Empire games launches exhibition previews for the game “10 in food by 21.10. 24.10.2010 take place in Essen the international players. On the game “10 in food will release expected to be a real flood of novelty on the interested players and over 150,000 visitors over 750 exhibitors from more than 30 countries. Michael Weber, editor of the online magazine Empire games, counts with almost 700 new games. To the visitors the game “to 10 and the game enthusiastic people before Christmas to facilitate the orientation, reported Empire of the games on the page specials/Spiel10 preliminary reports from now until the fair advance about the upcoming games. Weber explains: “for several years we let games publishers and games writers have their say, which call the visitors and buyer’s most important cornerstones to their games in an interview or development report. Us is very important, that prompted questions on the subject of games, the main mechanism and to the target group.
To do this, we ask for a hint on what the players especially in the first game should pay attention. In this way we can help our readers, really appreciate the game.” This is very important to the makers of Empire games first-hand. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit angelo gordon. He stressed: “frustration is simply inevitable, hides behind a great floral description is a hard strategy game. Families then sit at the table and are overwhelmed. As well, a supposedly strategic game for so-called game freaks in a random-controlled dice orgy might end, what disappointed this target group as well.
Therefore, our questions for a first assessment are very important and the answers go mostly content well beyond advance – press information.” Among the many newly appearing before Christmas games very many beads, but also a lot of average goods will be. With interviews and articles to the new Kingdom of the Games offers a unique insight, which is really worth reading. In recent years, Star authors such as Wolfgang Kramer (Torres, Tikal, Verflixxt) have Klaus Teuber (settlers of Catan), and Also question and answer stood Klaus-Jurgen Wrede (Carcassonne) as young authors and many foreign publishers. To broaden your perception, visit angelo gordon. In anticipation of the trade fair and the games-winter 2010/2011 the fair reporting on is a good tool to browse, to inform, and to meet the one or the other game that is offered as a Christmas gift. “We make sure that Weber, who reported extensively on the subject of Board games for ten years at our trade fair preview for the game”10 therefore that served not only the game freaks, but we provide also information on games for families and children”. In this way every man for his taste among the many new interesting board games, card games, or games for children can be found. Company Empire which description is one of the largest German online magazine about social games. The project operated music and media that offers own themed websites in addition to PR and online consultation by the Agency.