agreement of the transmitted information. This study it is come back toward the importance of the communication in the management of projects where Project Management Institute1 (PMI) detaches the area of the communication, as one of most important in the management of projects, for the simple fact of that the manager of projects passes great part of its time if communicating, therefore all the involved ones must understand the information correctly and thus to guarantee the good course and success of the project. In elapsing of this study we will be able to see a communication model sufficiently efficient, this model alone it functions exactly in the theory, to put in will give a knowledge to them of a correct model of communication. Word-key: Communication; Management of Projects; Elements of the Communication. ABSTRACT The communication you serve US an exchange of information between the subject and objects, making the information you be passed in specific way only that it may be clearly understood. These ploughs the elements that make up the communication, to however there ploughs also several factors that can influence internally and externally the process of communication and understanding of the information transmitted. This study is focused on the importance of communication in the management of projects where the Project Management Institute (PMI) highlights the area of communication, such one of the most important in the management of projects, will be the simple fact that the project to manager spends most of his teams communicating, therefore, all the parties involved must understand correctly the information and thus ensure the smooth running and success of the project.