Established in 2008, the NSO GAU "MFC" (Multi-center organization of public and municipal services to the Novosibirsk region) from early 2010 uses in its work (call center by calling 052) communication capabilities of the software platform Oktell. Implementing the principle of "one window" multipurpose center is a modern tool of public and municipal services. Thanks to the MFC increasing awareness of citizens about the procedures and conditions for provision of services, methods and instruments necessary for their implementation. As a centralized place of reception, registration and issuance of documents and physical legal persons, VAT GAU "MFC", can facilitate interaction between citizens and municipal authorities. Workflow automation has allowed to reduce the waiting time due to the "e-turn" and reduce delays in obtaining documents. Deployed in the contact center GAU FNL "MFC" communication platform allows applicants to receive Oktell advice over the phone, without leaving home. Leading operators welcome the contact center on a daily basis treated from 450 to 600 telephone calls of the applicants.
Even during periods of peak demand, falling in the middle of the day (11:00 – 15:00), when all operators are loaded, the waiting time does not exceed two minutes. In after-hours, converts the citizens have an opportunity with intelligent voice menu (IVR) to obtain information on their own mode of operation and location of the MFC, as well as leaving a voice message after listening to that, Contact Center Specialist will contact to clarify any questions or assistance. Thanks to the platform Oktell produced records of appeals, is formed card number. Capabilities deployed in the contact center MFC Oktell system can handle not only telephone calls of the population, but also to communicate using the channels of communication such as ICQ and e-mail. Use special plug-ins Oktell system generates referrals and rankings distribution of operators, some of which is responsible for the ICQ-messages, and another – for handling e-mail. Implementing the principle of "feedback" Contact Center MFC informs citizens about their willingness to documents through a phone call or SMS-message. Describing the correctness of the chosen strategy for dealing with a population of MFC since its inception in late 2008, has opened several branches.
December 23, 2010 opened a third account branch MFC, which represents over 120 state and municipal services areas – social support, real estate and business support. Improving the quality of work population, experts GAU FNL "MFC" master set in the contact center system Oktell. January 28, 2011 Technician MFC Petrishchev Maxim Valerievich successfully passed the certification of knowledge communication software platform Oktell with qualification of "Three Stars". Averkiyev Anton, manager of PR company "Phone Systems" +7 (495) 921-15-86