For Kierkegaard the irony of Scrates constitutes an infinite and absolute negatividade. It is negatividade because she only denies, and denies all the Reality; has infinitude character because it does not deny this or that phenomenon, and is absolute, therefore that, and virtue gave that it denies, is one higher, that however is not 5. The great error of Kierkegaard when considering the irony in its Metaphysical aspect, reducing all the socrtico method to this conception, not obstante its unquestionable genius consists of wanting to fly, as well express Kant in its Critical of the Pure Reason 6 with the wings of metaphysics stops beyond the phenomenon, and stops beyond the capacity of the human agreement. Kierkegaard, when giving little meant what he himself flame of fenomnico or empirical aspect of the irony as element of the socrtico method, abstraction this already repleta of difficulties, believed to be able to go beyond the texts that engrave acting and the philosophy of Scrates, distrusting of the aristotelian and xenofontino certification, constructed certamentetodo a building, beauty and concatenated good, however, ilusrio. If the socrtica irony does not have to be identified with the proper method, as it tried to demonstrate Kierkegaard, does not have also to be confused with the hypocrisy, that can be defined as the constant effort to seem good, either even so bad, therefore it only looked for to seem different of what really he was, and such attitude is far from being a trick; nor with escrnioe the sarcasm if identifies with its irony, which can be defined as instruments of critical whose objective is to magoar and to wound, characteristics of a dogmtica vanity that it intends to possess a inabalvel certainty.
For the opposite, the socrtica irony is that element importantssimo of its method, which does not possess an end in itself exactly, therefore it is not more than an instrument used to reach the purpose of the induction – the universal one. The irony in the socrtica dialectic has essentially a purificador character, therefore it aims at, beyond subestimar themselves before its interlocutors, making the dissolvio of all knowing proclaimed irrefletidamente for them and to reduce the nothing simply all the positive pretensions, for this reason also the socrtica irony seem to be on indissociavelmente with the refutation. 1 Plato. The republic. The thinkers.
New cultural, 1997, p.18. 2 Plato. Defense of Scrates. The Thinkers. Cultural April. So Paulo: 1972. P.32. 3 Hades. In mythology Greek, oHades is the god of submundo and the wealth of deceased. Used the Hadesera name frequently to assign in such a way to the god how much the kingdom that governs, in the underground of the Land. 4 Kierkegaad, s.a. The concept of Irony constantly related the Scrates. University publishing company San Francisco. So Paulo Bragana, 2006, p.221. 5 Ibid, P. 226. 6 Ver the Preface to the Second Edition, and Of principle of the Distinction enters of all objects in general in phenomena and numenos, in the workmanship of Kant, Critical of the Pure Reason.