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Alpine Water

It is necessary for good care of the pool. Especially in summer the water in the reservoir can bloom and should be changed almost every two weeks. Path around the pond facilitate this task. If the territory in which to house the body of water, still contains a sloping areas, but care should be taken to eliminate them. To get rid of the slopes, you should use a stone material, which should lay out the wedge-shaped and covered with soil.

Many designers use the hilly terrain to accommodate multiple reservoirs. They are placed at different levels, make different shapes and very often combine all sorts of streams, waterfalls and fountains. Waterfall or fountain looks great on so-called Alpine hills from the ornamental stone. This creates a natural effect of nature. Brooks Falls will slide into the pond and pleasing to the eye by its elegance. Many fans of pool water is placed very close to the stone terraces, all while admiring spectacular moments of the life of the reservoir. It is quite safe if you pay attention to lighting and illumination at the bottom of the pond. In recent months, Nobel Laureate in Economics has been very successful.

This will create unimaginable splendor of colors at night. So we should not forget about the fence. These reservoirs have a huge number of options for planning. Finish is mainly used as bricks, tiles or pavers. Of course, the most beautiful finish will be natural stone, but this requires a rather large space. Work on the design of a reservoir of natural Stone is not difficult, as the stone does not need to stick to the solution. He laid out layer by layer, as a kind of wall. Undoubtedly, a terrace and finish the reservoir should be made in one style. The most complicated process in creating a reservoir – a mark the shape and depth of the basin. This is starting to perform with bright colored garden hose. This is followed by spades indicate the outlines of the pond. This is a very important point. Often the pond is smaller than the first layout. Not necessarily, that your pond will be the same depth everywhere. You can add elegance to it and pick out some places more than a shallow wetland area. It is recommended to allocate to it about 40% of the total area. The most ideal situation would be a transition zone in the swampy shallows, and then into the main depth. This creates the possibility of growing large variety of aquatic plants. Very effectively looked in the shallows randomly placed boulders, slightly covered with water. This will create an image of this wilderness.

Apartment Designs

You have decided to test their strength and themselves took up design apartment. However, this is not an easy task, because apart from the aesthetic qualities of the interior must carry a features such as warmth and comfort. And it means that everything must be in its place and used as intended: the switch located so that it can be easily found by going into a dark room, shower fitted at a height such that until it could reach, without falling into the bathroom and the shelves that you constantly in use, hung so as not to have to constantly expose chair. In addition, in any interior, plays an essential role properly chosen colors. A color palette to choose a home, Guided by the taste, habits and age of people living there.

For instance, the temperamental young family can afford to make a modern interior in the style of Pop Art, which uses bright, saturated colors. However, the family, where there are elderly people's can not live in such an environment. Older people more typical of the interiors with a more soothing color scheme and not too contrasting. If you do not take into account that, at best, find shelter, where it will not be comfortable for a long time, and at worst – to earn a neurosis. Just the color of the interior depends on the purpose of the room. For example, in children, from the dull solid colors should be abandoned, as indeed, from overly bright, capable of causing emotional fatigue of the child.

Modern Loft

Does anyone remember the Soviet "mezzanine"? Ugly box above the door or a corridor to the kitchen, where years of accumulated old things. To broaden your perception, visit John Savignano. A sober look at the mezzanine returned to her original meaning, which was found former French designers, the same upper mezzanine home. Now mezzanine design can easily become a bedroom, library or child, in general, an extra room in the same housing. From the point of view of architecture and design, the interior mezzanine increasingly interested in the form of structures that are used as a place to work and play within the overall space of the apartment. Comes a kind of "second floor "inside the room. It is interesting that in modern apartments with mezzanine hunting creates a spacious premises, and in the small: in the first case, the owners are driven entirely understandable desire for economy and convenience, but in vtrom – has a curious ability to dilute the classical layout of the unusual architecture of the space. Naturally, to equip a house mezzanine, where you can arrange another room, housing should be from the beginning meet certain essential conditions.

First of all, the height of the ceiling and quality floor. The first thing you need to ensure that finished design would not look too kutse, the second – that it was elementary reliable and could cope with any weight. There is often a temptation to build a loft apartment in an old house so-called historic building with a ceiling height of 4-5 m.

Design and Construction

Nowadays, a variety of architectural and construction companies are working on various projects for interior and exterior design for both private and commercial use. If we imagine that you have bought an apartment, have a vague idea about its design, turning the pages of glossy magazines, then somehow you come to the conclusion that you need expert help with interior design. Designer who will work with the interior of your apartment should be professional in their field, as it faces a difficult challenge: he must bring your character, lifestyle, attitude to create interiors. No doubt, the interior design of apartments should be unique. Your thoughts, ideas, desires greatly facilitate the work of a designer to help you find a good solution when designing the interior, as well as bring you closer to your dreams.

No one will argue that design – the art and to approach this issue should be creatively and professionally. The interior should differ impeccable design, modern lines, set up by the animal spirits answer to convenience. Design office, apartment, cottage, etc. must be original, with its originality does not depend on the size of the object, because if an experienced designer will come to develop a design project with all attentiveness and professionalism, the final product may hit its originality and uniqueness. Choosing the architectural and construction firm that will deal with design of your apartment, office or country house, one must remember that your order should be made to the highest level, using the most modern technology, compliance with all items on order, safety standards and strict compliance with the order in period. Must not forget that working with architectural and construction company, you should receive only positive emotions. Since the creation of the interior design of apartment, office or any other room – it's mutual work of the designer and the customer. He has a long, hard but very exciting process, which results in an exclusive interior design of the apartment.