Web Site Static

The more links you have to your site better. If you create a blog that contains valuable content, just a lot of people will be willing to place a link to your blog. 6. You Can Add Interactivity To Your Blog. Visitors can instantly add their own comments on your articles.

This helps you to structure a long term relationship with them and earns their trust. This allows your blog more sticky because it gets your visitors to become impatient to read other comments or re-write more comments on your articles. 7. You Can Make Money With Your Blog. Blogs also provide an easy way to add advertisements for “Google AdSense on their pages. Blogger software has a plugin that allows easily place ads “AdSense” anywhere on your page and what size you think fit and can do well in all your current blog pages. Have a Web Site Static would have to add the AdSense code on each page.

You could also make money with your blog promoting “Affiliate Programs” or selling “their own products.” 8. What You Can Customize. The blog software has 500 plugins and hundreds of different designs to choose from. This gives you flexibility to make your blog the best thing you can do it for their commercial purposes. 9. You Can Easily Manage Your Blog. These are some of the features of your control panel of your blog: You can add content in minutes, can change the layout of your blog without changing the content, you can create a permission for other entrepreneurs can add interesting content on his blog, etc. 10. Your Blog Helps You market your eNewsletter. Many e-mail unable to reach their subscribers to its newsletter because the filters created by free email accounts to defend themselves from spam. A blog that contains diet “RSS” allows visitors to receive your “Bulletin Board” automatically on their desktop if they request the RSS feed for your blog. This will also help make your blog constantly visited by people interested in your products or affiliate programs. Tip: Before you create your own blog take the time to evaluate the purpose of your blog and select a particular theme that interests your niche market. Make a schedule for writing articles for your blog (daily, weekly or monthly) in this way ensures that your blog is updated constantly and therefore do not lose visitors interested. If you plan to create your own blog for your business, start NOW and stop wasting money by not taking the time to create a blog for your business.