Individual Customer Communication Fails

legodo study: Companies at their mass letters to content not specifically respond to the expectations of constituents only every fourth company can a personal information and individually oriented subject consider Karlsruhe, 28.02.2011 – in written customer communication, the impersonal mass letter ruled largely because the companies not individually to tailor their correspondence to each customer. According to a survey of legodo ag under more than 200 sales and marketing managers in the German-speaking countries is only every seventh company in able for large volume mailings content specific wishes and expectations of its stakeholders to respond to. In every fourth case this can be realized only limited to selected customer groups, 60 percent of those polled even a textual standards limit. A clear indication that usually a largely impersonal written dialogue prevails in the practice of the company, is also reflected in the other findings of the study. As to the question, What possibilities be used addressing individual except for a roll-call salutation in customer communications with numerous release, very significant weaknesses are apparent. So only 42 percent can make a rule-based selection of information for their A -, B – and C client. Even worse, it looks at the other aspects of an individual correspondence: Aktionsorientierte content such as seasonal deals only in well every third case take into account, a customer-oriented selection of side dishes is even still less possible. As well, only every fourth company can perform a subject line that is geared individually to the addressee and a design distinction between private and business customers is rarely feasible.

Integrating a personal message about free text is waived in three quarters of the companies surveyed, because their technical solutions do not allow this. Another aspect also has large deficits according to the legodo survey in practice: customer reactions are rarely in the written Communication link. This is possible only when each tenth enterprise of automated solutions, another 29 percent can realize this at least conditionally automatically. In all other cases, a consideration of customer reactions may either not (32 percent) or only manual (28 percent). It looks, that lacking the technical possibilities for a more individual written customer dialog”, legodo Board Member Marc Kresin interpreted the survey results. This is in clear contradiction to the findings of a previous study that a majority of firms personal wants to align their customer communications. This gap must be closed now between rhetoric and reality, to satisfy the own claim”, Karen sees a duty to act in the company.

Known to be continuously declining acceptance of impersonal mass letters makes it necessary to give the customers the feeling, again more that each of great importance is attached and they are not only part of a database.” About legodo ag: Legodo developed software for relevant customer communication to the quick and easy production of written correspondence.