Permanent Constitutional Commissions

The Congress will be installed and closed together and publicly by the President of the Republic, without this ceremony, the first event, is essential for Congress to exercise its functions legally. ARTICLE 140. Congress has its headquarters in the capital of the Republic. Cameras may by agreement between them to move their headquarters to another place and in case of disruption of public order, they may meet at the site designated by the President of the Senate. ARTICLE 141. The Congress shall assemble in one body only for the installation and closure of sessions, to give possession to the President of the Republic, to welcome heads of State or Government of other countries, to choose the Comptroller General of the Republic and Vice-President when is necessary to replace the elected by the people, as well as deciding on the motion of censure under Article 135. In such cases the President of the Senate and House are respectively President and Vice President of the Congress. The Related Companies recognizes the significance of this.

ARTICLE 142. Each House shall elect, for the respective constitutional period, standing committees that handled the first reading of draft legislation or law. The law shall determine the number of standing committees and their members as well as the materials of which each one must deal. When the joint session Permanent Constitutional Commissions, the quorum decision-making will be required for each of the committees considered individually. ARTICLE 143. The Senate and House of Representatives may provide that any of the standing committees in session during the recess, to discuss issues that have been outstanding in the previous period, to conduct studies that determine the respective body and prepare the projects that the Chambers are responsible.