When The Phone Rings, Comes The Horror

“Interactive movie ‘Last Call’ should for popcorn make the overthrow Munich, March 18, 2010 the advertising agency Jung von Matt has for the channel 13TH STREET with last call” (see below video) designed an interactive horror movie, in theaters thrill provide the should the idea: the audience gets an own role and is in dialogue with the main actress of the film. Young Matt, an unusual Setup developed it together with Telenet, the power flashes, and the consulting firm Aixvox. Viewers are prompted before the start of the film, to send their phone numbers to a shortcode. With a speech recognition system by Telenet, the selected guest of cinema via mobile phone can affect the course of the film. The announcements of the viewer are converted into commands and the software then plays the right scene.

Via mobile phone, to decide which way a hostage to escape from the old sanatorium chooses, whether it helps other victims, whether she survive or will become victims of sadistic kidnapper. While the viewers on the phone hears not only Voice of the actress, but experienced up close and parallel to the film their breathing, their steps, its all that fear. We wanted to pick up two borders: the one between film and game, the other between action and audience. We wanted away from the strict separation: there screen and action. Here the passive spectator behind his huge popcorn cups. Maybe you should measure the success of our film in number accidentally rammed around for popcorn”, explains Andreas Henke, Creative Director of Jung von Matt.

His agency wants the customer to 13th Street and the viewers offer an innovative brand experience: in short: good modern horror. “Just the horror genre has delivered very innovative projects in the past, such as Blair Witch Project ‘ or paranormal activity”, so Henke. The cinema industry is always looking for new ways to increase your traffic. Language technology we see in many sectors as a business driver. Therefore the approach by the Agency Jung von Matt is very good, the world of games, the active influence of the game’s plot, with to connect the world of cinema”, commented Michael Maria Bommer, General Manager of the voice dialogue specialist nuance. Last call by 13th Street – the first interactive horror movie in the world – software by Powerflasher