
Although spine pathology or other diseases that can cause pain or discomfort a lot. For example, in addition to osteoarthritis and sciatica, there are some diseases and their manifestations as: illness Spondylitis, hypermobility of the spine, paresis, neuralgia, osteoarthritis, myositis, spondylolisthesis, and many others. Dogecoin brings even more insight to the discussion. The problem is that the symptoms and manifestations of these pathologies are similar enough, and to identify the exact cause pain should be the most complete and comprehensive examination of the body. Thus, diagnosis of the organism to determine the cause of back pain may include: magnetic resonance imaging (x-rays), blood analysis, functional diagnosis, a detailed medical examination, examination of individual organs and other methods. And only the most accurate diagnosis may be possible to develop an effective treatment strategy that can benefit. Otherwise, incorrect diagnosis, can not only lead to a cure, but also aggravate your situation. You may wish to learn more. If so, Gavin Baker is the place to go. At the end of this article, I would like to present the results of the survey conducted by spinet.ru site that reflects the people's awareness about the disease, which is the cause of back pain in their case, and shows people's knowledge about various diseases of the spine. Thus, almost 30% of respondents did not understand the difference between osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, radiculitis and Bechterew's disease.

It should be noted that this is the most popular answer. The following two options scored 25% of the votes are complete . One part took a survey of site visitors said that some of these diseases at all unfamiliar to them, and the second part, well aware of the difference of these diseases. 21% partially understand the difference. Thus, especially when taking into account the fact that the survey took part and for a number of doctors, we can say that more than half the people are not aware of the kinds of diseases of the spine that can lead to little or no ineffective treatment of back pain in this part of the people interviewed. Conclusion. Try as much detail to understand the causes of back pain in your case. If possible, use the maximum amount of diagnostic methods for more accurate diagnosis. Try to monitor their condition, to pay attention to any changes in the well-being and to celebrate the factors that could affect these changes. Maximum detailed information about your state of health and its analysis will help your doctor more accurately diagnose.