The Segula LED series receives the TuV and surprised the Auditors by extreme Widerstandsfahgikeit. Since August 2010, the Segula LED bulbs have a TuV certificate. Thus, the LED lights of Segula company are one of the first with this certificate. In addition to the statutory requirements a further product feature now exists, which particularly highlights the quality of the products. Quite exceptionally, TuV has highlighted the resistance against overvoltages. The LEDs have kept themselves at a voltage of 460V.
Also this is a basis for a long service life, because it highlights the durability of the electronic components. Frank Segula, managing partner of Segula GmbH: we are of course very proud of the results of the TuV test and think that not only we, but also our trading partners will benefit from this certificate. Ultimately, the TUV logo provides an another strong selling point at the point-of-sale. With our LEDs, the customer has the complete security of Purchase decision. Get the classic designs, as they are many decades gives customers and now with TuV certificate.
Therefore the customer with our lamps can do no wrong.” Christian Essers, head of product management of Segula GmbH adds: us mattered, in addition, that the production facilities have been included in the certification. We always emphasize that we choose our partners carefully and see also this from the certificate confirmed. We will continue to be a trusted partner for the German market and our range is extended fully at the end of the month. Our customers may be stretched. In the next few days, we publish more details for this purpose.” The Segula bulbs range offers modern and promising LED technology in the classical designs. This means clear advantages compared to energy-saving bulbs, as well as conventional LEDs. There is information on.