Accommodation: Exist both free as payment, the difference is that on servers where you staying your Web pages for free, there is always advertising (well of the Distributor, other companies or pornography). If use a housing payment (there are very cheap from 7 or 8 Euros), get rid of advertising on your website except for that your choice and you will obtain a continuous support: free Web hosting: not free accommodation: accommodation of both types: domain: A domain is the way how your Web page is for example called has an approximate cost of 20 Euros, although there are also free ( and redirects ( example(:). with a domain of payment come by default always some email account, in pages from subdomains and free domains do not usually give no account of mail (except for some companies as Xilene offers accounts) to whom addressed this point in reality should be the first but I would not like to dwell more, the main performing a Web already not are the tools you useIf not have well defined the user that you’re going to go, created the website accordingly. Example: Don’t you think a website red and yellow if your website is a funeral home. Otherwise it remains in your hands you have perseverance and patience, I am the first to lose the nerves when a script is not executed as it should be or my Web page is not equal in other browsers. Your rhythm and is constant with time contemplaras the fruit of your efforts. I wish you good luck and I invite you to consult all doubts occurring to you. Ignacio Santos original author and source of the article