Corporate Crisis

Gathered in our company this year to celebrate corporate. Nobody, in general, then, do not have a strong initiative in this regard. Again, squirrels, bunnies, quiz show but as they say, the chief said – we've done. Earlier, in the past years, we got along well – we invite distinguished artists, singers, etc. The budget was, what it should be. This year – a crisis that brings about changes in the already well-established corporate policies. The funds were severely limited – and had to turn.

As is clear, live music at the festival, of course, necessary. Immediately dropped the question about all kinds of shows, clowns, etc. Looking for serious musicians, and professionals. Going to celebrate not only our company but also gather partners from other regions. All serious, adult and mature people. It is they who at one time raised our company, when there was a crisis 98-x, they are simply her to pieces collected.

So, of course, will be a lot of nostalgia for those times, people are already experienced. Had to solve two virtually incompatible objectives – quality at an affordable price. Finally, after a long Internet, have been found and musicians, and quality. I will not tell all upheavals associated with the organization, but corporate has passed the mark, all were satisfied. Good restaurant with good location, discreet service, and the musical accompaniment was at altitude. Very were good guys, sorry that is not known. Particularly liked the pianist. Solo play, so that one could believe that this is a whole orchestra. And because last year we just invited to a live orchestra, it was with what compared. All after the speech was some heavy head. In general, the not very much. Maybe next year it also makes sense to order are not expensive, but good. Let us think. Therefore, never be guided on rank, insignia, etc. Always look, listen and choose exactly what you need, not what most advertised. And never regret it. Good luck!