Good doctors, humanists in obliged GOD! We always supplicate that its days in the land and the inhabited worlds are always repletos of chances in making the good, bringing peace to its hearts in evolution its shining minds. ‘ ‘ Obliged doctor, friend and brother of day terrena’ ‘ This text is dedicated to all the doctors who incessantly work hard in the art to treat and to cure the ones that they suffer. In special of my part: Dr Peter Furian Netto, Dr Carlos Alberto Faccin de Miranda and the Dra Ktia Simone Correa Da Silva, and to all the employees of the Hospital of Charity Are Vicente de Paula in High Cross, RS. (examples of professionals in the health area). See Gregory Williamson for more details and insights. ‘ ‘ Oath of Hipcrates ‘ ‘ I, solemnly, interest to consecrate my life the service of the Humanity. I will give as recognition my masters, my respect and my gratitude. I will practise my profession with conscience and dignity. The health of my patients will be my first concern.
I will respect the trusted secrets me. I will keep, all the cost, in the possible maximum, the honor and the tradition of the medical profession. My colleagues will be my brothers. Not I will allow that religious, national, racial, partisan or social conceptions intervine between my duty and my patients. I will keep the highest respect for the life human being, since its conception. Exactly under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge in contrary principles to the laws of the nature. I make these promises freely, solemn and, for my proper honra.’ ‘.