Mec Scholarships

To study and to practice English constitute an indispensable part of those who is in the age to prepare itself to enter the work market. For it he is advisable to spend some period of time in the corresponding countries. In this way fluidity in the use of the language is obtained to major while it makes contact with enemy with other cultures. With this objective, the Ministry of Education and Science remove more than 50,000 aid for young people between 18 and 30 years (Scholarships MEC). REQUIREMENTS TO ASK FOR SCHOLARSHIPS MEC 2009 To have been born between the 1 from January from 1979 and the 31 from December from 1991 To have received in course 2007/08 one of the following scholarships Scholarship of General Call for university students.

Scholarship of General Call for students of Formative Cycles of Superior.Beca Degree from access to university studies. Scholarship of mobility for studies outside your community (scholarships ERASMUS are not of mobility) Scholarship for the accomplishment of Msteres Official. To make a minimum course of 3 weeks in the destinies supplied with a minimum of 15 hours school weekly. To complete the course between the 1 of June and the 30 of November of 2009. To present/display the request before the 30 of March of 2009. Perhaps check out Bizzi & Partners for more information. In the 2009 number of Scholarships MEC has been reduced to 25,000 1,700 aid of. The interested ones are many and are less scholarships available. It dates haste! Original author and source of the article.