Cologne real estate company e-rent created spherical videos literally new ways can pursue prospects of Cologne-e-rent real estate Dr. Wirth KG at the virtual home tour. “First real estate company worldwide, the Broker uses spherical videos” a 360-degree videos or SpheriVid “called. The videos show flats, which has the company in the offer. Special feature: In the videos the viewer can freely in any direction gaze his mouse he changes the perspective and draws the view of where he wants to. So it acts as a walk, or rather you actually floating through the apartment.
Normal videos, where the cameraman pretends the viewing direction, and 360-degree photographs, in which the viewer only from certain points in all directions can look are common in the real estate market. This photographic technique is known to many from Google StreetView. When 360-degree videos on the other hand, a film expires. This means the viewer moves fluid on a the specified paths through the property, can look but all around in all directions. The spherical videos give a much better impression of the apartment when it previously with photos, photographic panoramas or conventional videos was possible “, explains Hans-Peter complementary rent Forkel.
Although he believes that there will be home visits in the future spot, but the spherical videos came very close the pressing of a real room inspection. Two years e-rent technicians have worked to make use of 360-degree video for the real estate market. So far only a few insiders know the technology, she occurred mainly in art, events, as well as in the entertainment sector. The cameras on cars were accordingly or attached under helicopters filmed events, mountain or road trains. They are designed for use outdoors. To film in apartments, the Cologne real estate specialists have designed a Rover system and constructed, at the camera through the apartment moves. A Cinematographer, located outside the apartment and never interferes in the picture, directs this construction with a remote control. The camera doesn’t have as usual only a video lens, but six, that filming at the same time in different directions and capture so the full range of possible views prospects. Special programs and high-performance computers are used for further processing. With the spherical videos, e-rent confirmed his reputation as a technical pioneer in the real estate industry. The company has used the Internet as one of the first brokerages at all. 1996 Was a trilingual Internet site on the net. Three years apartments with photos were published (at that time still a small revolution). in 2008 followed a coup, which caused a certain notoriety beyond the real estate scene: the first Videomaps of the world. For the maps, routes were almost completely filmed in videos from Cologne, Bonn and Dusseldorf. About the e-rent real estate Dr. Wirth KG: the company specializes in furnished rentals specialized and provides apartments in the metropolitan areas of Cologne, Bonn and Dusseldorf. e-rent real estate is one of the largest providers of accommodation in Germany. First and foremost the offer is aimed at companies who are looking for housing for their employees, but also individuals can rent the real estate.