Tag Archives: administration and businesses


During the works it was possible to verify the quality of life, of the seated ones taking in consideration the real possibilities of social insertion of the families; the profile of the familiar agriculturists; the contributions promoted for the Pronaf in the nesting; the contributions of the MST and the Pronaf, while politics public, for the best social organization e, reach of better resulted, social and economic. During the research questionnaires had been applied, that had served of subsidize for analysis of the questions evidenced before and during the works and had been constructed the analyses to know the improvements in the quality of life of the familiar agriculturists. The reached results indicate the necessity of taking of new incursions on the part of the State, with others complementary public politics ahead of the challenges ranks in the present time. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Nesting; Social organization; Pronaf. * Graduanda of 7 period of the course of social service ABSTRACT This work has main objective you assess the contribution that the PRONAF – National Program of Familiar Agriculture led you family farmers in Pink Settlement Luxembourg, located in the municipality of Estncia/SE, you the improvement of living conditions of the same, since the credit line is used will be purpose of stimulating agricultural development, the strengthening of family agriculture, social inclusion, employment and income generation well, you establish the standard one will be sustainable development, seeking you reach levels of satisfaction and well-being of farmers you produce new model of agriculture into the local environment.

Hospital Gehosp-Management

Operators immediate of Health, doctors and patients: As to manage this complex relation. The chaotic system of public health of Brazil added to the economic growth of the country resulted in the increase of the demand of the private system of health. The numbers are amazing and the consequences are many. The Related Companies often says this. The significant increase of customers having access to the services of private health, had been capable approximately to relieve net profits of 22.5% in the last trimester of one of the biggest operators of plans of health of the country. Growth and little quality the growth of these operators, however, is not synonymous of rendering of services of quality with efficiency and credibility, quite to the contrary, the service leads ranking of claims of the Idec, (Brazilian Institute of Defense of the Consumer), has 10 years more than and in the last semester this index folded. Educate yourself with thoughts from Morris Invest. The biggest number of claims is related to the covering refusals, exactly in the procedures covered in contract, where many times it is necessary to set in motion justice for the release of a procedure. The value of the annual readjustment of the monthly fees is abusive and above of the value of the inflation.

Irrisrios views to the doctors the claims are not only made by the consumers, but also to the credential resources, in its majority medical rendering of services that receive to repass that it varies between R$ 25,00 R$ 40,00 for consultation. The values of the honorary doctors are not readjusted creating dissatisfaction on the part of the doctors, having as consequence the stoppages in the attendance, leading upheavals to the patients. The doctors have difficulty for release of procedures of high cost, where many times the operators deny the release of the same ones, intervening with the medical treatment and harming the reestablishment/cure of the patient. The wronged greater in this relationship (as it could not be different) is the patient, who paid an abusive value in its monthly fee and does not have the certainty of that it will have access to the service when it will be necessary, and will have access, it will not have guaranteed the quality and security. High values and little respect to the By rough estimate naked customer are clear that the financial performance of the health plans is extremely positive in recent years, remain to know the reason these positive results do not reflect in the quality of the attendance and zeal to the customers. The hospitals had started in recent years if to worry about the welfare of the patients/customers creating all an atmosphere for the total quality, prezando for the humanizao and cares you add, however the health plans treat its customers as numbers that almost always summarize to the term ' ' custos' '. As it would say one known journalist: ' ' That is one vergonha' '. It is clearly that the necessary ANS to intervine with more severity in this question, to not only stipulate the rules, but also to guarantee that they are fulfilled. Respect is good and everybody likes. Until the next one!