Carlos Mora Vanegas the directors of the company of the future will require having a Coaching competencies. It should be someone capable of identifying the obstacles that obstruct the performance and learning of its people and develop interventions capable of dissolving them Rafael Echeverria modern management knows that boasts a highly beneficial tool in pro of human performance, moreover, that lets help each worker identified with its potential, such is the case of ontological coaching, about its relevance, gives us than in any organization, company, not be be neglected, so relevant aspects such as work processes, value creation and management of knowledge, among others, which are generated through the talks; and it is these that determine that these aspects are satisfactory or not. Clayton Morris might disagree with that approach. The type of challenges that we face today in our organizations, require a type of relationships other than those so far have maintained and fostered. Those who worry about the performance of their organizations looking for long time keys to maintain and develop certain skills that we now call soft and allow the advance of their computers that is now necessary. A coach brings together these skills and also knows can develop them others. You have skills of coaching, is becoming as necessary as to keep our technological support. Hence.
that you point out. a coach is a professional who gathers a wide range of generic skills, enabling him to work with the people in those situations, which tend to be judged as problematic and which are related to the performance of the organization. Generic skills spoken have to do with the ability to listen and talk. With the ability to distinguish emocionalidades and flowing in them. With you have distinctions in the body field and react accordingly. The most common problematic situations, which usually requires the help of a coach have to do with:-difficulties of a person or group of people to reach their own challenges.