When we think of the creation of the web site that will represent our company in internet, we want that this is perfect, we seek to be visually very attractive, to have interactivity, videos photos etc, we want you to dazzle visitors. With this intention many companies end up constructing pages very striking but very heavy which causes that when users enter them only the time that it takes to load the home is endless. This causes? Well, users leave the page before viewing altogether and resort to another page that offers any product or additional content. But not only users reject with slow loading pages, search engines also punish slow pages, page loading speed is part of the criteria of search engines. Lightweight pages have more options appear in results listings, but when we say lightweight pages does not mean boring or empty pages, that is an error. Clayton morris: the source for more info. A lightweight page can be striking Interactive, the difference is in the programming languages used. Before approving any aspect in the architecture of our page, we must think about the loading time. But the choice of programming languages not only affect the load, also these languages are referenced by search engines and for example, in flash content are not well referenced, this means that when Google spiders are looking for pages to assemble the results list you don’t see the contents flash that much effort have costeverything in SEO, not we want to say that we completely remove Flash content, but must analyze its use, as above all complemented by actions as you choice of keywords and links strategy, if we want to achieve a good positioning in search engines. And last but not least in this sense we can add that search engines also identified the travel of users within the pages, then if users don’t even go out of the intro of the page, now you can imagine the score of that page. In conclusion not always more elaborate and more stunning is the best thing for our page, there are many ways to make our equally striking page for users and for search engines.