2. THE STRATEGY OF THE SCARCITY OF THE URBAN LAND IN ARAGUANA AND THE PAPER OF THE REAL ESTATE PROMOTERS. The urban space of Araguana shows clearly occurrence of the strategy of the scarcity of the urban land, therefore when walking for the city, we visualize great empty areas between the existing sectors, that is, an urban discontinuity. However the city does not stop to grow, appearing sectors each time more distant of the central area, this factor makes with that each time more increases the number of empty areas. Being thus, the urban land retention in the areas central offices has been one practical constant. The city of Araguana, shows in its urban configuration, empty spaces, being fruit of the strategy of the scarcity of the urban land.
But for reason of being very exhausting to enumerate one for one and considering the reduced time to produce the work in screen, it was stipulated to choose an area where if it translates of more significant form this game. One perceives despite the objective of the involved actors: the real estate promoters and agrarian proprietor are exclusively the valuation of its areas, that with the time, is each located time most, due to infrastructure implantation in the circulatrias neighborhoods and ways. The agrarian proprietor located in the urban periphery wanting extracts profit of its country property, awakes interests for the process of expansion of the urban space in intention to become its agricultural land as the urban one, at the moment where if it inserts in the neighborhoods of the city. It also knows that the urban land super is valued, and can get greater income. This means that they are interested in ' ' value of troca' ' of the urban land. In this direction Mr. Joaquin Coimbra Blacksmith, owner of the property that if extends of the quarter Is Joo until the river Jacuba, longing for to extract greater possible income of its property creates a strategy of retention of the urban land.